311, or 3-1-1, is like 9-1-1 in a way in the U.S.A., there is 4-1-1 which is Similar, but 4-1-1 is more like what Google is now, you don't Really need 4-1-1 if you have a Working Smartphone, but if you don't have Data and you need Information while you are out doing Things that you might get online, Address, Phone Number of a Place, maybe kind of Directions or Location. But 3-1-1, this is more where you File a Complaint.
Recently there has been a Concept of the Smart City, and this is a City that has a lot of CCTV usually, and then there is maybe some kind of System to Find where Shootings Happened when Gunshots are Reported, and there is a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) which is the 9-1-1 Dispatch, and there is the Fire Department which usually just comes with Police, and the Ambulance, and the World is Trying to Figure out how to Merge from Mainly Police Responses to Other kinds of Responses. And, 3-1-1 is becoming Important in this Field, it is maybe Simplified in the Word "Telephony" but that is on the other End of the Phone, when you call it is just kind of the Government Service. So, 3-1-1 is how you can put your Complaint in, or whatever, it could be like "Hey, the Street Light is out, I saw the Sticker on it and it said 123" so they can go Replace the Bulb. It could be Overflowing Trash at a Park, or somewhere. It could be Code Violations, it's basically like, if you want your Tax Money to be Spent Locally not just sitting around, give them some Things to do. And I am not saying just to do this to give the Government extra Work, I am saying that you can use this to tell the Government what the Problems are in your Neigborhood, and when you go somewhere.
Maybe you Called 9-1-1, 911, Already, and maybe the Police told you "This is a Civil Matter" and you Thought you had to Hire an Attorney, and you don't have the Money, maybe it's your Grandma and she is at Home Crying and she Called you Today saying she Called the Police and they couldn't Help. File with 3-1-1 about whatever the Situation is, and you can maybe Start to get it Resolved that way, and it would be Better to have all that done even if you did Bring a Lawyer in. But, this is Tax Payer Money, meant to Solve Local Issues.
So this could be what you do instead of Calling Police, or when the Police come and say they can't Help. You could Even Submit kind of like Anonymous Tips. 3-1-1 could be used to get the Police to come, without the Craze of the 9-1-1 Call, in maybe a Situation where there is an Abusive Boyfriend, or just a guy that came in and Lives there and made himself the Girl that actually Lives there's Boyfriend and she can't get rid of him. 3-1-1 could Start to be used for all kinds of Things, and you don't have to go to Court, and no one has to go to Jail, these are not Police.
Anyone 3-1-1 sends is Probably just going to want to Talk, to see if they can get more information and Try to go back to the Office and put a "Resolved" in the Que Inbox. So Generally, this isn't like a Police Officer coming, but you could make that kind of Request. And it is not an Emergency Line, so the Weekend might not be the best Time to do an Online Complaint, you would want to Call. And it could Take Days, maybe even Months to get a Response. But they do Triage Things, so if something is an Emergency and they can Tell it is by what you Send them, they can maybe figure it out. It's an Inbox for the City, you are Communicating with your Government.
But I just wanted Everyone to know that there is 3-1-1, and that it is like 9-1-1 in that you Call when this or that comes up, that is the Purpose, to kind of Solve Problems that come up, and Codes that are Violated and Everything. And you can find your City 3-1-1 by Searching for the Name of Your City and 311 or 3-1-1. Examples: Dallas 3-1-1, Miami 311, Chicago 3-1-1, just type those into Google and you will find the 311 Online Forms and Everything for those Cities.