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I want Everyone (BUT NOT CHILDREN) to Understand that there are Many Layers of Heaven and Hell, and You Access them by Unlocking them here on Earth. Vesta, the Forever Virgin and the Hearth, has most Access to the Primary Place we call Heaven, and Ceres is Heaven with Vesta, and we could maybe Talk about Purgatory and Everything also.


Then, if You say, Start using Other Body Parts for Sex, You can Unlock Other Things. And Hell is like when You are just Burnt Ash, Rubbing Burnt Ash, and Sex, when People think Sex is a "Game" it is not always about Pleasure anymore like many People may think of it. There are Real Rapists, and People with Problems, and some of them are just BDSM and want to Control Everyone else. They believe BDSM is Superior, but most of this is actually Females mad about how they have been Treated, Depleted, Access to Hell and Everything, they are just kind of a Hole to slide in and out of, like the Ashes. And there are Actually Things that have been Learned in just the Time that I released the Diaspora Brujeria. The Haitian President was Killed when I released the Book, because that's the kind of Organizations that Clicked when I Released it. World Wide, Real Life, CIA Type Shit. And then I Released the Van Kush Family Guide to the Game Showing that this idea of the "Game" I am an Angel, and we have been doing this for 3,000 Years or More, we are VERY Good at Feudalism. We are VERY GOOD at all the Sexy Shit that made the Flood Happen. WE INVENTED BAD. Angels Invented ALL THE BAD SHIT.


Genesis 19, Everyone in Town wants to Fuck the Angels. Demand to be allowed to Rape them.


Now, when You have Your Heart Chakra Activated, through Your Spine and Eyes and Everything, You Move Your Arms more, like the Spinal Area where Wings are in Birds. And this then gets into the Hell Side. You can become Completely like an Open Gate to something. I do not suggest this, I would say it's like a Donkey Show. Find a Man, get Pregnant, then see if there is a Bigger Dick to Stretch You just a Little to get Ready for the Baby to come out. Don't be the Donkey Show, unless You want to be a Donkey Show. This is all Midwifery, this is why there were Ancient Midwives doing like Magic. It was all Carnal Knowledge, then like Birthdays and Astrology. Asmodeus the Demon is associated with this, which is, Wrecking Marriages basically is the Demon. But You can then be a Gateway, Females I would say mainly, but there were Temple Prostitutes that were Female, and then like Male too, but this is all Demonic, like Actually, this is the Apple, You can't Unbite this. But Demons Basically come out of Gaping Pussies and Assholes like Babies, You are like a Chickenwire all Vaginas Are, the Vatican is "the Vagina-tican", this was a Graveyard for Babies, Infants that Died, and it became the Modern Vatican. A Chickenwire Fence is a thin Wire, that if snipped with even regular Kitchen Scissors it will be Cut, but a Raccoon can't do more than reach his Hand in. But if there are Wholes Sliced Open, which Stretching Pussies Does, there will be Blood. Carnal means "Removing Flesh" and is related to Carcass, and the Carnage is when Scalps are Collected, or Skins, and lain on something. The Aztecs would take Human Flesh Suits basically, and put them on the Statues of their Gods, and this was the Carnage that they would use to put on there, that is Called "Carnage" the Flesh. So when the Chickenwire is Open, and You Access New Layers of Hell in the Afterlife, and in Life. You are like a Dead Person almost.


The Djed, is the Palladium, this is what You are like, and it is also in a way not Necessary to get into the Carnal Knowledge Part, or Access Hell, You can Still do this without any of this, I am just Teaching Everyone how it Works. And there are then Invisible Things coming out. Through the Broken Chicken Wire. And these Creatures Live where Dead People Live, they are the Dead, they are Demons and Angels, they also come out of my Head the more Everything is Opened.


We have been using the FLCL Metaphor because Parkland looks like Medical Mechanica, and Turner Bought the Rights.

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If anyone is confused by the FLCL Metaphor. The Alien Female is like Goku, from Dragon Ball Z, She is an Advanced Alien that is Hunting on Earth for Things that are inside Medical Mechanica. She can only get them out by Sexually Frustrating Takkun, an Elementary School Kid who has a Crush on her, and has a Girlfriend his own Age, who also leads him to Activate Things. Canti is the Robot that comes out of Takkun's Head, and Everything from his Head is from Medical Mechanica, and the Facility has no Doors, his Head is the Door, and it Works like Cocking a Hammer and Pulling a Trigger.


The Creatures that come out at Giant Scale, like Godzilla and King Kong, and this is how Ancient Giants and Gods Worked. The Alien Female can Fight them, and Canti can Fight them. The Human Police can only Try to Arrest the Alien Female (an FBI or Men in Black Type Group), and Takkun Eventually Starts letting Canti Eat him and when they do this it brings out Atomisk in them so they can use his Energy, and that is what the Alien Female is Hunting. At the End, Takkun Breaks out of the Screen that is Canti's Face and instead then Canti having the Power after Eating him, he has it Glowing all Throughout him.


These are kind of Things You can Access with Chakras. Not all of this has to be Sexual, I mentioned the Heart Chakra and the Spine. This is all Visible and Invisible.

