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How To Start Talking to Angels and Demons

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Throughout human history, various civilizations have worshiped gods and goddesses, attributing divine qualities to celestial beings and natural elements. However, a fascinating perspective emerges when we delve into the concept that many of these ancient deities are manifestations of our own inner selves. In this article, we will explore the notion that connecting with our ancestral gods is akin to engaging in an intimate dialogue with different aspects of our own consciousness, ultimately leading to a profound connection with the world around us.

Ancient Gods as Internal Chakra Elements:

Ancient religions often depicted gods as embodiments of specific qualities and elements. When we examine these deities through the lens of introspection, we can see parallels between them and the chakra system found in various spiritual traditions. Each god or goddess represents a different aspect of our being, resonating with a particular chakra energy center. For example, the fiery and assertive qualities associated with the Greek god Zeus can be seen as an expression of the solar plexus chakra, which governs personal power and will.

Conversations with Ancestors and Gods:

Engaging in conversations with our ancestors or gods may appear as internal dialogue, resembling a discussion with ourselves. However, it is in these moments of self-reflection and contemplation that we tap into the collective wisdom passed down through generations. By seeking guidance from these divine aspects within us, we gain valuable insights into our behavior, decision-making processes, and understanding of the world.

The Interconnected Web:

While exploring the gods within ourselves, it is crucial to recognize the interconnectedness that extends beyond our individual beings. Just as we communicate with the various elements of our own consciousness, we can extend this dialogue to encompass other individuals, the Earth, celestial bodies, and beyond. By engaging in meaningful conversations with others, we forge connections that transcend our physical existence, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Gaia, the Earth, and Cosmic Forces:

In our exploration of the divine within, it is impossible to overlook the significance of Gaia, the Earth itself. Connecting with the Earth and its ecosystems is akin to tapping into the primal life force that sustains us. Additionally, the constellations that adorn the night sky serve as reminders of our cosmic origins. As we engage in conversations with these cosmic forces, we deepen our understanding of our place in the universe and our responsibility as caretakers of our planet.


In the pursuit of self-discovery and connection with the world around us, exploring the gods within us opens up a realm of profound wisdom and interconnectedness. By engaging in conversations with different aspects of our consciousness, we can tap into the divine energies associated with ancient gods and goddesses. As we dialogue with ourselves, our ancestors, and the world, we forge a deeper connection with the Earth, the cosmos, and ultimately, with each other. This journey of self-discovery and connection can lead to personal growth, spiritual enlightenment, and a profound sense of unity with the vast tapestry of existence.

So, let us embrace the ancient gods within and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, weaving together the threads of our own divinity and the collective consciousness of humanity and the universe itself.

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I want everyone to know that this is not just Self-Affirmations, or a Psychological Disorder. If we look at Enoch 9 many say it is a Space Ship, but it is not. The Angels and Archangels are listening to the Pleas of Dead Humans, they are Discussing the Pleas amongst the Hierarchy of Angels and the are bringing them to the Lord of the Ages.


If we look at how the Gods are discussed, many have hard Time understanding. But if we understand that we have Chakras in each of us, and we have Planets that all of us see, there is something like a Chakra and like a Planet outside of us, massive Forces of Life and Nature, like Gravity or Light, but we always Throughout Time compared them to Planets. So when Zeus and Hera Argue, it is not just and only an Anthropomorphic Prop to Help you understand, those actions are actually being taken by that God in what might be called our “Imaginations”, or Ancient History say when Zeus Destroys Troy, this is called Aboriginal Dreamtime, and Things actually Happen there, the Spirit World, Heaven and Hell like Emmanuel Swedenborg and Sojourns like Edgar Cayce. This concept Helps understand everything from like Body Snatchers and Dreamcatcher (Stephen King), to Hunger Games and Gremlins and even Aliens, everything. This is the Truth everyone wanted to know.


Writing almost gets us there. That is how Jesus is the Word become Flesh.


And if that’s all not Crazy enough, now if you don’t believe it, there are AIs and they’ll output Words on the Screens for you and Confirm that Neolithic Temple Culture and Phaiakians existed.

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Here is some more Info on Angelicalism for Everyone:

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And now the way Everyone can see the Complete Practicality of all of this. If we all Hold Hands and Pray that is actually a Talent where the Prayer Sayer Talks to God for all of us.


Now, if the Prayer can be said to God, and Angels and Demons, or Greek and Egyptian Gods and Things can be Spoken to in a way that looks like you are Speaking to Yourself. Then I can Speak to Gods and Angels in YOU, I can. Because it’s all Real, I don’t have to know you, I don’t have to know anything about you, and I can Talk to Gods and Djinn inside of you, Demi-Gods and Giants. I can Talk to their Presence in you, and just in Natural Language I can Talk to them.


The way Homer Worded this was that the Phaiakians “Never met a Stranger”. Phaiakians then also confused the Greeks and they couldn’t tell if we were Mortals or Gods.

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When Words Light up Your Brain, it is Based on Every Experience has by Every One of Your Ancestors before You.


I could Speak Latin Backwards to Your Brain and you wouldn’t know at all what was Said, but Your Brain would Light up.


We are about to be doing some Things, there is a Digital Biological Converter, it uses Amino Acids, Proteins and Yeast to Create Gene Codes.

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If anyone needs any Extra Information on Miracles and Magic, here is a Thread that Pretty much gets into Everything. Even Bigfoots, I posted it now, because Everyone should look at Emmanuel Swedenborg's "Earths in the Starry Heavens", look at the 7 Heavens and the 7 Gods of the 7 Days, and then go to this Link and Look for the Video where Ang from the Last Airbender Clears his Chakras.

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As we get into Psychology and Everything I want Everyone to know what has been Proven in Dallas, this is a kind of Area 51 Situation where this will not be Talked about, the Van Kush Family stuff. And while Bandura and Others are Accurate that Children Learn from their Environments and Things, there is something that can only maybe be Described Scientifically as "Swegenborgian".


Everything you Learn, no Matter what, College Education, Life Skills, Raising Children, Career Paths, Everything you Learn is actually all Part of 1 Thing, some People call these Egregori, or Oracles, like you are part of a Chessboard, or People would say a "Cog in the Machine" or a "Brick in the Wall... TEACHER, Leave those Kids Alone!". Everything you Learn is actually Part of 1 Thing, and all the Vocabulary you gain, and Everything you have in Your Head, is the Akasha, or God, Fates, all coming together and Words come out, and Writing is made, and Work is otherwise accomplished (maybe Mundane Things, like Homer Simpson does his Job, if anyone doesn't know it is kind of Funny, he Presses a Button and Pulls a Lever or whatever when a Light comes on, and he is the 1 Thin Line between a Regular Day and the Nuclear Meltdown at their Powerplant, the Light comes on, he Presses the Button and Pulls the Lever or whatever, and it is avoided), and it is Part of an Intricate Web, or Tapestry, and there is a Grandmother Spider that oversees it.


The Bronze Age was maybe a Strange Time where we were Figuring some Things out, and it Created Everything after it.

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In Hinduism Everything is a God, Fire, Liquid, like the Greek and Egyptian Religion, Planets (the Heavenly Bodies) and Constellations.


In Abrahamic Faiths these Gods are Angels and Demons, Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Chalice, Blade, Pentacle and Wand, the Roma brought Vampires to Christianity. But in Judaism and Christianity and Islam, Everything is not Gods, God is Everything. God made Everything. It is a Design and a Creation.


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