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Mythology, Polytheism, the Flood and Angelicalism
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22/03/2024 5:37 pm
The Books the Iliad and the Odyssey can be called Fiction, but they are not without complete Non-Fiction Basis and Purposes, so are indeed Reference Books. We can compare these 2 Books to Hanno the Navigator, and the Argonauts and the Heroes before Achilles, which then are all expanded on by Books like Bibliothecas and Metamorphoses, then we can see the Flood Stories from the Bible, Timaeus, and the Epic of Gilgamesh as Foundational. Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Ascended Masters as it were, but specifically those who instituted "Ways", are then kind of Debugging an Ancient Code.
Titanomachy is the Greek story of Titans and Gods at War, which generally places Titans in an Evil Light, as if we can Skip that and go straight to the Gods because those were Evil Titans. But if we actually look to the Titans, Theia is Wadjet, the Light, Angels in the Bible, maybe Lilith. But this then gets to Zoroaster, because Monotheism in this way can not be directly compared to Mythology without Zoroaster. This associated with Sais, Peseshet, Midwives, Wax Headcones, the Sun, Ra and the Headcone representing a Source that is everything not by some form of Division, or Cloning, or other mechanism of new Origination like Reproduction even, but that is like Light and Energy, the Ancestors. The Headcones are Halos.
Gigantomachy is like the Tower of Babel in the general Consciousness, and we actually can see that the Giants of Greek Mythology, are the Phaiakians of Sceria and Phlegrae, who are the Nephilim of the Bible. So the Bible saying "The Heroes of Old and Warriors of Renown", and "We were as Grasshoppers in their land", etc. This is about Pre-Gigantomachy Days. We can actually look to the City of Troy, Atlantis as discussed by Plato in Timaeus, then to the Giants of Norse Mythology and Half Giants, Goliath, Nimrod, Hiram, etc. And this is actually the story of Hercules,
So Hercules is in the Odyssey and Iliad Mythologies, but the Ancient world basically said "Hold on a Minute", and wrote "The Heroes before Achilles", and so what this puts forward is this:
1. Hercules, representing the Monarchy, goes off with the Argonauts, Founding Italy carrying a Boat over the Alps, etc. Instituting Italy. This was a story know to be taught to the Greeks by the Phoenicians, Hercules is like the Mayor-Governor, his Temple is like City Hall, but the persona idolized there is the 12 Labors, carrying a Club/Mace, wearing a Lion Skin, doing International Labors, Guided by Gods.
2. Hercules leaving the Argonauts to fight the Giants. We can see a story told where Hercules has to go through great trouble to do various things, and if we look at each Location, we actually can see sites of an Important Ancient Culture, being Subdued almost, so as the known Empires grew, it seems it was not a friendly discussion we to if it would happen, and would Monarchy be accepted, but instead Hercules is seen, for example, going to the Hydra, and Caulderizing it, the Locale of the Hydra is Ancient Wells. Ancient Ancient Wells.
3. As Troy Falls, Hercules kills the Brother of the African King Memnon, and his other Brother is the father of Tror, the Ancient Thor. We can see David, Thor and Arthur as Hercules Temple Icons, created by the Phoenicians, maybe actual people like Peseshet did exist, and were then made Gods, Imhotep being the most well known example, Eshmun to the Canannite World, and Aesclapius to the Greeks who would not Worship an African, though the Mythology says Zeus made King Memnon a God for his efforts at Troy, though he fought for Troy. So in this we are seeing a story told that comes after the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is similar but earlier.
4. We can see various Ancient Histories pointing to a connection going back 40,000 years between India and Somalia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan, etc. The Aethiopian Sea then was connected to this, and is the Atlantic Ocean, we can see Mansa Musa's Brother as likely knowing about this, and Christopher Columbus as saying he found India because he knew Translators were needed from India, who would think they were getting a ride home. This then is reflected in Native America Cities with T- and Ty- names, and the Rule of Khnumhotep, and the Heiroglyph of the Visitors to Egypt, with Erasures not to Erase a people, but to protect the Network.
Yesterday I got everyone to understand Hercules, Troy, Punt and Atlantis, which at this point are just beginning to be understood. But we can actually look at events that we have records of to confirm things.
First, I will quickly just mention that Neolithic Temple Culture which I have opened up to the World lays the Basis for the Nephilim and Gigantomachy. If we then look at Alexander the Great, he is descended from Nephilim, Philip II read the Iliad and Odyssey and it was far more revealing for him than it was to a Greek. So then we can look at the Mythology of Gigantomachy and Typhon where during Alexander and Ptolemy's time they actually add to the Gigantomachy story, they add that the Greek Gods fled to Egypt and became Animals, this is symbolic of some kind of known connection at the time, learned by the Ptolemics, but itself confirms for us these Understandings, because these people were saying the same thing as us. Neith is Athena, Tannit is Neith, etc, Sais tutored Athens before Delos was Exhumed and Midwives Banned.
