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The Moorish Science Temple: A Journey from Noble Drew Ali to Contemporary Claims

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Introduction: The Moorish Science Temple of America, founded by Noble Drew Ali in the early 20th century, stands as a significant movement in African American religious history. This article explores the origins of the Moorish Science Temple, the teachings of Noble Drew Ali, and delves into recent claims made by its members about America's connection to Morocco.

Origins and Teachings of the Moorish Science Temple: Noble Drew Ali, born Timothy Drew in 1886, founded the Moorish Science Temple in 1913 in Newark, New Jersey. He aimed to provide African Americans with a sense of identity and cultural pride, drawing inspiration from Islamic traditions and the teachings of Marcus Garvey. The movement emphasized the African heritage of its members and sought to uplift them through self-awareness and education.

Teachings of Noble Drew Ali: Central to Noble Drew Ali's teachings was the belief in the Moorish heritage of African Americans. He advocated for the acknowledgment of their true identity as Moors, descendants of ancient North Africans. Ali taught that African Americans were not simply "Negroes" but part of a larger Moorish nation. He emphasized self-sufficiency, self-empowerment, and the importance of knowing one's history and cultural roots.

Expansion of the Movement: Under Noble Drew Ali's leadership, the Moorish Science Temple expanded, gaining followers in various cities across the United States. The movement's growth was attributed to its focus on cultural pride and self-identity, which resonated with many African Americans during a time of racial prejudice and discrimination.

Recent Claims and America's Connection to Morocco: In recent years, some members of the Moorish Science Temple have claimed that America is connected to Morocco. This belief is rooted in historical references to treaties between the United States and the Kingdom of Morocco, including the Treaty of Peace and Friendship signed in 1787. Some followers interpret these treaties as evidence of America being recognized as part of Morocco, reinforcing their belief in the Moorish heritage of the United States.

Challenges and Controversies: The Moorish Science Temple, like many religious movements, has faced internal challenges and controversies. Disputes over leadership, interpretations of Noble Drew Ali's teachings, and legal issues related to identification documents and citizenship claims have been points of contention within the community.

Conclusion: The Moorish Science Temple, founded by Noble Drew Ali, continues to inspire and influence its members, fostering a sense of identity, pride, and cultural awareness. The recent claims linking America to Morocco highlight the enduring impact of the movement's teachings, sparking debates and discussions about historical connections and heritage. As with any religious movement, interpretations may vary, but the legacy of Noble Drew Ali and the Moorish Science Temple remains an integral part of African American history and the tapestry of religious diversity in the United States.

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The History of the Moorish Science Temple is very Intricate, and it is a National Movement. There are some Things that are sometimes Discussed by Sovereign Citizens and this now has become completely Intertwined with the Moorish Science Temple, so I am going to get into what the Moorish Science Temple is for Everyone, and how the Sovereign Citizens are doing the same kind of Thing, and the Moors could actually be making Better Arguments.


So Let's just Start with the Important Part, Sovereign Citizens are many Things, but when they are like Moorish Science Practitioners  it is kind of like Writ Writers, but not Good Writ Writers, not Respecting even like Using Writs at the Right Times and Everything, being a Real Writ Writer. The Sovereign Citizens don't do that, they most of them don't even know what a Writ is, but some of them do. And the Moors are doing this same kind of Thing, but Historically there is a Difference and if the Moors would get all of their Information Together and Create something like the New Circle 7 Koran, for Everyone to use in Court Now, it could Help, but it can't be the Jurisdiction Thing unless you are going to go Talk to Morocco, this is Serious, and Morocco might want to Talk about it. Like, if Mexico wanted to Talk about it, El Chappo could say America is Charging him with too many Crimes, but Mexico doesn't want to Talk about it. So there are Differences.


