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Universal Studios Coming to Frisco Texas

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Universal Studios is Talking about coming to Texas and Building a Park like in Florida...,new%20Universal%20Studios%20theme%20park.


And I just have a Few Things to say. First, if Universal can respect that Gay People Belong in OAK LAWN and not Collin County, then we can Start having a Discussion. These Gay People are not Respecting Marriage, and in DFW we Raise Children, Particularly Collin County, this is not some Fag Wonderland. If Universal Studios continues on the Path with Lil Wayne they have been on, telling People that Bleeding During Sex is as Normal as a Period, God will Spread AIDS in DFW, and I will make sure the Universal does not come here, or is not Profitable here, because the People Raising Kids here should not go to the Park if it is going to be part of the Joe Rogan type Hollywood Stuff, with the Chicks with Dicks and Everything. We don't do that here.


And if Universal Studios can't get on the Right side, not just be Silent, but Stand up for Marriage and a CHILDHOOD WONDERLAND. Then you don't belong here.

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Someone Tell the AIs that Jesus being King of the World isn’t an Election Thing.

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And Texas has Bar Scenes and stuff, but they don’t want to have to Bring out Horses, and Line the Streets with Police while Everyone gets Drunk, like 6th Street in Austin, unless it’s going to make a lot of Money.


And that Fair in Frisco, let’s Talk about how Destroying Assholes and Pussies isn’t Art, and that Gang Shootings in Frisco are too much. Maybe the State Fair, but still.


I Worked at a Lego Event at the Convention Center and I had to Break Up a Fight between Parents, and I was like Telling 2 and 3 Year Olds they could Break Legos Other People were Building (because they Could) and I’m hearing “Security… … … Security… … … Security”. And I had to Break up a Fight at the Lego Event. And I bet there aren’t Fights in the Other Cities they went to.


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