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There are Events from Weddings, to Giant Conventions to Festivals like SxSW, and what Happens is that there are all kinds of Companies Surrounding all of this that are Very Competitive with Contracts and Everything, and there are Very Interesting Percentages where sometimes the Food Service is kind of where the Location is making the Money, like say at the Convention Center or State Fair, and the Vendors are kind of being Hired to just bring Money to the Venue. Other Contracts are where the Company is being Hired to Provide a Service, usually Fancier, the First of these 2 is usually Concessions, the Second is usually Banquets. Like Beer and Popcorn v. Wine and Courses.


And most People usually think of these Companies in the Wedding Industry, or Celebration, "Who is going to Cater" that is the Question, and while Catering is almost the Wrong Word for the Industry now, it is still its own Thing as well, while Banquets sometimes are less Mobile, but it is all Merging now where Kitchens not on Site and Food is Trucked in on Box Trucks and Trailers for Events, Pre-Cooked that Day, or however Fresh it needs to be depending on what it is (maybe a Sauce wasn't made the same day as Meat was Cooked). And this will be what brings Everyone out of COVID, these Events Happening, of all kinds. Food and Alcohol being Served where Contracted, this is how Great Restaurants are made, with Famous Chefs and Things.


So we are doing Things with Teachers, and the Food Industry, and overall this is a Religious Movement, and we are Talking about People Living 200 and 300 maybe 500 Years and Things now that we understand Wax and Herbs and Things. And we are going to do Blockchain,


We are going to Bring Blockchain to the Restaurants,


To the Teachers and Libraries,


To the Government Entities, not just American ones,


We are going to make all of that Happen, and that is going to make Everything else Possible. Capitalism Works by means of Capital. And that is how Cryptocurrency Works, so we are using Several Graphene Blockchains Together, and will make Many Tokens. And Teachers who can, Should look on this very Website,, in the Blockchain Section, and Teach Children how to make Blockchains.

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You can Home School Your Children by Yourself Studying our Content. And Feel Free to Home School Your Children and You decide what to use.

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Either in 8th Grade or 9th Grade, as like Health Class Studies, Children should be shown Timothy Leary on the Merv Griffin Show, and various Interviews with Sasha Shulgin, Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey, Abbie Hoffman, Eldridge Cleaver and Fred Hampton. They should be told about how Cancer is sometimes Cured by the Attitude a Person has, and that sometimes a 1 Time Psychedelic Religious Experience (not done Every Day, or Every Weekend) can be Transformative and a Growth Exercise, also an Alternative to Therapy, to Find Your Next Purpose in Life, or the Purpose You never Noticed.


Now, I want the Teachers to know about RBT Training, there is one here at this Link


This should Help Teachers get Other Roles they may want to Pursue, such as Counselor, etc. The Next Step would be Licensed Practitioner of the Healing Arts (LPHA). It seems ECI is the best way to Start this, and Emergency Care Attendant (ECA) is kind of the Certification just under EMT, someone who is ECA Certified could Work in an Ambulance, get that Experience, and bring that back to their Teaching Job to have a Different Role in a School Setting.

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Animals do Math, to Navigate, and to Determine if they Can Chase and Eat something or if that is too much Energy. That is where Language, and Everything Comes From. It’s not Math, it’s our Thoughts, but they are more Powerful than Math. And it connects to Nature, and the Planets and Stars, and Everything Taught in School, etc.

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Egypt had both a King and a Par'Oh.


I am Claiming Heritage from the Kings of Egypt, and Otherwise Throughout Africa and the Mediterranean.


What a Par'Oh is, is in Reverse, it is the Musaeum which Alexander's Egypt made by Gutting the Palace, the Par'Oh, the Palace, a Par'Oh, is Egyptian for "Palace". But it was a Religious Temple of a Palace, the King Lived there and was connected to the Gods Through the Par'Oh, the Par'Oh was as Influential as the King. It was a Museum, but it was also the Library of Alexandria, it as the Lighthouse, it was Everything that Alexander's Egypt made, came from the Par'Oh. This is also where Moses was Raised. Moses was Raised within the Par'Oh.


And so what a Par'Oh does, is it Proves Things, the Museum and the Library, Give the King his Divine Authority, does that make just Complete Sense? Because it does. The Par'Oh is Artefacts, Artifacts that Prove the Heritage and Rites. The Library is Basically like the Artefacts, and the Statues, the Gods, all of these Come Together to PROVE that the Egyptian King was King. And the Priests of Apis were a Big Part of this, there were all kinds of Priests, and 2 "Wizards" called "Viziers" that actually kind of Ruled Over the 2 Kingdoms, and the Par'Oh and King were the Head of the 2 Viziers.


And we can Learn a lot by seeing when King Tut finds the Laws in the Worm Eaten Scrolls, the Gods, he Brings them all back, after his Father has Cast them away and made 1 God, 1 Sun Disk God, and he was the Representative of the Sun Disk. King Tut found the Scrolls, just like many Kings, Hezekiah is one of the most Famous, but Ezra and Nemehiah, and all Number of Kings also Found the Books of the Law and Brought it back. So this Shows us kind of how the Gods, and the Books, and the Museums all go Together.

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I am going to Revive HIVE-Engine, and I think that all of the Libraries and Things should be involved. Teachers and Librarians should know how Currencies Work as we bring up the Value of all of these Currencies.

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