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Atlantis and Edgar Cayce

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Edgar Cayce, often referred to as the "Sleeping Prophet," was a man who possessed remarkable psychic abilities and an uncanny ability to tap into the depths of the human mind and soul. Born in 1877 in Kentucky, Cayce would go on to become one of the most renowned mystics and spiritual healers of his time.

From a young age, Cayce exhibited unique qualities that set him apart from others. As he grew older, he began to experience what he called "sleeping trances," during which he would enter a deep state of relaxation and enter into a meditative state. It was during these trances that Cayce's remarkable abilities would manifest.

During his trances, Cayce could provide detailed and accurate information about a wide range of topics, including health, spirituality, past lives, and even predictions for the future. People from all walks of life sought his guidance and healing, amazed by his ability to access information that seemed beyond the realm of normal human comprehension.

Cayce's readings, which numbered in the thousands, covered a vast array of subjects. He offered medical diagnoses and remedies, helping many individuals find relief from various ailments. His insights into spirituality and metaphysics provided guidance for those seeking a deeper understanding of their purpose in life.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Cayce's work was his ability to access information about past lives. Through his readings, he revealed that every soul had lived multiple lifetimes, and these past experiences influenced their present circumstances. His insights into past lives helped individuals uncover hidden talents, understand relationship dynamics, and gain a greater sense of self-awareness.

Cayce's reputation grew, attracting attention from around the world. People sought his wisdom and guidance, and his readings became highly sought after. He became known for his ability to help others find physical, mental, and spiritual healing.

Despite his remarkable abilities, Cayce remained a humble and deeply spiritual man. He emphasized the importance of love, compassion, and the pursuit of spiritual growth. His teachings focused on the interconnectedness of all beings and the notion that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Edgar Cayce's impact on the spiritual and metaphysical world cannot be overstated. He left behind a legacy of knowledge, healing, and inspiration. His insights continue to resonate with seekers of truth and those looking to explore the depths of their own consciousness.

Although Cayce passed away in 1945, his teachings and readings continue to inspire and guide countless individuals. His work remains a testament to the profound mysteries of the human mind, spirit, and the boundless potential that lies within each and every one of us.

Edgar Cayce and the Mysteries of Atlantis: A Deep Dive into the Sleeping Prophet's Legacy

In the annals of spiritual exploration and mysticism, few figures loom as large as Edgar Cayce. Often dubbed the "Sleeping Prophet," Cayce's profound psychic abilities and insights into the human soul have left an indelible mark on the world of esoteric thought. While his legacy intersects with other luminaries like Alice Bailey and Madame Blavatsky, particularly in their shared interest in Atlantis, Cayce's unique contributions and detailed readings set him apart.

The Life and Times of Edgar Cayce

Born in 1877 in Kentucky, Edgar Cayce's journey into the spiritual realm began early. From a tender age, he exhibited extraordinary abilities that puzzled those around him. As he matured, Cayce began experiencing "sleeping trances," during which he would provide detailed information on a myriad of topics, from health remedies to past lives and prophecies about the future.

His readings, numbering in the thousands, became a beacon for many seeking answers. Whether it was medical diagnoses, spiritual insights, or revelations about past lives, Cayce's trances provided clarity and guidance. His belief in reincarnation, in particular, offered many a new perspective on their current lives, suggesting that past experiences shaped their present circumstances.

Atlantis: The Lost Civilization

One of the most captivating subjects Cayce delved into was the lost continent of Atlantis. He painted a vivid picture of this ancient civilization, describing its advanced spiritual and technological prowess. According to Cayce, the Atlanteans had harnessed the power of crystals for energy and had developed a deep understanding of the universe's spiritual laws. However, moral and spiritual decay led to their downfall.

Cayce's detailed accounts of Atlantis resonate with the writings of both Alice Bailey and Madame Blavatsky. All three believed in the existence of this advanced civilization and its eventual demise. However, Cayce's readings went further, suggesting that remnants of Atlantis could still be found today, particularly in the areas around the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean.

Cayce's Influence on Modern Mysticism

Edgar Cayce's impact extended beyond his readings. His teachings on love, compassion, and spiritual growth have inspired countless individuals. He emphasized the interconnectedness of all beings and the idea that we are spiritual entities having a human experience.

His influence can be seen in the works of figures like Alice Bailey, who channeled teachings from a Tibetan master, and Madame Blavatsky, a pioneer of Theosophy. Both were deeply interested in ancient wisdom, and their paths often intersected with Cayce's, especially regarding Atlantis.

Quotes from Edgar Cayce on Atlantis:

  • "The position as the continent Atlantis occupied, is that as between the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand - and the Mediterranean upon the other."
  • "In the Atlantean land during those periods of early rise of sons of Belial as oppositions that became more and more materialized as the powers were applied for self-indulgences."


Edgar Cayce's legacy is a testament to the boundless mysteries of the human mind and spirit. His insights into Atlantis, past lives, and the spiritual realm continue to inspire and guide seekers of truth. As we delve deeper into our own consciousness and the mysteries of existence, Cayce's teachings remain a beacon, shedding light on our path and reminding us of the profound connections that bind us all.

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Edgar Cayce, Sojourns, and the Planetary Connection to the Body

Following our exploration of the chakra system and its correlation with the planets, let's delve into the perspectives of Edgar Cayce and the concept of sojourns, and how they viewed the relationship between planets and the human body.

Edgar Cayce's Perspective:

Edgar Cayce, often dubbed the "Sleeping Prophet", was a renowned American clairvoyant who provided psychic readings to thousands while in a trance state. His readings touched on various subjects, including health, past lives, and even astrology.

Cayce's readings suggested that souls journeyed through the solar system, experiencing life on various planets before incarnating on Earth. These planetary sojourns, as they were termed, influenced the individual's characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses in their earthly life. Each planet was associated with specific lessons or experiences:

  • Mercury: Related to the mind and intellect. Souls from Mercury were thought to be analytical and detail-oriented.
  • Venus: Associated with love and beauty. Venusian souls were believed to be loving, harmonious, and artistic.
  • Mars: Represented energy and force. Martian souls were seen as dynamic but potentially aggressive.
  • Jupiter: Symbolized spirituality and mastery over the physical. Jupiterian souls were considered wise and spiritual.
  • Saturn: Was about discipline and patience. Saturnine souls often faced challenges but had the perseverance to overcome them.

Cayce believed that the positions of the planets at one's birth, as in astrology, reflected the influences of these past planetary sojourns.

Sojourns and the Planetary Connection:

The concept of sojourns isn't widely documented in mainstream sources. However, within the context of Cayce's readings, sojourns refer to the soul's journey through different planetary realms. These journeys were believed to influence an individual's tendencies, behaviors, and even physical ailments.

For instance, a soul that spent time on Mars might be more prone to inflammatory conditions due to the fiery nature of the planet. Conversely, a Venusian sojourn might make one more inclined towards harmony, potentially benefiting the circulatory system.


While the chakra system offers a structured pathway of energy centers aligned with the spine, the perspectives of Edgar Cayce and the concept of sojourns present a more cosmic view of human existence, suggesting that our souls traverse the solar system, gathering experiences from different planets. These planetary experiences, in turn, influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves on Earth.


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