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Oilahuasca Introduction

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"Some people have reported Psychedelic effects from Mixing just Coffee, Almond, Cinnamon, Vanilla and Nutmeg", this is information from what was a Forum all about this that may still exist. I collected more information, that Quote is my Favorite bit of information out of everything I’ve seen about this. I put together everything I had from the Creator of Oilahuasca and added what Sasha Shulgin said on the Subject, the Creator used PubMeb. But it is the same as Sasha’s Theories. b">


Pepper (Pepperidine)

Anise Oil, B9, Valerian Root (Chinese Origin)


Vanilla, Cinnamon

German Chamomile, Cayenne Pepper Capsule, Tangerine Skin extract/capsules

Almond Extract, Anise Oil, Cinnamon, Lemon Peel oil, Lime Peel oil, Cigarette/Nicotine Gum

CBD, Echinacea Purea, Pomegranate, Pummelo, Calamus Oil

Clove oil, Catechin, Dill Seed oil, Goldenseal


Apiole (Parsley)

Dillapiole (Dill Seed)

Sesamol (Sesame Seed)

Vanillin (Vanilla)

Ethyl Vanillin (Fake Vanilla)

Elemicin (Nutmeg)

y-Asarone (Acorus)


CYP Enzymes (Drug Metabolism, etc) 7">


Induction and Inhibition (Anti-Oxidants, etc) E">


All inhibitors of oxidative 17bHSD2 will prevent activation of allylbenzenes. This enzyme must be induced, not inhibited. It's the single most important enzyme to induce. If oxidative 17bHSD2 is not functioning, allylbenzenes cannot produce psychedelic activity. Naringenin also potently inhibits 17bHSD2. Grapefruit contains large amounts of naringenin, and also prevents the psychedelic action of allylbenzenes if taken before allylbenzenes. Inhibition lasts approximately 4-8 hours.


Dr. Sasha Shulgin:
"The major essential oil from that spice is myristicin, and it is the easiest source of MMDA. It has been reported that the passage of this oil through the liver of a rabbit will generate MMDA in that animal."

Dr. Sasha Shulgin:
"the synthetic intermediate 1-allyl-2,3,4,5-tetramethoxybenzene is one of the ten essential oils, the amination step from our hypothetical reaction in the human liver would make TA one of the so-called Ten Essential Amphetamines."


Several allylbenzenes have been proven to form up to 3 alkaloid metabolites after ingestion by several animals. They do not form amphetamines in vivo as has been speculated in the past. The alkaloids detected in animal urine are tertiary aminopropiophenones of 3 possible subtypes: dimethylamines, piperidines, and pyrrolidines.

The allylbenzene elemicin has been proven to form all 3 different alkaloid metabolites after ingestion in animals by analyzing urine using gas-liquid chromatography and chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Safrole is also proven to form all three alkaloid metabolites after ingestion.

Myristicin appears to only form piperidines and pyrrolidines. Dimethylamines of myristicin have not been detected.

Allylbenzene, from which all allylbenzenes are derived, forms piperidine and dimethylamine alkaloids.

Propenylbenzene and its derivatives (asarone, anethole, etc.) do not form alkaloid metabolites.

This topic was modified 9 months ago by

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Here is a Link to People talking about Endo-Hoasca


The Kava Cannabis MAGL Discussion is similar, sometimes it is “Potentiation”.




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I'm not sure if this has been Discussed anywhere in the World yet, in this Context.


Many in the Ethnobotanical World, know about how MAOIs were the Original Anti-Depressants because when the Watson Expedition went Down to Brazil and Found Ayahuasca, they thought DMT was Inert, if you Eat DMT it doesn't do anything and they had no Clue that it could be Smoked, or the MAOIs could Activate it, so they thought it was all MAOIs, and since then it has been Discovered to Work Differently, but it was too Late and American Science has Actually found some Benefits of MAOIs though they are Dangerous because of their Dramatic Effect on what is like Anti-Oxidants and Things, Enzymes. And the Tribes said that the Plants, the Plant Teachers, Taught them how to do this, out of the Thousands of Plants in the Rainforest, Chakruna and the Spirit Vine go together to Create these Effects.


That then is what the Name "Oilahuasca" is hinting at, that is, using Oils to Activate Things like DMT, it could be DMT from Velvet Bean, Chakruna, or Phalaris Grass. A Similar Concept is "Prarie-Huasca" where Illinois Bundleflower is used, which is Similar to the Jurema (Mimosa Hostilis) Rootbark Method or the Syrian Rue Method. There is also now "Pharmahuasca", where you add MAOIs that you are Prescribed and use them to Activate DMT or something else on Purpose. We could also Include some Acacia Trees to the List, the Mimosas are a Diverse Species with various Chemical Constituents in the Leaves, Roots, Bark, Root Bark, and these are the Plants of Magic Gardens and Things.


The TCA and TeCA Concept would be kind of Showing that you don't need DMT, you can use Benadryl, then do the rest also, and these Things like Benedryl Actually have some LSD like Effects that can be Tested in Different ways with the Enzymes to see what Happens. This is the Future of Medicine.

This post was modified 7 months ago by


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