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Service Organizations around Dallas

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We can Start this Discussion with Food Waste, if you Work in the Food Industry you have seen it, this Problem is not a "You know there are Hungry Kids in China, Finish Your Plate" Problem, there are like 5 Gallon Buckets worth of Brisket, and like Gourmet Foods even, this is at Events, and Buffets Probably see the same Thing. Milk goes Bad, Things go Bad. Once you Cook them you have to Sell it before it goes bad and it Happens Faster than if it is uncooked a lot of the Time. There is Food just being Wasted, and People need Food.


So these People just to Start, do Help with that, they bring Everyone together. Then there is Food Bank Status, where the State will Send their Organization Food. So, you can get Food to the Pantry, and you can be a kind of Pantry and that can look like a Cafeteria, or anything. There is in Dallas no distinction between if you are "Homeless" or "At Risk of becoming Homeless", if you are At Risk, then you need to just go ahead and Start doing all of this, and get Food Stamps and Everything. And there are also some People Reading this that will want to get involved with, or even Start an Organization like this, and get involved in the Charity Community.


First, this is a Guy in Dallas called "The Soup Guy" and the Company is the Soup Mobile Annex, I start with him because he is kind of an Independent Type Organization, he is not the same as a Shelter, or a Food Bank, and it is kind of a Food Truck Type Celebrity that he has become in Dallas. And he has been doing this longer than most Food Trucks. This Organization would be Contacted for maybe 1 Meal, outside somewhere, and they would be there to Feed a number of People. This kind of Thing Happens at the Bridge, it is a way for Your Ministry to connect with the People that the Bible says you should be using Your Tithes to Help and Everything, it is a kind of Alms-giving place over by the Bridge (The Bridge is the City Owned Organization), because there are so many People that are just Living outside there. You can also go by the other Organizations and Find People Living outside or at the Shelters.


This is the City Owned Food Bank, the City Square kind of Campus is what it would be Called I guess, or Compound, it has the Texas Workforce Commission, the City Square Office, and the Food Pantry. You can go there Every Day, there is a ton of Food that goes in there, and the Shoppers as Everyone is Called, go Through and kind of Select what they want off the Shelves, and they can have 4 from the left and 6 from the right, and 2 Meats, and this or that, and then something is usually Unlimited, so if you come with a Car you can usually Load up on something that will Last forever, or that Other People might want to. It is all Close to Expired or Expired, and you might have like a Hello Fresh Bag that has no Meat but all the other Ingredients, or that kind of Thing. To go there, you now have to Schedule an Appointment. This is more for People that just need Help, which the Soup Guy kind of just Helps more like Homeless People outside.


Family Gateway is where you go if you have Children, this is the First Group that anyone should Lead anyone to in Dallas if they have Children, they should be able to handle Everything. And anyone interested in Helping Children Specifically, should see if Family Gateway can tell you what to do to Support Homeless Families for Holidays and Everything.


This is kind of a General Homeless Services Organization, they will give you a Case Number and Everything, and they don't even Necessarily get anyone off the Street for the Week, it's more of a "What do you need Today" Organization, and they can lead you in the Right Direction. They have a Booklet that has many of the City Services, like a Directory, and they can Help People that need like a Shower.


The Stewpot is not Owned by the City, but they are Pretty much the City Organization, even though it is Part of the Presbyterian Church and kind of the Scottish Rite Cathedral Money. The Stewpot would be where you would have to go to get an ID if you Lost your ID, but now the Shelters all have a Software, so you can go to the Stewpot or stay at a Homeless Shelter and they will Help you get your ID. It is Easiest if you were Born in Texas, and can just go to the Library across the Street and they give you a Voucher for the Birth Certificate, then they will Pay for the Social Security (unless that is Free anyway) and then they give you a Voucher for the ID at the DMV, which is the TX DPS. And if you need a Case Worker to Help with other Things, like you are at Risk of becoming Homeless, you can Start to call the Stewpot and Talk to them, but they may not come in Handy more until you are in a Shelter or on the Street.


The Union Gospel Mission is a place where you can go if you are Living Outside and need Food and a place to Sleep, you go inside between like 2-5pm and you go to Dinner at 5pm, and then Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and then Church, and then you go to Sleep. There is Really nothing other than just Survival there, which is important when you don't have anywhere to go, but what they are offering is Fork Lift Certifications for Free if you are Staying there and Join, and you can Join the Disciples, so the whole Point of having it be just for the most Desperate Homeless People, is so that they Join the Program, and that is who Runs the Facility. They do all the Jobs at the Union Gospel Mission.


Dallas Life Foundation is much like UGM with the Disciples Program where you can Work there, and it is Run by People who Stay or have Stayed there, other than Mr. Sweeney and the Board of Directors and Everything, which is how these Places are Run. The Salvation Army is the same, with the kind of "Army" Ranks. Dallas Life is based on a Book that Mr. Sweeney wrote, and it is a Program for the most Desperately Homeless, it is a Book for Fixing People, Yourself or other People, almost like a Self-Help Book, and if you are Homeless, and you don't know what to do, and you are just Your own worst Enemy, and you get a House, and you just Drink and Drug as they would say. You get an Apartment, and you let all the Drug Dealers hang out all the Time and that's just how it is, and Everyone on the Street is always Part of Your Life. First, he says Separate from Everyone, the Program has 30 Days of Lock Down on the Property for Detox or other Purposes, unless you are Paying (I Paid to Stay and always had a Job already), then the Program was a kind of like 10 Month Program and they then would Help you get Housing. I have seen People that Graduate that Program, then they are at Every Other Shelter though. So none of this is very Successful, if you want out, you have to Fight for your Rights and Everything. If you are a Meth Head (most of these People I am Talking about in this Post are Meth Heads and Things) and you don't be more like me, and get your Shit together, and Help other People, and know what to do, then you might as Well just get a Tent, because I am going to have to be the one to get you somewhere to Live and you can go smoke Meth in a Tent.


The Salvation Army is maybe the Worst, they used to be Respected, but something Happened where their cry for "Blood and Fire" is now a Call for Ripping Open Pussies and Assholes of the Homeless, and doing that so that they accept where they are, First you Rip apart their insides and get them to accept that, then they don't even know how to get back to where they were before the Hurricane, or before the Fire, or before they Lost their Job, now they are on a Path of what these People are calling Grieving, that being Denial, Anger, Acceptance, etc, they are FORCING People through those and Calling them Healed, and Ignoring that they don't even Live inside sometimes. And they can't make Everyone Live inside, but we are about to have a Federal Case about how they are Ignoring People and  not LETTING them Live inside, and MAKING PEOPLE Live outside as a Matter of Segregating White from Black. The Salvation Army is Participating in Things that can only be Called Degrading, there are Human Rights Court Cases that I will be Citing about Dignity and Things.


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