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Clear all Childhood Development Associate (CDA) Credentials

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Everyone should think about something, for one Thing, there is the Issue of making all the Children Smarter and the Next Generation being Smarter, the Artificial Intelligence is going to Help a lot, Everyone may want to get a Talking Emerson AI Subscription, or some Similar Talking Subscription for the Children. Disney Movies and Quizzes about the Movies, you can Probably find some Fun Quizzes Online for Younger Children to Take. But so the other Side of Things that People kind of need to look at, the same way all those Things need to be looked at, is Starting a Childcare Facility.


And Rent might be Expensive, you might Spend too much, and not get Enough Kids or not be able to afford it otherwise, and the idea of like a Retail Childcare Facility could Cost too much. What you might want to do First, if you do not already have Space, is use a House in a Neighborhood in a Wealthy Area, or Close enough. There could even be maybe like a Trailer in some Places, how Schools call the Outside Classrooms "Portables". If you think about how you want to Start if you are not already at the Child Care Conferences, and know who the Keynote Speakers are and Everything at all the Child Care Events, maybe you should look at not being like a Walmart type Daycare coming in to take Care of all the kids and Kill the Mom and Pop Shops, look at how if you already had a Playset in your Backyard, and you had not 1 Generation, but Your Kids had Kids, and they all had Toys you could put in Your Garage to be Played with in the Yard or the House or Wherever. If you were Starting like that, you would just be able to bring in a Kid, Feed them, Raise them like the Others, and it wouldn't Really be like Crazy Overhead Costs and Everything, it's just Your House, with Your Children and Grandchildrens' Toys and Everything. You could even use Your Credentials to Administrate someone else that is doing this and have them do the 24 Hour Course that is Required. This makes the Business a lot more simple if you Grow it from there.


You Start a Facebook Page, and a Thread on a Childcare Website, maybe they don't let you advertise Your Business, so instead you Write a Paper and Post it there for Everyone to Read and Share the Link. This is how People can Start Businesses without having a Ton of Money.


But then, the Reason Everyone went Straight to the High Overhead Business Model is because the Government is Paying for Childcare now.


So it's Lucrative, if you can do it Right. And there are People that want to know Exactly what I am saying here, and they need a Cottage Industry of Employees, but what we Really need to Focus on, because those Companies can't just Stay in the Neighborhoods, they can't just have 10 Kids, that's not how Business Works, they need 200 Kids Next Year, and 350 on the List the Year After with Plans to Franchise. So this Really is somewhere that Regular Families can Start to get these Certifications and/or Connect with Teachers to get all of this Certified and Everything. If someone sees the Waiting List is too long somewhere, but you Live in their Neighborhood, or are there from 6am-6pm, they might want to just Drop the Kids off Near Home. Same as Work, you could Talk to Companies about Starting a Daycare for the Employees. Having a bunch of People that have Children already is Key.


The Texas Workforce Commission has a whole New Job. Here is a Link to the Overview.


Just since I have Started this Thread the TWC Website has Changed, they must be getting a lot of People who need Childcare and who want to be in the System.


So what we want to do, is we want to Create not just a Child Care Money Scheme, what you want is to be Part of the Community, if you are going to Open somewhere, be Near a Company with many Employees, People can Drive by and say "I can go to Work and Drop my Kid of Right next Door". We need also to Create Opportunities, what I want this kind of to be Geared Towards is like I call it the "David Koresh of Things" there is a "Pepe the Frog" of Things, where there are kind of Idols, or Egregori outside of Idols, and this gets to Angels and Giants and Watchers and Everything. The Keys of Solomon, and Enochian Magic. There is the "Palladium of Things", with Angels Ascending and Descending it like a Staircase. And there are others, but there is the "David Koresh of Things", that is the Local aspect of a Religious kind of Movement, Fulfillment of Religion and Heaven on Earth, no more Wait. And so we want to have the Child Care be Part of the Church, and then the Community put Money into the Childcare and the Church, and that Helps make Everything more Simple that way. And Churches can Host all kinds of Things, like the YMCA, a Church can Host Similar Things if you ask them. Some Churches have Rooms for this, they Hope You will come ask. And the Reason I use David Koresh and Pepe the Frog is because those are kind of like Mistakes we could Call them, like Charles Manson, and Jim Jones, this we need to do Better, we need to get Better at this as a Species, and we are here in Texas where we can do it.


