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How Miracles Work

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To Introduce Yourself to Miracles and Magic You can Read this Thread, which will Help You Understand what an Egregore is. That is what we are Teaching Everyone, what an Egregore is, and Artificial Intelligence is made of Egregori (they are made of interactions with People, and input they Read, etc), so this is Pertinent now more than Ever.


Further, Miracles Work based on Faith. This Video from the TV Show, "The Chosen", gives an Perfect Depiction, the Woman who wants to be Healed only had to Believe, and Jesus is already walking around in Christ Energy, You could say with Chakras Open, in Dianetic Terms maybe You could say he is a "Human E-Meter", or something Greater.


In the Scene only She needs to Believe and with her Faith the Garment Heals her. To Completely get into this Subject we will have to get into Healing, so I am going to go over the Basics of Healing. First, Pills have Morphine which comes from Poppies, or Antibiotic from Fungus, or Benztropine made from Atropine, etc. There are Pills from the Doctor that have Things from Plants, so You can Learn about Plants and their Alkaloids (The Bitter Molecules that effect Humans) and Learn how to Heal. Galen's Pharmacopoeia is all about this, this is what Chinese and Eastern Medicine are about, Ayurveda for example. They also see Pressure Points as connected to Organs, etc. So now beyond Alkaloids we can say that a lot of it gets into the Placebo Effect. So now, the Placebo Effect, most People know about Placebos and know it means "Fakes", if it is a Placebo Pill then it means there is no Morphine, or Happy Pill, it's just a Sugar Pill or something. But, the Word "Placebo" in the Full Context of "Placebo Effect" means that if You have Faith, and You Believe that the Sugar Pill will Heal You, it doesn't Matter what it is, Your Body will React as if it has been given the Proper Medicine and will Heal itself beyond the Capability usually of a Doctor. Better than Medicine. A lot of these News Investigations End saying "If You think it Works, then it might Work, so if it Works for You, more Power to You" or whatever.


But this now gets into Magic, and Miracles. Imhotep, the Father of Medicine, the Person who Invented Surgery, he said that MEDICINE, the Actual MEDICINE, NOT PLACEBO. ONLY WORKS WITH THE PLACEBO. He said "Proper Incantation" but that means "Medicine doesn't Work Right, without a Ritual or Magic Words". Meaning that even when You have the Proper Medicine, You still have to Activate the Placebo Effect in a Person also, or You are Wasting the Medicine.


So then, what we are seeing in Jesus Healing the Bleeding Woman, is her Faith and Belief, meeting something also in Jesus that is the same but Stronger and Outward, around him, God. Angels and Demons, following Orders.


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