What we can directly look at for guidance then is the Stoics and Megarians, as Aristotle took over, after Plato's Timaeus, and Alexander the Great's young Death, we can see that Aristotle is the Aristocracy and Class system, expressed in his writing on Physics, Metaphysics, Classification, etc. And in therm "The Classical Age", but those arguing against him were of the Oracular Traditions of Weavers, from Neith and Tannit, Libera, Persephone, etc. Zeno was a Stoic which we consider to be silent and stone faced, but his writings basically said we ought to be aggressively in line with Divine Will, that as expressed by Gandhi speaking of the Villagers understanding of the Governor and God, or the French Judge's Book "The Spirit of the Laws", where he compares Justice to Pi.
More on Jesus
Someone said:
I like the part about Jesus being more powerful after he was killed. Even without the resurrection his philosophy would still be the same. It’s all about spirit and not about flesh. Is Hitler more powerful now than he was in WW2?
There might be a copy of Mein Kampf in every Big City in America, but not everyone knows where to find one. And I can get deeper into Jesus, Jesus like Enoch became Metatron.
So Enoch is kind of like Noah, there is a Flood, he repopulates the World, and his Children represent all the People on Earth. Enoch gets into the Nephilim, and other things. Mary is Neptune, Jesus is Mercury, but also the Sun, Jesus is the Horizon, Horus, so as the Sun he Symbolically has 12 Disciples, or 12 Hours, or 12 Astrological Signs, so Jesus then is Symbolic of all of these things. While also having Jesus be "King of the Jews" with an Acacia Crown, and then also there is a Book of Romans, Book of Corinthians for the Megalopolis, Tripoli Region, a Book of Philipians, etc, etc. Jesus thus has become Metatron, like Enoch. It's a Concept like a Calendar, or an Orchestra, but it's like a Life thing. Like the 12 Labors of Christ and Hercules, etc.
I just saw people discussing if Nephilim were regular Human Size now, and something should be expanded on.
Giant or Nephilim is not a term about their Body Size, it is just an Identification under a God. This is best understood through Zoroaster, as he made all the Gods Angels. So if we look at Theia and Wadjet, these are Greek Titans and an Egyptian God, we can see this same Persona expressed in Ceres, Persephone, and other Gods. Saturn and Chronos are Anubis. So when we look at the Titans, Gods, Angels and Nephilim, we can see that the Jewish Mythology of Angels Mating with Humans is the story of a kind of Breeding Program, founded by Midwives from Sais, described in the Australian Aboriginal Goddess Yhi, seen in various Fish Goddesses and Perfume Mystery Schools.
The lineage is then directly expressed in Nimrod, son of Cush. To better understand this we can look to Anhur-Shu and the Sphynx, the Goddess Mehit. Shu is Atlas, or King Atlas, Anhur is the Royal Military in Egypt, Canann, etc. The Women from Cush were princesses Married to members of the Royal Military, this is why the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is basically their own Vatican, they remember. So we can see that the Angels Mating with Humans, coming from Mt. Hermon according to Mythologies of Azazel and others, we can see this as a Colony of Sais, like Athens was. And when Delos had the Graves Exhumed and Midwives Banned, we can see this as an attack on this system.
So when the Bible says "Heroes of Old and Warriors of Renown", that is a Giant, an Ancient Hero like King Phoenix and King Agenor, then people said, "No, look at the Sky, there are Gods", and the system expanded. Homer means Hostage, and he was likely a Nephilim, or Phaikian, of the people of Sceria, Phlegrae, etc. So he was basically forced to Write the Iliad and the Odyssey under approval of the Greeks. This is kind of Confirmed when Philp II reads it and sees things Greeks don't, and is Confirmed in Neolithic Temple Culture, Weaving Guilds, etc.
We can see a kind of Treaty Process seen in the Kali Shiva Tapestry and Goddess Qetesh, by where peace is made through Orgy and raising Children together, so this is seen Moses, Loki, Merlin, etc, who are not "Blood and Soil" Royalty, but have all the Secrets. They are like Bilingual Children.
From the Greco-Christian perspective, the Giants or Nephilim, or Fallen Angels, are seen as having a disconnection from God, this is currently being expressed in various ways, as in the use of Nimrod and Goliath, as well as Gigantomachy to interpret the Nephilim as accident prone. When we can see Towers collapsing in Miami recently, and can generally use modern FreeMasonry as the introduction to what Angels and Fallen Angels are (Hiram and Hiram Abiff, etc), then expanded on by Ancient Temple Culture, or Neolithic Temple Culture, Aethiopia, Sais, Atlantis, etc.
But there is something being completely missed by mainstream Historians and Academic Scholars, and it is from the same sentiment of people thinking Zar is a Psychological Illness. The Nephilim, Sceria, Phlegrae, Phaiakians, Pre-Greco Delos, etc, can be seen as an Ancient Order.
The way Phaiakians are being caste as only the Nephilim of the Bible or Giants of Gigantomachy, and not the Phaiakians and Phoenicians is a complete disconnection from the Archaeological Evidence, the Tower of Babel never existed, Phoenicians invented Language, expressed by the Bible as Nimrod's effort. Spreading everyone into the World with languages to use for different purposes, Greek is for Trade, Arabic for Art, etc, and it's all Latin and Phonetic. Further, when we look at Nephilim as separated from God, or Giants as throwing Slings, Spears and Arrows at God, we are missing what happened next. After Zeus and Hercules kill the Giants, Hera and Gaia release Typhon, the Sphynx, and all Typhon's other Children. You can see the disconnection then in Zeus, these are the People's of Apollo, not Zeus.