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Bitshares (BTS) User Issued Assets (UIAs) Used Improperly

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This Thread is Written by me, and before the Thread you are Reading now, it was the Main Authority on the Internet on the Subject of Compuceeds, which we will get into now. I Originally Started Writing about Compuceeds and Compumatrix because I thought they just needed a Public Thread. I have been a Part of the Rise of MANY, MANY Currencies, even just Tangentially, we could use like ATMOS I think it is, which BLURT uses instead of Hive-Engine for Tokens, Aggroed told Jacob Gadikian it would cost $10,000 to do Blurt-Engine, and BLURT used ATMOS instead and doesn't really Talk about it.


This is the Thread I am Talking about that I wrote Previously


But I want to get into the Histories of these so Everyone can see who this Person that does this, Henry James Banyat, is, and what he does, and how Cryptocurrencies Work, and how he is making sure his don't Work, and I will just get into all of it for Everyone here, so you can see how this COULD Work if he Wanted it to.


Let's just Start with that Henry is Very Smart, you might Google him now and not be able to Find Certain Things about him, it might be Covered up. It might be Easy to Find Naive Followers Posting on Steemit about him because he wants more Pages to Overshadow the Google Rankings. But Steemit was brought into the Compumatrix Ecosystem so that the Compumatrix Investors could Earn Money. So, to Start, Henry makes Portals, that is Webpages, he makes Websites that do Things that connect you to Other Websites, or that Direct you around a Website. Before Google, you had to have Connections with Links to get anywhere, no one was Finding Things for you, you had to have the Link Yourself, or it had to be on the Website you knew, and this is how Domain Authority and Things Work Today, that is all based on that same kind of Link Thing. So Henry makes Webpages that get you around the Website, or around the Internet, while letting you have a HomePage, or Login Dashboard. And before Cryptocurrency, he was Creating something called E-Gold and he was Scamming People on the Internet with E-Gold, saying it was this and that, but it was World of Warcraft Gold, Video Game Tokens, Infinite, etc. Not a Blockchain. He was doing this before he was doing Blockchain.


So Henry James Banyat is doing these Things with E-Gold, and Suddenly Bitcoin is Released, and Bitshares makes User Issued Assets (UIAs) and so Henry took Advantage of this. Henry has a Group of like People Living in Farm Houses and Trailers, and that do Pyramid Scheme, and I don't know where he Finds all of these People, but the Website is Very Christian Centric which is Ironic and the have Gale, and I forget all the Admins Names, but there are like Supposedly these Americans that Work for Henry, and they run the Forums, and they have Forums where they are all just waiting for Henry to make it all Work, and he doesn't want it to Work. So, I brought up Steemit because he did bring it in, but he didn't do it Right, he Never does what he is Supposed to do, he just does like how he used Steemit to make Pages for Google Rankings about him. What he should do, is he should go to Steemit, he should make it where he can Vote $5.00 USD onto Your Post, but instead, he just Tells all the Compumatrix Hopefuls in the Farmhouses and whatnot, like some of these are Older People that Die waiting on the Money, and he Tells all of them to get on Steemit and Tell Each other and their Families about Steemit. So, they could figure it out themselves, but they haven't, and Henry does not Vote Money onto anyone's Steemit. And that is not the Worst of it. Steemit would just be some kind of Revenue.


Compumatrix Started with a Portal that had a Bitcoin Balance, but there were no Bitcoins being Mined, your Computer was being used to Mine GridCoins and Henry would get them all, and there would Different Things, like the Kinds of Things we might even Talk about on this Website ( like CryptoCurrency Faucets, he was Maintaining a List of Cryptocurrency Faucets so all of these People could go Collect Small amounts of Cryptocurrency, a kind of Faucet Portal. Maybe we will have a Thread about Faucets. But he had all kinds of ways to Earn, and most of it added a Bitcoin Balance to the Compumatrix Account you had, but, there were no Real Bitcoins. It was just on his Website, it was not Real, there was no one Mining, except maybe you Mining Grid Coins for Him, there was no Money like it said. So what he did, was he said he would make Compuceeds, and this would make up for it. He Created Compuceeds on BitShares (BTS) Open Ledger, and he said that Compuceeds would be Worth 1 Euro Each, and that your BTC Balance which was in Euros on the Compumatrix Website, would be give to you in Compuceeds, and Each Compuceed would be 1 Euro.