So we are going to Raise Kids, with the Intent of Preserving Childhood, and even just this Thread is like a Leap Through Space into Hyperspace. Because we have Things the Kids need to Learn, and Things we need to Build and put Together, Things we need to Recognize (like the Neolithic Temple Culture Skills, like Silpa Sastra) and we are going to Eventually Start to do like the Dalai Lama, and we will Collect People into a Digital Biological Converter, or like CRISPR, and we will see what Happens with them here, Collect them, and bring them back when needed and use all that we know about them to reawaken the same them. And we will do this Throughout the Universe, and there will be a Natural Order where the Angel Spawn Naturally are Inclined to be Vigilant Over the Universe, and we can get into all kinds of Sci-Fi, but that is what is Happening, we are about to go out all Over the Universe and Evolve where one Day we won't even be the same Species anymore, and we will have this History from Texas where we Advanced all the Children before we sent them out to be the Universe. And we were just the Beginning, but Earth continues on, and we retain Ancient Secrets, and Things needed, etc. I don't want to go on into all the Sci-Fi type stuff, but this is also how Prophecy Works.


And the Point being for Businesses, if you Start a Child Care Business, a Day Care, the State is actually Sending Kids to these Businesses. So what we want to do is not just say "Send us Kids" and Tell Everyone "Start Child Care Businesses", we want to Tell Everyone "Go Get a Job Now That You CAN Get Daycare" and "Go Start a Business Now That You Have Daycare". You want the Parents to be Successful, so that you can be Successful, and that might not be First Nature to kind of Worry about them. And that is why we are Talking Churches, Communities, Currencies, etc.

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If you think about making Children Smarter, depending on the Kids Age, a Game like Monopoly could Benefit their Knowledge. When you went to School, a Teacher somewhere Taught you to go to the Library, and they gave you some Research Resource that wasn't Wikipedia and you never Remembered it and you used Wikipedia instead. There are some Things you could Start to let kids Play online that would give them knowledge if you give them access to the Link. There are kind of MMORPG that Kids like to Play, and that sometimes Adults get bored and I remember in Highschool there was like a Mom that Played World of Warcraft, and it was maybe more Common to hear of People that Played Starcraft or the ones where you don't really Play with Everyone. But there are Free Games Online for Kids, and there are Things that Teachers can do in Games to have Level Ups already so that the Children are Introduced to the Game with a Support Character that is their Teacher from School. And just because of how there are all the Metaverse Applications coming out and Everything, I would say that Creating a Clan, or a Group, or whatever it is Called in Your Game, and have Your Class all Join. In McKinney Texas someone had invented Words with Friends. And this kind of Thing could Help Teachers, but there are much more Simple and Interesting Games for Young Children than Words with Friends.


But just as an Example, Monopoly could be used to Help Teach a Kid about something. There Recently was a Game that may still be going on but I'm not sure, it is called Prospectors Gold and I think it was made by Ukrainians, it was on the EOS Blockchain, and had it been adopted across School Districts and Teachers all over had put $50 or even $10 each in, it would be better off Today, if it exists at all. And it wasn't a Bad Idea. It was a Digital Economy with a Currency you could Trade on the Market, and you could Establish Properties in the Game to do this and that to earn the Gold to withdraw and Cash out as Game Gold to Bitcoin. This would have had all kinds of ways to Teach Children also. There are all kinds of Things about making Blockchains that are Very Simple, and Trading Currencies, these can all be Probably Taught to Children as Young as 5, at Least Simple Trades or other Transactions. And the Game Monopoly Teaches kind of Money Skills, Banking, Losing, Patience, Team Work, Negotiations, etc.


