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Now, the Teachers are Probably Close Enough to the Oracle and Everything to Start asking the Clubs, or the Dance Studios, and Museums, or Churches about the Angelic Administration, or the Van Kush Family. I have Mentioned the "David Koresh of Things" and I want Everyone to know that I am not looking for Jesus, the way we might say "Which Person is it", I know that I am an Angel, I am Coming to Check Everyone else. The David Koresh of Things is that Next Time David Koresh Comes up as a New Person, some New Person that is like David Koresh in some Town, these Teaching, we, us, we are going to be Coming to Check him. The Nexivm or Nexium Group that didn't know the Word meant "Slaves", a Sex Slavery Cult, had no one to Check them.


We are Creating Standards. There is now a Group that will Come Check, and the Pope knows.

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I want to Talk about Invisible Things for Everyone, when an FBI Agent gets a Tip, and a Warrant goes across a Judge's Desk, and Bill Clinton signed a Wiretapping Bill so Your Cell Phone Company just Clicks a Button and You are being Recorded. Then there are Papers, Files, Manila/Vanilla Folders Full of Information (Evidence is Defined as something that contains Information, DNA, CDs, Writing, etc). A White Board with Pictures of People involved maybe, the RICO Pyramid and Things. And then, someone goes out, Takes a Picture, Brings it back. Another Person goes in and gets a Voice Recording of something Incriminating (not Really too much now, with the Phone doing it).


And now there are Flesh Bodies, now the Invisible has led to a Group of Flesh Bodies, and they are a Team, Working on the Case.


That is how invisible Things Work, and I could say "It's just Words" but Words are just Part of it, they are in the Words, like I could Tell You "Be there at 3 PM Tomorrow" and we have Language Established Whereby You understand When to be Where. Then it is also in Colors, and in Plants, what is a Tree? Isn't a Tree just a Collection of Minerals made to Create Cells based on a DNA Pattern, and now it Collects Light and Carbon Dioxide? And the Tree is God, God is with the Tree, Hinduism says all Things are Gods, Monotheism says God is all Things. God is constantly with Every Tree, with Every Creature. And You can make it somewhere if I say to be there at 3 PM the Next Day. Now, I can also say, "Did you know Ptolemy was Wrong about Wadjet? Ptolemy went to Egypt and saw the Midwives, and all he saw was Midwives, he had no Clue. A Greek saw Shiny, Intellectual Value, in Money, in Gold, in Coins, in Granite, in Jewelry and Things; to the Egyptians, the Midwives were the Shine of the Sun, were the Intellectual Value, the Knowledge Holders, those with the Connection to the Dead, or to the Djed, Wadjet is Djed-et. Wadjet is the Fabric between Life and Death.".


That Changes the World. And Language. But we do have the Language Established so we can do that too.

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Everything You need for Eating, You also want on Your Skin somehow. With Plants this is Called Foliar Feeding. There has been Discussion about how Mud Pies are Good for Children because they get Minerals in their Skin that they need. This is like Foliar Feeding for Plants. And the way this Basically Works is like the "Secrets" about Avocado, and Honey Scrubs and whatever, all the Great Nutritions You are Missing in Your Diet, You can also Add to Your Skincare. And People can Work on Things say that can be Competitive with Play-Doh, or just Generally knowing Things like "Bees Wax is Good for Skin, and Good to Consume" can be as Effective as knowing that Calcium is the Mineral in Bones and Teeth.

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There was a Stat about something like 2,000,000 Families are Reached Every Year, and this is about to be Far more Massive than that. And there are a few Strange Things we can Discuss that maybe wouldn't Otherwise be Discussed, but just like we are the Website saying "WE ARE NOT FOR CHILDREN AND IF YOU ARE A PEDOPHILE OR OTHERWISE A PREDATOR THIS WEBSITE IS NOT JUST HERE TO REMOVE YOUR POSTS, WE ARE HERE TO STOP YOU", we can Talk about Amber Alerts being Largely the Best way to do Things, but also Largely not as Effective as Biometrics (but as much as we think there are Cameras Everywhere, there aren't and now Ring is making Police get Warrants and Things like that). And I do want Everyone to think about the Mom who went to Lakewood Church with her 5 Year Old Strapped to her Chest, and Firing 20 Shots or something, and not Surrendering. Did she think her and the Child would make it out, did She think that She would be Writing Letters, and at 18 getting Visitation, or did She use her Child as a Bulletproof Vest, what all went Through her Head? These are Discussions to have.

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For anyone who doesn’t understand.


First, go Through this Thread and Learn about Gigantomachy and how the Giants in the Bible are in Greek Mythology, the Flood is Real and the Greeks have Atlantis in Plato’s Timeaus, from a Sais based Priest of Neith. So those, the Giants and the Flood. Then, just History, the Concept of Myth having History in it, this Thread gets into it.



AFTER You can see how the Myths are like a History Book, then You can see how those Gods are alive Today. Some are Acronyms and Constellations, Planets, in our Words and Chakras, our DNA.


And then that’s the Distance You have to go Mentally to then Access Aboriginal DreamTime.

