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Where Cryptocurrency is Headed

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I Wrote this Thread on Bitcointalk and I’m putting it here because it gets into what now I can see will be the Backend of Many Webpages, or Apps, dApps.

Where DeFi is Headed

DeFi itself is Built on these, and they are Web 3.0, like using the TRX Pancake Swap Clone, in the Tron Link Wallet Browser. And Uniswap, PancakeSwap, JustSwap I think it is. They have Different Functionality in that First they have the Exchange Feature which you would Probably get to know First, the Swap Feature that is. But then they each have a Native Token, that is that they Function on a Token that is integrated into the DeFi System. So then there are also like Lotteries, and Liquidity Capability, they have been called Automated Market Makers (AMMs). 

This may all seem Esoteric to many, kind of like Technical Backend App or Webpage Talk, and that is my Point in Writing this. These now will Evolve to be more like the Backend of a Website. It would be Easiest if say like Facebook and Zynga made Tokens for Games that were on a Blockchain, then have Facebook users on their Blockchain making Tokens. But that’s kinda what is going to happen, WAX Blockchain is an example and EOS has some of these Things going on.

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I will talk about some of the Changes now so you can kind of see how it all has come to where it is now.


When Bitcoin Started it was all Alone, and it was made by a Mysterious Psuedonym, or a Pen Name, like Lemony Snicket, Named "Satoshi Nakamoto", and for some Reason it was a believable enough name where most People just Generally assumed that this was all coming out of Asia, and it was just some Guy, and he wanted to be Anonymous which is just kind of a Popular Modern Value, Anonymity, or the Ability to like File an Anonymous Report, or Judge your Government without being added to a List. So it all just started, and there was a Group of People who talk to Satoshi Nakamoto, one of them is Martii Malmi for example, there are Emails between him and Satoshi. So Martti Malmi was actually the First Person to ever touch the Bitcoin GitHub Repository (a GitHub Repo is where many Modern Projects are Hosted, it is a place to Launch Apps and is a Community that Values the Creative Commons Trademark, so as you would Learn about Bitcoin Originally you would actually Learn about the Creative Commons License), and then Marti Malmi and some Others decided to Create, so that they could have a Place to do Announcements for everyone, and just to all Communicate with Random People, it wasn't a Large Community at the Time.


So then once everyone Started making Coins, there were no Tokens, so there was kind of a Barrier to Making Coins where it was actually very Simple to Mine any Existing Coin, and to Generate a New Genesis Block to Launch your Own Blockchain as a Copy of another Blockchain, but it was Largely Linux Nerds, and many of them were kind of Prepers, a kind of Big Community of Homesteaders, People interested in Buying Farm Land and Things, and maybe having 1 Col-de-sac that everyone Lives on with a Bunch of Land all behind them. But a lot of it was Kids, like People who were Playing Video Games and Things and looked up and Noticed Bitcoin. There has even been a Thing where so, you can actually know that Bitcoin is going to go up in Value at the Halving Event Time, that means the Miners they used to get 50 Coins in Every Block they would Mine, then that Halved to 25, then that Halved to 12.5 and it might have Halved again, or that one is coming up, but wherever the Price is before the Halving, it will go up from there after the Halving. That also Happens sometimes on Christmas, sometimes People know that they can Buy another Person some Bitcoin for Christmas and they don't know what else to get them, so sometimes so many People Buy Bitcoin for Christmas that the Price actually goes up because of Christmas.


When it Started, and Really you could do this now, all you had to do was have a very Presentable Thread on, sometimes not even, but now it is better to have a Thread that at Least knows that the Regular Observer needs to Learn Visually, or have access to many Channels, etc, in Order to become part of your Project. So before, all you had to do what like the LearnCoin or LERNCoin Thread, you just had to go and take the Litecoin (LTC) GitHub, Fork it, so now you have your own Copy in Your Own Repo, and then you have to Edit the Files. You will have to make a Logo for Your Coin, and you will Launch it on GitHub, and Create a Wallet that is available to Download on the GitHub Thread and elsewhere, because the Regular Person the only way they even Really see the Coin and Interact with the Blockchain is to have an Open Wallet, it used to be called a qt File, but there are many Different Versions now. If you are making a LiteCoin Clone or Fork it will be a qt Wallet. All of this is in the LernCoin Videos, make sure you have the same Linux installed as he does, we will make some Similar Videos on this Website and depending when you are Reading this they might already exist.