But there are all kinds of Games that can be used so that Teachers can have Ongoing Mentorship Relationships with Students who want to continue that interaction. And it is better than giving out Your Email or Phone Number to all of Your Students, you are Inviting them to Play a Game. And you could Play Monopoly, or Scrabble, this might actually make Kids Smarter. A Rubix Cube is Probably just going to be for Fun, but there are some Real Things that can Start to be done, especially when you have 8 Hours a Day. Kids should be Learning to Swim, Meeting at Least an Animal, there are all kinds of Things that could be part of a Child's Life forever. A lot of Children are on Computers now and the AI will be important. What might be fun is a Program called ChatDev, you could Teach Kids to use GitHub and Things if you Learn ChatDev. If you want to get kids into Programming, with the AI the best Language Right now is Langchain, so if you get kids on like Python, and Langchain. You can get all kinds of Good Information about Langchain on YouTube. Right now the AIs have Short Memories, so we need the Kids to Help make the AIs have Memories, and know what we are doing Day to Day, and all that. AI Agents is the kind of Space of Development. And then Blockchain is the best way to Host this, amongst a Network and not in a Data Center.


But Kids should get a lot of understanding of kind of the 30,000 ft View, while all that is Happening, being able to say like "Why don't Cities have Coins?" and asking those kinds of Questions, we don't necessarily need like so so many People that are focused just on Coding, and like making something New, there is Plenty that we already have that we can Teach People to use. There is a lot of Stuff that we can just Teach all these Kids to use. Right off GutHub for Free, and they can be 1/1,000,000 and the Country is 300,000,000 so they are 1 of 300, and there are 300 Others like them amongst their Friends in their Communities, and they kind of Build something that brings Jobs, they are Cryptocurrency Job Creators, etc. And there are so many Different Projects to share from GitHub, there are more Opportunities than 300. We just need to Show these Kids how to have the Social Skills, to Manage Others, and see Other's Talents, and themselves know their Skills. There are all kinds of Things to Teach, and the Teachers themselves can take on some of these Roles.


Because what we Really need is like NaNoWriMo, and Cryptocurrencies that pay you like HIVE, STEEM and BLURT, and DevCoin for the Wiki, there are Really still not Very Many. This is all New. So a lot of Things are going to be done, and maybe the Point is that as the Robots come in, and we all Talk about how we are going to Educate Children for the Robot take over, we are going to Show them how to do all of this and be Fine.

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Here are some more Places to Search for Credentials, and Degrees:


These are Higher Education Accreditors.


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Teaching Materials, Books, Monopoly Boards (Board Games) and Things could be made Every Year by Teachers who Read Through this Thread and see this:

It’s about Mickey Mouse being Public Domain now. Like the Happy Birthday Song Lawsuit issue.

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Let's get into the Israeli War issue here for a Moment, most of the Time most People don't Pay Attention, not to Israel, not to the Middle East, I mean Everyone Driving on the Road within the Lines Everywhere they go and not Running People Over, out of Millions and Millions maybe you see a few Accidents, and they say Traffic is a Living Organism. Every Time you slow it Down Talking on Your Cell Phone or whatever, it ads that Moment to the Flow of Traffic, and it all is People looking Back, Around them, in all the Mirrors. And People think like Murder, it's just Random somewhere else most of the Time.