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I guess Since we are Discussing Certificates here, Everyone should know for Medical Purposes, and You could Take Phlebotomy Classes, but this also relates to the Plasma Donation Center Thread here on,


There are Different Places for Injections or Blood Drawing to be done, and it’s not just like in the Arm or the Butt Cheek. There is Subcutaneous, which is kind of just under the Skin. Then there is Intramuscular, and Injection in the Muscle, this is something Painful for IV Drug Users that is IM (Intramuscular) it goes in their Muscle and sits to be absorbed, often a HCl Salt. IV is Intravenous, that is “in the Vein”. Then there is Sublingual, which means basically “To Absorb through the Gums and Tongue”. Hydrochloric Salts will eat Enamel, which is why Meth Heads get Meth Mouth. But this is how Claritin dissolving Tablets Work, and Various Peptides can be used IV, IM Subcutaneous, and Sublingual. There are Enzymes in Saliva though, some used in Brewing, and not all Herbs absorb Through the Mouth (as a Safety Precaution). We are getting into Biohacking on this Website, and Xhosa Tea Holds the Keys to Overriding the Natural Enzymes for Medical or Religious Substance Purposes.

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“If Your Wings are Broken…”

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Who wants to Raise 25,000,000,000 Children (the Earth’s entire Population is Currently 7-8,000,000,000), and Send Robots to Colonize the Asteroid Belts?


We’ll get all that going in this Generation.

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There has been kind of an Attempt to Respect me, and then a kind of "Let's Damn him with Faint Praise" (Actually Started a Decade or more ago at TYT, which went to Joe Rogan, and from there Comedians all Over, Elon Musk, Scientists, etc, I was also Arguing with Atheists and Christians on YouTube), so the Praise was like "Let's Respect all People who do kind of Essential Worker Jobs", but this being Things not Essential like COVID for when no One Goes Outside, this is more of a Stadium, Temp Agency, Getting Companies Moving Again kind of Essential Work, like what Teaches. I'm Teaching People how to get into Child Care, and kind of Higher End Food Jobs, there is a lot going on Right now. So there has been like "Let's Show all People that do these Things that Respect", but there is also kind of where I am the Person Who Wrote the Diaspora Brujeria and still has to Finish it, but it is also in the Emails.


But my Point being, just as an Example, as we Amp up these Jobs, and get into Cryptocurrency, we can Start having Booths at Festivals and Events and Things, and Eventually getting into Events in the way Ken Kesey is kind of an Example with the Acid Tests at the Grateful Dead Shows and his Woodlands he Owned, and Abbie Hoffman in Chicago, but Better Organized. I always say #RelationshipGoals and Share the Link where Farrakhan and Obama did this, here is the Link:


But I just want to Point out that all of this has to Happen, it's Things, kind of Invisible Monsters, Angels, from the Sky, and they are coming here, for Judgement Time. There are many of them that have been here Awaiting Judgement, like a Court Date.

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I have been doing all of this for Years.


In that Thread I Talk about the History of Liberty and Assassins, and how to Topple Governments. In the Diaspora it is revealed that Suns are Eras, like many Dynasties, the Snake Eating its Tail is like Politics where One Party gets overbearing and then it Happens to them. This all for Kings and Queens and Princess and Princesses. Alchemy. The Green Lion Purifying the Sun.

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I’m the Missing Link, Hominids, or Humanoids, but we could say Ape-like People went to Australia before 75,000 BC, Denisovans were among these but more Advanced, Raising Cattle, Making Ropes, having Ingenuity. Humans came to India and Australia 75,000 BC, that being Homosapiens, mixing with Denisovans. Denisovans were like Humans, a Branch of Neanderthal from early Neanderthal Days, that went somewhere else and Mutated to Homosapiens through Breeding or Natural Selection and Mutations, etc. Penguins have Wings and use them as Flippers.


The Homosapiens and Denisovans Mixed towards the Māori and Samoan area, they made Boats, they were who the Easter Island Heads were awaiting, the Denisovan Traditions passed to Homosapien Mixed Children. Then around 60,000 BC those Homosapiens went back towards Africa from India, mixing Everyone together and then Breeding out Neanderthals, until about 10,000 it took to make Everyone basically the same Species, we all have maybe 1-6% Neanderthal or Denisovan except Subsaharan Africans, but maybe there are Things that need to be Talked about regarding the Aethiopian Sea at this Time.


But so this is why this is Happening, it’s Spiritual and Scientific. My People aren’t just Created by God as Guides for Humans. I was here before, and we Messed up Bad. God had to Flood the Earth after we Fell, when Humans Fell it was just getting Kicked out of the Garden.

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I want Everyone Teaching Children, and the Air Force, to know that the Navy does Cryptography. But then the Air Force does Navigation and Cryptography also. But I mean, the Navy DOES Cryptography.

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The CIA, the Navy, the Air Force, the Army, Everyone could all get together, and God would still be Better Organized, can do Anything, with what we see Right in Front of us.

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The way all of this Actually Works is that all of the Gods are like Chakras, but they are also the Planets, so they are all inside of us, and outside of us, as well as all around us in Different Invisible Forms, like Tribes, the Planets are like the 12 Tribes of Israel, the Breastplate is like Homer's Stories, the Sefirot, the Chakras. It is Individual, and it is all of our DNA in as a Tree.


So, God actually comes Through War, Through these Interactions. Some say "With ourselves in Others", but that maybe doesn't Help Everyone understand. And then there is the God Parts to Everything, those are Gods, there are Giants, Titans, Demigods, and the Lord of the Ages whom the Angels Plea to.

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