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China, Amazon and Walmart

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Now, I am going to Start this off way Over Everyone's Heads so we can Advance Society. There are Cities around the Earth Called "Carthage", this has Largely been Either Symbolic of the Ancient City, usually just a Symbol and nothing more, no Heritage, no Practice Brought from Carthage to America or Elsewhere, but just the Name Carthage to say "We know about Carthage", and in a few Generations maybe it is completely Lost on Everyone, except they know they are Named for the Ancient City. They are no longer Learned, and no longer Know the meaning of their Own Name. But if we look at Carthage Specifically, since I am using it as an Example, Carthage was a City of Commerce, there was a Port, a Harbor, and there were Towers, Apartments for People to Stay in. The Queen of the City (But actually a Pseudonym for a Group of Egalitarian Oligarchs) was a Refugee from Canaan, Queen Dido; and the Goddess of the City was Tanit, the God was Baal-Hammon. It was a Commerce City for all of Africa to come and Trade on a Coast where Things could be Taken across the Mediterranean to Italy which was Close, or Further to Greece. There was Coinage, so they could Trade, and this was when Everything was done by Scales and Coinage was New. Hannibal Barca was from Carthage and he made the Coinage for the Spaniards and the Others in Europe as New Carthage, or Neuvo Cartago was Established in Modern Europe. When Hannibal had made his way to Italy, it is thought that after all his Elephants died that he called for another one from India, and a Delivery was made to Italy.


So if we look at JC Penny's, this is a Department Store as we have known them, JC Penny's and Macy's are kind of the main ones that Everyone knows about all around America. These Stores would Buy Things like Bulk amounts of Furniture, and then Sell them in Busy Cities. We can Probably see this as like a Movement from more Custom Work, to People looking for Value. So America had Started Buying Things in these Stores, really they are kind of Christmas and Holiday Icons, Gifts were put on Layaway, Macy's does the Macy's Day Parade, etc. But these Stores Basically would do Things like Find a Furniture Maker in Mexico, they make a lot of Furniture, and NAFTA made this Easier. Another example would be something we need more of, so I will use that Example to Save the Bees, and then we can have the Retailer Box Stores be a kind of Part of the Warehouse Discussion Next. So, if we look at how Coffee is Sourced, and Tobacco, these are the most Common Likely, maybe Roses, and Definitely Pharmaceuticals made from Plants like Poppy Flowers. So the way these Things are Sourced is like you have maybe seen in some Commercial, there was a Samuel Adams Commercial where they said they do this, and this is what I have been doing for Year and Years, and this is something like Wine Somalia Stuff. So let's say you wanted some Coffee, the Original Coffee comes from Africa, but then it was Taken to France. We could call this Species Sciences to Start, Coffee isn't just 1 Species, when you go to the Store, they have all kinds of Apples, they have all kinds of Pears, they have all kinds of Onions, there are all kinds of Things. If you Grow Your Own Bananas, there are some that Taste like Ice Cream. Coffee Arabica is the French Variety that was Cloned and Grown. Coffee Robusta is an Asian Variety. Then there are other Varieties, the same way there is Virginia Tobacco, and Turkish Tobacco, Marlboro is the America Blend known for the Marlboro Man and Everything, and if we look at Camels there are Turkish Gold and Silver and Everything, more Asian Tobacco Varieties. And when they Grow in the Wild, they can do like Marijuana and Create what is Called "Landrace Stains" there are all kinds of Varieties of Marijuana Right now being made because Land Race Strains from all Over the World are being added to Dispensary Mixes. And they are all just getting Better and Better. California was ahead of Everyone, and Canada and Colorado caught up at the Same Time. And I think Texas is about to bring the Whole World along as we get into Hemp Sciences. But these Plants are Sourced by First knowing about these Things, then you do Chromotography like has been Popular in Marijuana Research.


These Plants have Farmers, and sometimes they have Many Farmers already, and sometimes you have to go to the Climates where they are Farmed and Fund a Farm. Sometimes there are Tribes and Things Growing Plants that you would have never heard of, or no one has ever heard of, in America or Elsewhere. Mushrooms were a Mystery to the USA until the 1950s with Timothy Leary, while the Mexican Natives had been taking them, and we had Natives and others taking Peyote.


So you would go and Find the Farmers, you would make the Farms, you would make the Farms Better if Needed, and there would be Production of Varieties of Species and Things, like an Apple Farm. One Lucrative Farm if anyone is Wondering is an Orchard covered in Truffle Blend on the Roots.