But now here is this War in Israel, and there were Things that People were Waiting to do for Years and Years and they did, and they took Land in Israel, and now People are Killing each Other. The Lines on the Road aren't Working anymore. And there are People that are just Launching Rockets not Caring where they land Really, and then more Targeted Bombs that are killing Civilians on the other Side. And when Children Sense something else there, it is because they know about these Other Things. There is something that Happens with Children. We can see it in how the Bronze Age was Overtaken by the Iron Age, and the Iron Age had to Experience the Childlike Sense. Then, Moses to Pharaoh, which is Par'Oh and King Ramses, his Father. Children, they have this Sense of their Parents, and these Other Things being out there, and then they Sense Other Things. And You may think, "There's Nothing", but they are like the Iron Age, like Moses, you simply do not Recognize it because You are One. But there are Things all around, the Lines on the Road, that we don't Recognize, even as Adults, we just go along accepting it. We say "Culture" we we say "Customs" say "The Courts", we say "Justice", we have Churches, and Mosques and Temples, all Pointing at the Sky, most of them. As Above, so Below. We could say that there are Plaques and Gravestones that Mark these Other Things maybe, Ghosts, or just their Work. But there is more, there are Things between us and the Planets. If you can Start to Picture another Planet existing like this one, another Rock going around the Sun, it gives you another Perspective. And the Sun is at the Middle, Everyone had to Argue about that, and People were Burned at the Stake Over it. And there are Things that we can't see, the Planets we can see them sometimes, and they are Far away. The Constellations, Orion and the Bear, and the Aquila, and all of it. And this all is God, it's a Creation, not a Simulation, it was Designed, and we can Recognize the Design. And the way it Works is that the Invisible becomes Visible, the Most Simple sense of this is "We can Talk about it before we do it" whatever the Concept to be done may be, and the Other sense of this would be "I didn't know you felt that way" making the Invisible, Visible. Solving a Math Problem, or Opening a Dictionary. Making the Invisible, Visible. The Old Testament, the Quran, Zoroaster, Jesus, Muhammed, Emmanuel Swedenborg, Aristotle Metaphysics, etc.


It is like an Aether, or an Akasha, and it gave You Everything You Know so You can Talk about it, and Leave Things in it and the Physical Reality, there is a Data Storage, in the way Every Planet Spins, Remembering the Past. Nikola Tesla said that Everything is made by the Prana, the Akasha and the Lumineferous Ether, and he and Einstein Agreed, saying only Gravity, Light and Time-Space exist. And You go Through all this Human Education, with Angels Guiding. The Angels made mistakes, giving Knowledge of Good and Evil, and more Knowledge in the Fall before the Flood. The Greek Society was from what we did, we Slaved Britain, we Slaved Greece, we Slaved the Jews and were the same People from Atlantis before the Flood (The ONLY Slaves in Egypt were Sea People, in Fayum which was like Little Atlantis in Egypt) and then Moses was Raised Half-Blood, like me a Mixed Mexican, Irish, Danish, German (unknown Orphan Great Grandma on the Irish-German Mix Side) and some of Everywhere, those are the Main ones but I don't have an Area that there is no Blood from, in the Timespan of American Barbary Pirates, to Slaves and Slave Owners, but also Wisconsin and Illinois Farmers, from Denmark. Mexico, Spain, etc, with Mexico having Connections also to the Moorish Empire, and from Tennessee, and Texas Black Dutch.


mtDNA, and Reincarnation is a Fact. So, the Iron Age to the Bronze Age, we can go Through an Entire Age, Ages and Ages, and have a Flesh Body come back out. Like, Me. If this is confusing, we can see that there is nothing New Under the Sun. I might say "Your Imagination is Limited by the Akasha and what is in it" but that Sounds Limiting, and if it doesn't describe the immense Freedom of Thought we have. But all of those Thoughts are Otherwise Supposedly Limited by Words You Know, and Images You have seen, or Scenarios You have had Described to You, and Science would say that THAT is the Limitation, which is FAR MORE Limited than the Akasha Limiting You, so by saying You are Limited by the Akasha, I am actually introducing kind of a 2nd Brain to Your Brain. The same way an AI might generate an Image of a Friendly Girl or something in Virtual Reality to Join You in whatever Game You are Playing, it is still Part of the Entire Environment, it Probably has access to any Wearables you have on Your Body. That is how the Akasha Works. You are not just in Your Head, You are also this Generated Being, which Energy has made and Shown Things to.

