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Islamic Traditions

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I am going to get into some Islamic Traditions for Everyone that we can use to kind of see what Islam is about Overall, and I think this will actually Help Muslims also, the same way we the Angelicals are Helping the Christians and Everyone. The Bible Talks a lot about the Jews, and the Quran Talks about Muhammad and Gabriel. As of now I do not have an extensive knowledge of the Contents of the Quran and the exact Locations of this or that as like the Bible or Homer, or Aegyptiaca or Babyloniaca, Ovid, the Bibliothecas, etc, I left the Epic of Gilgamesh unread also.


But lets Start with Jesus, called Essa in Islam. The Anti-Christ, of which there are many just like Christianity but it is acknowledged in Islam more Widely that there are many, are called Daggal. And there is a supposed Islamic Messiah called the Mahdi, but that is not in the Quran. If you look at Zaydism you can see that they accept Ali as Successor to Muhammad, while the Sunni's accept Abu Bakr who was Muhammad's Friend and Father-in-Law After Muhammad Married his Daughter and Companion in the Homeric Sense, so was owed Nobility, etc. Shia Muslims say that Ali is the Rightful Heir to Muhammad, as he is his Cousin and Son-in-Law. Which now I will put a Chart to get into the Bloodlines. This is Everyone that was Leading up to Muhammad, he was able to Trace his Family back and then they said they were Ishmaelites from the Bible. That is what their Cultural Heritage is according to Tradition, and there are Quotes from Muhammad's Ancestors saying "The Lord from the Psalms of the Israelites", so since maybe 200 BC there is a Lineage that was out in the Arabian Penisula Reading the Bible and Other Things were Happening. But most of them were Polytheists all around the Peninsula.

File:Banu Adnan.png



So that gives you PRE-Muhammad, that is not the Quran, that is before the Quran. Muhammad wasn't alive until the 6th Century AD. He knew about Jesus and is considered to be the Seal of Islam, if he says it's not Good, it's not Good. Like Thoth, or another Clerical type God, Jesus was this type of Person, and Moses.


So then After the Quran there are the Alids, and the Rashidun. These are the Different Abu Bakr and Muhammad Family Line, with his Cousin in Ali, and they went on to Spread Islam after Muhammad's Death. This Established all of the Early Kingdoms and Things, and there were Battles, they Fought each Other, leading to Groups like Zaydism. Then there are Sufis and other Mystic Islamic Groups that are like Shriners.

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Also, the Twelvers are the Largest Group and could be compared to Christians Following the 12 Disciples and not having even 1 Letter of Jesus to anyone, as compared to say Apollonius of Tyanna Letters. The Twelvers have 12 People that came Later, but they were Supposed to.

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If we look at Easter, a lot of People like to Point to the Goddess Ishtar to kind of Describe how the Gods are involved, and some People Talk about Aliens. But if we look at Islam, they have a Holiday called Ishtar, and what we can Compare this to is the Catholic Church. Once Mohammed had Taken Over a City, and Died in his 50s, there were Polytheistic Arabs all Over the East, and the Quran was Written after his Death, by getting Witnesses together to Describe how the Caliphate had Started, and Mohammed Talking to the Angel Gabriel as an Ascetic in a Cave. The Quran is these Gathered Records, with 2 Witnesses for each Event and Things like that, all Gathered together. And then just like the Catholic Church they have some of the same Holidays, it just isn't Focused on the Crucifixion and Everything, it is almost still the Pagan Holiday. And if we look at Arabic Polytheism, they almost already had the System of Judaism, we can compare Islam and Ancient Judaism. The Jews according to Records were Associated with the Hittites, from Uriah the Hittite, to there being no Archaeology of Judaism apart from Hittite Archaeology. But the Muslims have Adam's Grave, Eve's Grave, and all the Tombs of Everyone and Everything, according to their Traditions. So like Catholicism there was a Merging of the Old Testament with Various Arabic Concepts, and Histories were put together, and maybe there are Things there that Christians and Others need to Pay Attention to. But my Point being that not only were the Hittites completely connected to the Jewish People, but the Arabic Polytheistic God has 3 Female Equals, that is the First Sin of Polytheism. It is Different than just Idolatry in that Idolatry has to involve an Idol, while this Sin called "Shirk" Involves Giving God 3 Female Equals.


This then is the Mysteries of Tanit and Other Goddesses, like Eve and Lilith is some ways. But the Point being, that there was a God at the Center that was then just having his Female Equals removed to make the 1 God, Allah, like the Old Testament God. Their 1 God came from an Existing System, and that is how they Found God, like Catholics taking any God, Son, and Mother and saying "That's God, Jesus and Mary" or any Virgin Goddess, "That's Mary, those Virgins that already do that, are Nuns now". Islam did this. And they actually immediately Started going around Starting Kingdoms in Africa and Things.


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