So that Successful Start used to just be a Thread on Bitcointalk, a Logo, a Wallet, maybe you make a Mac Wallet also, usually its Windows, so then they have the Option of Windows or Mac. Then you would add like a Facebook Page, or whatever Channels they can Join the Chat, and if you had your Own Website with more Detail and maybe where they can Sign in and do Things, even Better.


Now, that Sign in Website has become a Norm, many Early Currencies and many of the Tokens that came out During the ICO Boom where you Paid like $30,000 and Things for an ICO, and Facebook was Banning ICO Ads because People were getting Scammed into going onto the Ethereum Blockchain which they were hearing they could Trust, and you can Trust the Creator as Far as you can Throw him, but that doesn't mean every Token that uses the Blockchain and it's Protocols is going to be Fair and Trustworthy and Earn you Money, and even be there Tomorrow. Very often People aren't like me, where you can find me Now, you can Find Things I've said the Whole Time, and if you were Part of all of the Bitcoin Ecosystem, even if you were like one of Joe Rogan's Toadies, you Watched me be there, and I'm still here, and I'm not going away. Many People are Anonymous, and Disappear. Many are just in this for the Money and don't see what it is, and that also is why People don't know how to invest in it, because they want to know the Money Part, and that's like Interest at the Bank, or You Creating the Next Big Coin Conference and it causing some Altcoins (Altcoins are the Non-Bitcoin, Non-Token Blockchains, they are called Altcoins) to Spike in Value, or maybe there is just World News that causes it, or Christmas. But as I mentioned at the beginning of this Paragraph, if you Create a Currency, now you are going to want a Website for them to Log in to, even Better if there is some kind of way for them to do Things with the Currency on the Website, Really the Best Thing you could do that doesn't exist yet, is to Create a Market Place, and they would use Your Token or some Other Token to Trade for Items, and Your Coin would be Readily available on Market Places, and you would Host the Website with a Wallet like Web 3.0, and then they would Log into the Website with their Wallet. This is how like MetaMask Works, but this is actually pretty easy to implement into a Website now. They would Log into the Website with say an Ethereum Wallet, and then your Token would be the Native Token on the Website, and then they could List Things like on eBay. But what exist now is kind of much more Obscure. For example there is Access Protocol, with Access Tokens. This is now a New Thing that I can't Compare like I did eBay, it is more like a Blog Account, or a YouTube Account, but it is Mixed with Patreon type Capability, so these Access Tokens are used to Buy into the Content Creator, you are Basically giving them more Status on the Platform, and you Earn Tokens that are Generated by Staking those Access Tokens with that Content Creator. So you Earn, and they Earn, and you get Access to their Content. That is the whole of the Access Protocol Website, that is what the Log in does for you. So many of the Early Projects, from 10 Years ago, and 5 Years ago, and 3 Years ago, they have these Things now. For example, Prospectors Gold (PGL) was the First full fledged Video Game on the Ethereum Blockchain, it was too Slow to they moved to EOS and I think that is where they are still now. PGL is a Token you can Buy on the Exchange, it Converts to Gold inside the Game, so if you Buy PGL on the Exchange you Start off better than all of the People who came there and are Trying to earn for Free. You can Buy all the Equipment you need, and actually have Gold being Generated in the Game where you come check one it Once a Day or whatever (it could become as Important to your Life as Day Trading Though, or anyone that Plays Video Games for Free and makes no Money) and then you can Cash out the Gold and Convert it back to PGL, and Sell it on the Exchange. And you don't have to Liquidate, you can have it still Generating while you Sell on the Exchange. So this is the kind of Things that you will be competing with when making your Currency. What is your Currency "FOR", where do you Use it.


That then gets into Specs and Tokenomics, Trade Volume and Liquidity. If you can Work on those, there is a Chance you can make it without too much Software, and maybe just a Discord Chat, or a Telegram Chat, or a Facebook Page, if you can Bring in Investors and Things and you can set up the Coin so that once they Buy, everyone else doesn't just easily Catch up with them. But Generally now, you will want to have some kind of Staking, Staking is very important, it is the Central Feature of DeFi, which is where SocialFi ( is an example of SocialFi being Built, BLURT, STEEM and HIVE are other Examples, even though they existed before the Term SocialFi ever was said by anyone). But that kind of can Help everyone understand where Things were and where Everything has been going and Everything.

This post was modified 1 year ago by


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