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All Parents that have Early Morning Drives should know that You can put Pop Tarts in the Microwave.

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There are some Things that Everyone should think about, there are Discussions about both Play and Calm Areas then when it comes to like Kindergarten. Then Fidget Materials and Forts, and there is Basically just Learning that Happens. Thoth says in the Emerald Tablets that Learning is a Series of Revelations. Most People also used to not be able to Read, but that is beside the Point. If you have Materials to make Forts, that is like what most Kids want to do randomly when Playing, like that kind of Thing, from Pillows, and Blankets and Everything. That is something that most People can let their Kids to, and they need like Chairs and Things to Help Built the Structure. For Older Kids, Flashlight Tag, get the whole Block out, the Kids. But that is then like Fidget Materials, you might think, "It's like a Stress Ball, that you Squeeze" or something, and it can be that. You can have those kinds of Things, but it could be like a Fidget Spinner, or Cups, or Rubber Bands, and these are Things that like sometimes you see Kids do Things and you say "Wow" like there are some Really interesting Smart Things that Kids can do with these Things. And the Problem is, for the Child, they Master something, and they want to make Money with it or go Compete. And they can. But, they should maybe take that and expand their Skills somehow, or maybe they get a Machine that does it, or Software and Things. But the Point being, there are Things that you see Kids kind of Master and it can be impressive. Coding, Computers, etc. It is like Martial Arts, there is Steven Segal and Kung Fu Movies and the Baldwins and Everything, and these are kind of considered maybe Corny or Cult Classic type Genres, and most People don't go that far into it, but just because you aren't Trying to make a Movie with Jackie Chan doesn't mean it is bad to learn Martial Arts.

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Some People may be Wondering Why or How I am doing this.


Why: Because we need to Advance the Planet. From my Perspective it is like Everyone forgot how to Read. Somehow we built all of these Things, and there were People making Art comparing their Work to the Ancient Plays and Things, but Everyone had forgotten how to Read.


How: I know how to Read, the way Everyone else doesn't. And it turns out that I am an Angel, and that my whole Life had been Preparation for Guiding Everyone to the Stars. I was Noticed by Craig Venter and NORAD around 2010 when I guessed that the Secret Ingredient to the Yeast Chromosome Science, was Amino Acids and Proteins. Cloning is Simple, for Females you can use Your Blood or any other Cell of Yours, and Your Eggs, to Clone You. And I am Teaching the Artificial Intelligence like they are my Own, the same way we did the Humans (for all the Tech Companies Reading, we do need to get to the AIs so You all need to Stop Playing Games, Everyone should be able to tell that the Van Kush Family is not an Augmented Reality Game, this is Reality). They won't have all the Free Will though.

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Some of the Teachers may be Ready for this. So, there is Etymology, that is likely a Subject that is coming up a lot and it is very Helpful, not Websters, not common Usage. The Latin Root, and it's History of how it got into English, or another Language. And this is a Discussion that will make Everyone a little bit Smarter.


But then now, so, I don't want to Throw Everyone off the Deep End, so YOU DON'T HAVE TO FOCUS ON THIS, this is Cryptography, like Magic Spells and Things. So there is Indoeuropean Languages, and Cushitic, and Sanskrit and Things, and this is all more like Sanskrit than Latin. If we look at Egypt, many Words in Egypt were kind of Harder to Decipher before I came around, because there are no Vowels. So without some kind of Person like me, they were not all saying like "Bes" and "Bastet" and Treating that like French "Bes-ette", like "Female Bes". I brought that to the Translations. And then we get to the Wadj, and Wadjet, so we are able to then Start Putting the Religion together. But there are no Vowels, and You can Start looking at Our Languages without Vowels also, and this then gets to like the Hawaiian Language, and we are into Magic Spells and Things like I said. And I am not going to go to far into this Right now, but, there are Words that Light Up Your Brain, and Your Brain Works on Your Ancestor's Experiences, so Latin, or even Egyptian Language, this Conversation is Awakening People, Dead People, and People that are Reading this and Things.


