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Argentina's New President Javier Melei

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I am going to get into some Speculation, I have not Followed President Milei and only know so far what Little the American Media and Al Jazeera Talk about, so what I am going to do is get into what Argentina can do rather than anything about if this President is like a Good Guy or a Bad Guy or whatever, he wants to Fix Argentina's Economy. So the First Thing he did was come to Washington DC, to let Everyone know that he wasn't looking to Work with China, but Washington DC. What has Happened in the Past was that Communism was Spreading, and China was kind of with Russia on 1 Side but Nixon had Opened up Trade with China, and China was coming out of a Self Imposed 100 Year Isolation, China for 100 Years Isolated themselves from the Rest of the World, and so Communism and Russia were this New Thing for them and they Opened up Trade. But so that is a Symbolic Trip Melei took to Washington, and what Everyone should know is that Argentina never Really had much of an Industrial Revolution, a lot of South America has Textile Industries, they had Plantations, and that is where the "Banana Republic" Term comes from, where the Countries are completely Funded by Banana Sales.


What Melei said he is going to do is that he would have the US Dollar be the Argentinian Currency, and to do this he would have to Create a Flow of USD all around the Country. The way this Works is that if Mexican Pesos are going to become the Currency of a Given City in Texas, First, the Shops all around that City have to Start Accepting USD. I have to be able to then have a Card that I can Deposit my USD onto, and you would want there to be Banks and Everything. But, then there would be no Argentinian Heroes or anything on the Money, it would be George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, etc. So this may not be easy, but it could be Worked out where someone could Land at an Airport in Argentina and never have to go to a Currency Exchange after Landing unless they went somewhere a Distance away.


So we can Start to kind of look at the Anarcho-Capitalist Model and see how it might Actually Work. If we look at it in Dallas, TX, for example, Highway 121 is a Toll Road, the Money goes to the Government but the way the Anarcho-Capitalist would have it go is there would be a Person who would Buy this Land, and they would Build Highway 121, or something similar in Argentina, and they would Charge a Fee to anyone who wanted to go on their Property. That is not a Perfect Model I would say, it doesn't make me want to become an Anarcho-Capitalist, but in Argentina, maybe we can see some Things that maybe are Different than Dallas, TX. We in America Previously had what were Called Corporate Towns, and the Coupons you see that are like Walmart Bucks or something, I guess the most Popular in Recent History was Toys-R-Us Giraffe Bucks or whatever they were. There were these Towns where People would come and it is kind of like when you go to a Ranch and you Work for Room and Board, there are Ranches still Today that could be compared to like a "Dude Ranch" or whatever, and you can go to these Ranches and Live for Free and Eat and Everything, but you Work with them on the Ranch, some might compare this to Slavery, but it is about the Living Space, it is Paying Rent with Work. But what the Next Step would be is this, in the Corporate Towns they would have their Own Currency, so you would be Paid for the Work in the Local Corporate Currency, and they have like a Commissary, or a General Store, or maybe they have one of their Stores there in the Town, and it's Near another Town and People come there to Shop and all the People doing Everything all Live Nearby as like a Village. This becomes even more Simple if we Create Cryptocurrencies, and if anyone wanted Paper there could be Paper Wallets made, there could be a whole Capitalist Town, with Cryptocurrency Education going on, Across Argentina in Towns that exist around a Business. And the Business could be an American Business, or it could be Argentina now Starting some Businesses and then Franchising that to America, or maybe Brazil, Colombia and Mexico First. 


Now, the Spanish Speaking World and Argentina aren't just making Textiles, they recently have been in the Middle of a kind of Engineering Education, there are a lot of Engineers, a lot of Engineers are Spanish Speakers now. So this is the Fuel for Everything that will come Next, and it is not something I can Write about here, or that someone can Predict, it is all about to Happen. And Artificial Intelligence is becoming Part of all the Farms and Everything, so this could get very Interesting, and we are Preparing to go to Space. The way Steven Wolfram Theorized Bazillion Beings would Work, was on a Cryptocurrency they would Earn.


The Choice to not Join BRICs is Probably not the Best Economic move, but there are Things that we can Talk about in South America that have not been being Talked about since Lil Wayne Played Colombia, the way he is Playing Qatar and Israel now. It seems that maybe the very Election of Melei is Argentina Screaming out that they are being Taken over by China, and they want other People to come before they become a Colony of China. If we also Started Talking about all of the Gemstones and Metals in South America, these are all Things that we are in the Middle of Discussion, and for a While now we have been needing to Talk about the Oils and Butters and Things from South America, and for some Reason Everyone keeps allowing MTv to go where I say, then get in the way, and Nothing Happens, and they Start a War with us. We're about to be at War in North and South America, we are Chopping Lil Wayne's Head off. And I don't think he is against it, he's done with Life, he doesn't even like it anymore.


So I guess the Only Question about Milei Really, is, is he going to Challenge me and God when we come to South America?


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