But so now lets get to Warehouses. Texas has a lot of Warehouse Space, and we could say that the Cities around Dallas are all Prepped to be Part of all of this. JC Penny Started in Wyoming, and they moved to Plano Texas because of the Railroad, and the Ports in Houston, as well as the Warehouse Labor Prices and Everything, so that brings us to Amazon. Amazon came to DFW and we might forget it because when they came it was kind of seen as just a big Hiring Push, we didn't Really see it become like an Apple Campus or anything as far as most People can see, it is more of a UPS Type Thing. But Amazon chose this Location also, so JC Penny long before Amazon, and now Amazon. And it is a Good Place to do Business, there are Ports in Houston and on the Mississippi, then there is I10 and Highway 45 from Houston to Dallas. This is like where the Fast and Furious Guys would want to come Live to Steal off the Trucks. But the Point being, that there is the Infrastructure here. So I am not just going to Point all of this out to You. I am Telling You all of this for a Reason.


So the Box Retailer, they could be Linked to Wholesale, the Warehouse, this whole Concept of Bulk Ordering and having it here. Like Walmart, someone could get all the Materials American Made and do something, but if they get it from China they can do Rollbacks at Walmart or have like Hobby Lobby Projects for People. When you can do Bulk Orders, the Savings can be Passed to the Customers, and even more important, that when you are doing Things in other Countries, this Outsourcing, you can Save Money. That was the Sweatshop Issue, but let's Start with the Farms, and Build from there to Perfumes and Everything with the Butters and Balsams and Oils and Everything. And what we are going to Talk about doing in Dallas is Basically like Walmart, but on a Larger Scale.


Alibaba, this is a Company where you can see Products in China and India, or Any Country in the World, and you can Order a Ton of something, you can Order a Pallet, a Drum, one of those Oil Drums, you can Order one Full of Powder or Chemicals of some Sort. And what we want to do is First, use all of this to Boost Natural Production, we want the Plants, and the Minerals, and Everything to Start to be Studied more. And then Texas will be the Place where People get Everything from the Other Countries, we will do the Processing and this will be Part of Hemp becoming Paper again, when you want to Buy something from India or China, you'll have to see if Texas doesn't have it all for that Year already. The way you could for example Buy a bunch of Vape Stuff and Start a Vape Store, and have Things from China, Texas won't just be Buying Plastic Knick-Knacks and things, we want to know about the Important Things that comes out of the Plants around them. Then we will have Rice from India, we can Buy from China when we need to, but we will Buy Rice from India and the Indian Subcontinent. We will have various Different Herbs and Things, and we are going to Start having these Produced and Shipped by the Ton and many many Tons, China and India and others have already Started, that is why these Websites Exist, but what I am saying is that like Amazon, Alibaba will Basically go Through Texas. India will come Through Texas, and we will Talk to Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) BRIC and Argentina. And Basically what we are doing, is that People will be Creating Restaurant Supply Stores, and these Kind of Stores. You have to see Yourself almost as like the Open Warehouse, like Walmart, and then you can decide what kind of Business.


But this is like how Carthage Happened, and in the DFW Area this is how a lot of Generic Clothing and Things are being Done. And we are going to Create New Suppliers, we will have People Selling Things for Cryptocurrency that aren't Available in Dollar Markets or Other Fiat Markets, we can do that with Cryptocurrency. And what we are about to Create is something from the Plants, the Gemstones, the Angels and God, and we are going to Show Everyone the Crypt- in Crpyto. Like the Crypt Keeper, not like the Keyboard Crpytologist Necessarily.


And this Brings us to China, and the Fact that China wants to Sell us all the Plastic Knick-Knacks and Things, and Microchips, we will make Robots here, and we will probably Argue with them about that. And now though they can do that, they can Sell Everyone Things online, but Texas will have to be backed by Materials. We could call it like a Hemp Bank, or a Hash Bank, we have to look for these Materials. Royal Jelly has a Substance in it that is Very Expensive, and there is Perishable Food that takes a long Time to Perish that you could Carry, or if you Build a Freezer you could make all kind of Money. Just Storing Things over Time for Sale. We will get into much more on this Website over Time, and we have Talked about a lot of this before. And what we have to also Start doing is making the Plastic Stuff ourselves, there are now People Pouring Epoxy, and in the same Vein they are doing Concrete Pouring, just into simple Molds, and they are Selling Yard Art and Things. So we can Take those Markets from China too, but we need to Start getting this all into a Cryptocurrency Discussion where we can eventually Discuss with Vendors in Other Countries, maybe even China, about accepting Cryptocurrencies, and then this will become an Entirely Different Thing. The Whole World will be Different. 


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