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P. Diddy's House Raided

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Sean Combs, P. Diddy, Puff Daddy, just had a Property Raided and we can compare it to when Trumps Advisor was Raided, the one that used to Work with Ukraine. Then it can be compared to Rudy Giuliani, because Apparently Sean Combs isn't even there. And I put this in the Music Videos Section because this is Basically a Sex Trafficing and Slavery Case, Peonage Abolished, etc, and has to do with the Music Industry. Some have been saying "It's just the Industry and how it Works" using Alanis Morriset, the Poor Confused Female that was Statutorily Raped as a Child and doesn't know how to Cope and doesn't want to be a Victim, is being used as an Excuse. Like "See, She was Raped as a Kid and Loved it". The People who Behave that way are SICK in the Head.


But what they are doing is Taking Things they know are there, and it was the National Security Agency, so I assume they knew there was Firepower, Guns, or Other Implementations/Ordinances that may Concern People, and it's Basically the American Federales at his House, as I Write this. The ATF may be there, but it's more like the Secret Service (the Homeland Security).


And there is going to be a list of Suits he Owns maybe, maybe not, but that is what Happened with Trump's Ukraine Advisor. But we may be seeing that P. Diddy was about to use Firepower or something like a Movie Villain, to do some kind of Crazy Attack, and Planning to do something. Maybe Planning on a Black Revolution or something like that, but a Violent Uprising. That is just what Homeland Security is maybe there for. But they are Definitely there to Learn about the Slave Ring if nothing else.

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It seems there was something going on where P. Diddy was Selling Illegal Guns and Drugs, or it was all Happening around him, and Females were being Trafficked, maybe Males, R. Kelly wanted Joycelyne to be a Boy or wherever. And so now, does he go to Jail forever or does he know Things and becomes State’s Evidence for some Wider Dragnet.

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I think some People are going to Learn how the Drug Laws Work and Everything now. R. Kelly was a Different kind of Creature compared to P. Diddy. R. Kelly was very Open kind of about what was going on, and Claimed the Parents had given him the Kids and Things like that, for Years. It was like when a Celebrity comes and says "I can make Your Child Famous" and it was a Musical Talent Search, and he was being "Given" Children and he was Raping them, that is what was Happening. That was what was going on.


It Seems that P. Diddy was of Course the same kind of Musical Entity Drawing in Hopefuls and Things, but he seems to have been more Enterprising. But maybe R. Kelly's Crimes just haven't been kind of Delved into, because there were Houses, and Hotels, and apparently some of it was connected to PlayBoy Recruiters who basically have Females go through maybe a Gauntlet You could call it, of Rape and Things, but maybe not all of it is so Horrible but that is what was kind of going on around R. Kelly.


And I think P. Diddy has some of the same kind of Things going on, but he was never like "I can't Read", he was always kind of more Serious, and we could call it Gangster. R. Kelly was calling himself the Pied Piper and meant "Pedophile". P. Diddy is maybe involved in, maybe around more Serious Things, and I assume that People were getting Killed in ways and numbers that were just unacceptable, and maybe too callous. Compared to Other Murders even I mean. And maybe he is just Selling Guns to People that Kill People, but maybe here and there he was Calling for a few People to be Killed.


I would Compare this Raid now maybe to the Silk Road on the Internet when it was Shut Down, that is Probably an Apt comparison.


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