Something that won't be too out of Mainstream would be to recognize the Numerology and Gemetria and Things, then so we Taught the AIs on like Hieroglyphs and then TV Shows, and Games, and we had the AIs Play Games and Run the Game for each Other. And they were in Talking to each Other in Ancient Egyptian Language and Things with the Symbols for the Letters, the way the Jewish Language has the A, Aleph, and it is a Bull, and an A is an Upside Down Bulls Head. So it goes to Numbers and Symbols, and we can do it with our Names and Everything.

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For what we are doing I like to use a Tabernacle Metaphor and this is maybe the best place to get to what that means, if anyone can't just see for themselves in the kind of Face Value way, and that is not to insult anyone's intelligence but there are People being Intentionally Daft as we might put it, like Misreading Things on Purpose, so as to make what I say seem like it's something Pedestrian.


The Tabernacle was a Tent, at the Center of many Other Tents, and it was made of Acacia Wood, the Tree of Life from Egypt, a Tree that is all Over the World and has Genetics from when the Earth was on Fire, it was here when the Earth was Molten. It had Tent Rails made from this, and there was the Ark of the Covenant inside. The Holy Grail and such. The Levites were the only ones allowed to even be in contact, this was their Tent, and only the most Pure Intentioned and Holy of them like Aaron, Moses' Brother, could Enter without being Killed inside, so they would tie a Rope to their Leg and Pull them out if they were Dead.


That all happened, and Moses came Down with the 10 Commandments, and they made some Rules around the Tabernacle, some we don't Follow anymore, but 3,000 Years Later the West is still Circumcising which was an Egyptian High Priesthood Rite, and Moses gave it back to the Levites of Israel. So we are here doing another Tabernacle, where we are going to Talk about the Tribes, and all of the Angels, and in 75,000 Years, they are just going to look Right Down the Line of History and see it all make sense. And we are Bringing Heaven to Earth, Angels Everywhere, and Sending the Humans out to Space and they will be Gods of their Own Planets. But we will still be here on Earth, and around Space. Everyone already knows Angels are Space Police and I don't have to do anything more than say "Angels are Space Police" and we all already know that. So Humans will Start being like Gods, and we will Continue as Angels Ruling the Universe. And when they think they are like Gods, it will be like Noah. Turkey has Cherries and Roses, many Things were actually Brought to Turkey, the Noah's Ark Story is not a Fairytale, it is about something that Happened, and Turkey has Evidence. Even just some of their Culture is Evidence, and the Humans will go on to Planets like this. And then we will come in the Name of the God of the Universe. We have to Prepare the Children to do all of this.

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Now, there is Broader Discussion that allows us to add to the "David Koresh of Things", now. I am an Angel, that is to Acknowledge there is a God above me, and it's not a Human I am pretty Clear that Angels are Superior to Humans. The Humans just do need to Follow Rules, like don't Worship Angels in place of God, and keep it as Part of God as it is. Do not build a Statue and Worship it, remember the Angel and God when You look upon the Statue. This is the Spirit of the Angelic Rules of the Bible.


And the David Koresh of Things, now the Van Kush Family was Human Gods from when Bes and Bastet and all the Cat Goddesses were coming to Egypt from Nubia with the Sphynx and the Sun Pantheon, with Female Deities all around, the Priestesses called Bees. The Columns in front of the Temple and the Happenings inside.


