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Accusations of New Age-ism

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It seems that Cliffe Knechtle has heard of me now, and we can put him in the same Category as Jeff from "Jews for Jesus", they want to label me as "Spiritual" and with Jeff he even says "New Age" and with Jeff he compares me to himself, he was the kind of guy that does Yoga and thinks he's Religious, and when someone asks if he is Hindu he says "No, I'm Spiritual", College Humor did a skit about this with Ghandi in a Yoga Class, making fun of this kind of "Namaste" Spirituality.

But Cliffe Knechtle, he seems to think that I am Spiritual and his Definition is that there are no Ethical Implications, he believes that my Hindu Religion is nothing but the same as what Jeff was doing, and I just have to say that I know about those People. I know about the People that believe in Healing Crystals, and Yoga, and Metaphysical Shops, etc, and I would say that most of those People would be Hindu if they even knew what they were doing, but they don't know what they are doing.
I am a Hindu. And let's get to the Easy Evidence that my RELIGION, not "Spirituality", has Ethical implications.
I believe that anyone who is using Drugs to get a Female into an incapacitated Mental State, in order to have Sex with her, or even Run a Train on her and have Many People have Sex with her, should be Executed. These People do not deserve to live. And how have I come to this Conclusion? I understand this because of my Religion, whereby like the Native American using Peyote we use Marijuana (I am a Hindu Shaivite, a Sadhu, a Baba) and there are some People that think using Marijuana makes You part of "The Dope Game", so I have actually had experience with these People who use Meth and Fentanyl to Rape. Then there are People in our Government who actually believe that if You smoke Marijuana, if You have ever gone to a Drug Dealer for example, then You are part of "The Game", that You have put Yourself in the Position to be Raped, or have People around You Raped. And I believe those People should be Executed, the ones who see what is going on and do nothing to Arrest or otherwise hinder the Meth and Fentanyl Rapists, because somehow People shouldn't have got themselves in the Situation (I see it as not different than saying, "Maybe she shouldn't have worn that skirt and they wouldn't have all done that to her").
And if the Police and Government Agencies do not do something about it, we will Execute them, and we will institute a New Government, a Kingdom, out of the Sky, New Jerusalem.
And this is in Line with Sodom and Gamorah, they were Executed for Similar Reasons.
This is in Line with Troy, Troy was Destroyed because Athena gave the Spartan King's Wife to a Trojan.
This is in fact the very essence of Ethics, and the Highest Form of Ethics.
Cliffe has no Idea what he is talking about when it comes to trying to make me somehow the same as Jeff was.


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