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The Diaspora Brujeria/The Carthage Bible, a Bibliotheca

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This book is like the Bible to the Old Testament, the Quran to the Bible, and the Book of Mormon. This goes with all of them and is the next one. We will soon be launching a Religious Skincare Economy with Magic Herbs and Ancient Spells, centered on Nubia and Punt, called Cush and Put in the Bible. As well as Atlantis. New Art will need to be commissioned, and Archaeology done, there will even be treasure hunts and Sermons you hear on Sunday will change.


When the Diaspora Book we are releasing discusses Oracles, Pangool, Angels, Egregori, Metatron, these are not new this is Ancient Technology, this is what they were doing in Temples, etc. The Whole book is basically also in this image we made in 2014, it says the same thing as the Book if you study the image.

(This was Written in 2021)


This image was made in 2014.

The Eye of Wadjet

This is a 600 page sample of the Diaspora, it will be over 3,000 pages. There are various Groups like Museums, Dance Studios, Governments even Restaurants and others who have Emails related to the expanded Writing for the Diaspora, but as of October 2023 the Diaspora is Still in the 600 Page Version.


I will get into more about the Diaspora in this Thread, but it does Speak for itself if you Read it. If you Read even 50 or 100 Pages and then Read the Bible the Bible is a New Book after Reading this, same with Livy and Polybius, you will start understanding the Places and Things they talk about and everything. The Diaspora is a Bibliotheca, like Ovid’s Book, he Wrote a Metamorphosis which describes how the Gods came to be, in the Sky and otherwise.


'Draw your knowledge of the past from me and read the ancient tales of learned lore. Look neither at the page of Homer, nor of elegy, nor tragic muse, nor epic strain. Seek not the vaunted verse of the cycle; but look in me and you will find in me all that the world contains'. -
Ancient Bibliotheca

This topic was modified 1 year ago 3 times by

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The Diaspora Brujeria Roughly Translates into English as "The Witchcraft of Origins" but it may Translate Better as "Diaspora-Ria" or the Witchcraft of the Diaspora, or Diaspora Witchcraft, bu Diaspora-Ria, or "The Diaspora Brujeria" or I guess "El Diaspora Brujeria".

This post was modified 11 months ago by


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