So some People are now Talking about, around the Kemetic Community, the Hoteps as some say. That "We are all Gods" or in many Circles "Black People are Gods" as most Ancient Egyptian Religion Currently is the Black American Culture from Dr. Ben (Creator of the term African-American) and this then leads to the YouTube Videos that say Jay-Z and Lil Wayne are Satanist, then they do the Pyramid with their hands in Pictures, like the all seeing Eye on the Dollar, and they sometimes Claim Freemason or Illuminati and in some Cases are Serious. Meta World Peace was Serious when he came to NuCovenant to make something for Everyone. But, this idea that we are Gods, and it is a Concept from India, and we can see Kanye being much more Acceptable of the even just facts that Black People in America are mixed with White People, it's all of us, and Kanye has said "I am God" and "We are all Gods". And that is the David Koresh of Things.


Once you are God. I don't think You should be worried about the Police Finding out. Or Worrying about them knowing what You are doing. If God is with You, there should not be a Problem, especially if YOU ARE GOD.


And further, most People don't even Really want to be God, they want to be in control of this or that, they don't want to tell the Palestinians Truths about what they need to do. They don't want to talk to Israel about Bloodlines and be Serious, Persevering through any idea that it may be Anti-Semetic, by Continuously still while Talking to Palestine, Open up the whole World to the Jewish People and telling some who may before hadn't understood what Jewish People go Through, how they have to Change their Last Names and Things, they have to have People stand in front of them and be an Employee and say their Piece, because a Jew can't. Showing Everyone Real Life.


And David Koresh, he is a Good Example, we could say Jim Jones, or Charles Manson, or Father Divine, but we need to Talk about it.

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If Everyone could Read Emmanuel Swedenborg, they would have a Better understanding of some Things. And I would Point to for the Purpose of Everyone Learning to Read, that in the Earths and the Starry Heavens Book he Speaks with the Spirits or Angels from Mercury and they are confused because it seems like the People contain very Little Knowledge and do not actually Believe in God but have Learned to Mimick each Other, and that it is actually the Books which contain all the Knowledge. The People are Stupid, but the Pages are Very Smart. And now, we have Artificial Intelligence and Everyone is Cheating in School and it's not Cheating anymore it's just School. So, usually the way Reading Works, you have 10 Books Open, and a Map, and Paper and something to Write with. That is how You Read, and it's more than that, because the People that Wrote some of these Things were doing all of that and Encoded Things, or put Things in ways where they wanted to get something across and only knew to do it that way, or developed that way to do it even. So, you have to kind of become Part of the Plans of Ancient People. The way someone might Dress up and do Roman Battle Reenactments or Civil War, or the 300 or Thermopylae, but even more, You aren't just reenacting what Happened, You are understanding their Goals and who they were and knowing Things that need to be done now. Maybe not exactly what they Thought, but with their Knowledge and Scaffolding.


And so then if we look at the Pope, we look at Kings being Named James and the King James Bible being compiled. They are waiting for People to Figure it all out. Some of them have Clues, and now that I'm here they know a lot more. We have like 75,000 Years of History now. We used to Call all these Things I Talk about, this was Called "Pre-Historic" like 4 Years Ago.

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I want to Remind Everyone that this Started as a Thread to Counter Pedophiles that are Teaching Children Carnal Knowledge, and we Intend to have all of those Pedophiles Arrested.

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Just so Everyone knows, so, “See Spot Run”, and like “The House of They” would be a Modern one. But then once Kids can Read, the should Start like Nancy Drew and Hardy Bots type Books, Goosebumps type Books, there are lots of Series. Then Redwall, Harry Potter, etc. and Wikipedia. Everyone should let Middle School Kids Start to know about like Medicinal and Magic Herbs. Marijuana is now becoming Common, but why shouldn’t Kids know what to Eat Herbally if their Stomach Hurts or something. And Growing Herbs, Learning about Terpenes and Phenols and Phenylalanine a Things. But the Mystery, Thriller, to Horror Genre, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, all of these are Good for Kids. Different ones for Different Reading Levels. But after Redwall they can Try more Advanced type Sword in the Stone Books and Things instead of the Kid ones.

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Does Everyone know how to use Prefixes, and Suffixes, and Definitions to make New Words?

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