You may want to know what that Didn't Work, and How that Would Work. That's Great First Thoughts. So, in Order for this to Work, where you do what we can call an AirDrop to Compumatrix Users, and expect to be able to have them "Cash Out" as those People are still waiting for Today, you would have to make an Announcement Thread. The Compumatrix Forums are Private, you can not see them unless you make an Account, and the Discord and the Forum are all very Strictly Regulated, they are very Strict and you can get Banned just for Complaining about how this is Taking what is over a Decade now. So, they Never made a Thread, you First would want to have Public Announcements, Public Access, ways for Money to come in from outside of the Compumatrix Community, see the Community Exists and be Impressed by the People, and Invest and Join. Compumatrix Never allowed for any of that. Henry Sold Coins on Everyone, I was actually Teaching People that when Coins go Down in Value you can Buy them Cheap and Sell them at a Higher Price, which was Helping People get more Compuceeds than they had Earned Originally. And Henry just Dumped Coins on Everyone, Minted New Ones, and Destroyed the Price where we couldn't Recover it, and there still is not Public Threads, these are the Public Threads.


And Steemit ALONE could make a ton of Money with a Community the Size of Compumatrix if they took it Seriously, but they don't take it Seriously, Henry just Posts himself Living kind of an Average American Life in the Philippines which is like Pretty well off. I know he has made Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Off of Everyone, and he could be putting $10,000 or $50,000 on Steemit to Earn him and Everyone else Money, but instead they are like on the 27th Trigger now that People are Preparing for which is like a Continuation where the First Trigger from like a Fake Bitcoin UIA that Henry made, the Fake Bitcoin UIA was Part of this Trigger where he Said it would be the Price of Bitcoin, and he Pretended there were Investors. He even brought in a Company to Teach Everyone to make Trusts in States that have Favorable Laws, so Everyone could be Ready for the Money coming in.


And he has had something that looks like a Cryptocurrency DEX, but it isn't Open to the Outside World, it's all Fake like it has been the whole Time, and he just Keeps Telling these People that have no Idea how it Works that like he is going to get the Portal up and they can take their Money out. And the Bitcoins aren't there, they don't exist, the Investor is him. And there is an Admin named David that is like CEO and Henry is Founder supposedly, and the CEO says "Everyone was Paid" as if Destroying Compuceeds and Never making it Public, and Never Bringing anyone in, and Silencing Everyone, all of that is summed up to Everyone as "You have been Paid".


So I want everyone to see that, just Steemit and BLURT as a Community, could Earn Everyone Money, and then the Money from that Could itself Fund our Currency, and we could all Talk about it on BLURT or Steemit, and we are using BLURT Steemit and HIVE. We are Teaching People to Make Tokens. And Henry knows who I am, he is Probably going to Read this and Might Try to Get His Shit Together, but I doubt it. And he is in the Philippines where he can't be Extradited and that FBI doesn't understand this Stuff, Dan and Ned who made BitShares and UIAs Probably don't understand all of this, and no one there knew what was Going on. Henry knows some Things, but all the Compumatrix Users are all basically just Following him. And he's not saying, do Affiliate Marketing, get Food Stamps, get a Job, "Let's all get together on Steemit", he's not doing anything to make anything Work. And he has the Money, so he could just use Money to make it Work.


So I just want Everyone to see that. And now, if you look at Van Kush Beauty Token (VKBT) out Token we have Right now, on the HIVE Blockchain, we don't Sell on Everyone Lowering and Lowering the Price, making More and More Coins if it's Lower because we need to Sell more, No, we Actually are Buying them up. And we will do Buy Backs all the Time, and we will be making Blockchains, we will be Teaching Everyone to make Blockchains and Announce all of it here, and on Steemit and BLURT and HIVE. And Eventually, we will make it where you can Buy Silver with our Coins, and Hemp Products, like Coupons, you will be able to use our Tokens and Coins to Buy Things. There are Many Things that you could make a Token or Blockchain for and Join the Network of Currencies that we are making. This is like or, and Marti Malmi and Dan and Ned, they all know who I am too. What we are doing here is that we are about to be doing it Right, and Showing Everyone how to do it Right.


I Made This Thread so You Have Knowledge of How it Works, and How Someone Could Make it Not Work, When Otherwise it Would Work. There is Such a Strong Community, it Easily could be a Real Coin that they were all a Part of, but it's all Lies, even the Real Coin was just used against them. I'm sure like Proof of Brain (PoB) Token wishes all the Compumatrix People were Using their Token. Instead they are waiting on something that isn't Happening.


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