I'll just First get into what the Sovereign Citizens kind of Talk about, they talk about like the War of 1812, and the Banks Buying the Federal Reserve, there are kind of Historical Events and Strange Documents. Nixon actually got Rid of the Gold Standard saying he would Fix it, and Fort Knox was there, and then it just never Happened because Nixon was Impeached, for Watergate, the Scandal of Scandals, the Scandal that all Scandals are named after, even Video Game Players called their Scandal "Gamer Gate". So the Sovereign Citizens get into Random Old Documents and they say that you can Cash out Money and Things, from some Trusts or whatever was Written in whatever Year. Don't Pay to give up Your Citizenship, it is actually not a Good Idea to be Stateless. You may even get put on like a Terror List. So the Moors, if they can make an Embassy in Morocco, and this is an American Organization that has a Large Number of People that would Claim it as their Religion if they were Publicly kind of seen as Sovereign Citizens, because what it is, is that if we look to Shakespeare's Time, and I Point to the Writings of Shakespeare because he uses the Word "Moor" or "Moore" and there are Places, like in Dallas in Texas here, there is Westmoreland, there are Different Moor based names of Places Across Europe, and some People may be saying when they see like a Muslim Mayor in London, England, like "What is Happening in London", and actually the Moorish Empire was Part of Europe for 700 Years before a Crusade where they Killed all the Moors in Turkey, and took back the kind of Roman Empire. And this was a Time when Religions were being Switched, the Masons of the Mithraic Roman Empire became Christian and made Christian Cathedrals and Palaces with Constantine and the Following Rulers, then the Christian Empires and the Muslim Empires. The Moorish Empire was one of these, and it was Part of Europe for a While.


So the Moorish Science Temple says, First, According to Noble Drew Ali he Visited Egypt, and Learned that Egypt was not just African, it was not just an Argument of White and Black Culture, that Egypt was Asiatic, and that Islam was the Religion of the People of Africa, and that they were Asiatic. Then, that the Moorish Empire was the Empire of the Moors, and that as the Europeans Know, the Moorish Kings were Blind Folded is the General Symbol that is seen on Flags and Things. So the Moors actually go back Further, there is some Ancient Ancient History that you can Start to Access Through the Moorish Empire, and Noble Drew Ali took it to the Moabites, and then out into the Entire Globe, Atlantis, etc. So this becomes a Larger kind of Religious Concept, and This is Moorish Science, it is an Actual Statecraft, like Benjamin Franklin, or I don't want to say Hitler because Hitler is Evil, but like Cesar was the Shaman of Rome, it wasn't a Guy in a Room making Arbitrary Decisions, he was an Animal Running around with Gods and Fallen Angels Guiding him and his Tribes, and they were all Interacting, and he was Ruling Over Everything because they all understood he could do it. Benjamin Franklin, and Philosopher Kings, the Mystery Schools. All I need to say is that it is a Mystery School, the Moorish Science Temple is a Real Life Mystery School. But, there are many Now who will very Quickly tell Police and Judges they don't have Jurisdiction, they will use Sovereign Citizen based Legal Arguments which is another Topic, but some of the Moorish Science Practitioners will try to Drive with no License, and the way a Sovereign Citizen says they are a "Freeman on the Land" or "An Individual" or "Not that Corporation in all CAPS", the Moor will say they are a Subject of the Moorish Empire and not America, and then they will ask the Judges their Nationality and Things. It is Similar to what has been called Paper Terrorism, like not Legal Arguments, New Things that have been Made. You can even Find U.S. Case Law Now with El Bey and Bay this and that, because El and Bay or Bey means King, so the Moors have been Filing Cases and the Judges have been Creating Case Law so they can say "We've seen this before".


And so there are Moors who talk about how Noble Drew Ali went to the OAS or the UN and there is some Record of this Somewhere, he Spoke at/with one of these Global Bodies, and there is a Record of it somewhere. This would be a Place to Start, and then Start Discussing the History of Everything with Morocco, what instead they have been doing is putting up Eviction Notices, saying that Americans need to Leave their Homes because the Land Belongs to Them, The Moorish Empire. And Morocco is known for like Hash, and being kind of a Place with Coffee Shops, that is what the Word "Casablanca" is about, the Movie is about the City in Morocco and Everything. Morocco has a History of Ancient Monoliths, there are all Kinds of Things all around Morocco, and they Probably do want to Talk about it. And the Moors should Start Talking to them. And we could Start having Discussions about a Moorish Empire, but you have to Talk to Morocco, and get Global Notice out, go to the UN or the OAS and Speak saying that Morocco should Recognize their People in America, and the History and Everything. There is no way for the Judges to look Today, and say "Oh, there is an Agreement with Morocco, there is a Case where they came and got someone", they might want to Talk about this just because of their Own History with America, how do you think America made it when they Fought Britain Off? Morocco and the Barbary Pirates were kind of Operating with America's Rules in Mind, and with America, and this whole Cultural Exchange and Everything is what made America Possible. So there could actually be Talks, just as an Example, the Treaty of Peace and Friendship says it should be reconsidered for update every 50 Years, so it was a 50 Year Treaty and maybe Moroccan Citizens want that Treaty, and American Citizens who are part of the Moorish Empire could Help. 


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