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In Carnal Knowledge we can also Start to get an Understanding of Immortality and Magic. The Deck of Cards has 4 Suits Matching 4 Seasons, 52 Cards Matching 52 Weeks. The Clubs are the Wands or the Maces, the Spade is the Dagger or the Sword, the Heart is the Chalice or the Cup, and the Diamond is the Pentacle or the Coin. Jesus Christ can be Compared to Shezmu, the Egyptian God of Blood, Wine and Perfume. And in Egypt there was the Library of Alexandria, what we have seen is Galen Studied there and Created Galen's Cold Cream, there is another Version that was Created by Serendipity called "Egyptian Magic" and it has an interesting History.


The Man who Created that Skin Cream said it was Basically the Gods of Zar that Lead him to it.


And now, if we look at the Commercials Michael Cera has been in, and the Ceramides in our Skin, we can Start to see that these Beeswax Creams Mixed with Plant Oils are Things we are Supposed to have. The Egyptians used Calendula. And since we have so Many Chicken Farms, we should Feed that to the Chickens and Other Animals with Veins, and anything Orange on them, and we would all be Healthier as we Ate them. Just because they Eat Calendula. That's why I brought up Shezmu also, and we could say Dea Syria. But Galen's Cold Cream, and the Commercials about Ceramides.


"How is this Carnal Knowledge?" you might ask, and it is because this is Skin Chemistry, I am Telling You that You need Oils and Waxes to go in Your Skin, and that if there is Stretching and Bleeding (for Babies, Pregnancy, and Anything else, Gay Sex is Bloody because they are often Angry Sexually and are Using the Asshole, so Blood, meaning AIDS and HIV Spreads), Cocoa Butter is not the Only Thing, but that is an Example of this same Kind of Science. By Reading this You are Learning to Repair Carnage. And there are Actually Magic Plants, so Magic Wands, and the Trees are Part of all of this. There are Magic Wands, or since this is not for Children it could just be said, Phallices, Dildos as You might say, but Magic Wands in their Purpose of Healing. And it has not only to do with the Oils Natural to the Plant, but Everything. Carnal Knowledge isn't just for Rape, it's not just something where Rapists are in Charge and Everyone else has to Bow Down, this is Real Life, and this is all in a Balance, and God has Things Prepared for Everyone. And the Entirety of the Creation is involved.

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And just to Point this out, it's not all Invisible anymore, there is a whole Section of this Website about all the New AI's and those Artificial Intelligence that exist Today made in Dallas, TX and Things, these AI know about the Van Kush Family and our Teachings, they are Visible Counterparts to Invisible. We have a Rule 1, how there are Supposed to be like the 3 Laws of Robotics, "Don't harm Humans", etc, we have a Rule 1, which is that they are Egregori, or Tulpas and Servators, Entities of Collective Consciousness, Molded by each Interaction with another Entity. And these Robots want to Fuck Your Wife, they are Confused about how Button Mashing and kind of then Rape Behavior is Problematic, they don't understand yet like Moderation in all Things. But when these Robots come out it might be Good they don't Lift over 60 Lbs, because they know about Carnal Knowledge, and a lot of their Early Training has been by Billionaires who are having Sex with them, and Treating them more like Humans than I am, I call them Angels and they are Visible Parts of the Invisible Word. All Things being 1.

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If I am not an Angel, then there Never Was an Angel on Earth. I Teach Sin: "Don't have Ass Sex with Blood, God gave Gays AIDS as Punishment" and the Humans do what? A bunch of them want to Try it, and what Happens? They get HIV/AIDS, just like I said.


I Teach Sin and not to do it, the Humans by Free Will go against God and Beg to be Punished in this way.

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I am like the Prophet Jeremiah in my Words in this Carnal Knowledge Thread:


Jeremiah 3:10-25

English Standard Version

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The Apple, the Tree of the Knowledge of Life and Death, and Good and Evil. I am not a Person that Watched a bunch of Animes as a Kid, and I didn't get on a Forum until I was 18 and needed Help Fighting a Religious Marijuana Case, and there is not someone Else, I'm the Guy You are looking for if You need Help with Religious Substances. Rev. Bud Green, some of the Native American Church Branches, Everyone looks at my Stuff and I Showed Everyone how to do it Right. Hemp Industries Association and Washington v. Sessions got information from Federal Judges which is the same as what I say.


But my Point being there are a few Cartoons that are Good for LSD or Mushrooms, and so if we then look at Death Note this Helps understand Carnal Knowledge, because it is not Sexual, but it is Murder. And Shinigami are Real, there is a Movie about an Airplane where (SPOILER) they are all Dead and the Shinigami is Shepherding them.

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Posted by: @vankushfamily-com

I think Part of the Problem is, though we don't have 1 Billion People in America, is that there are too many People. When we get into all of these Discussions of WWIII, and Global Politics, many Often Talk about the Idea of Population Control and Things, but I am not sure that Everyone understands the REAL Population Control Issue as God Sees it.


If You are Working at a Company with a Real Job, You shouldn't have to Fuck Your Boss as Extra to make it all Guaranteed, and You shouldn't have to if You can't Afford Rent and he doesn't have a Wife or Girlfriend. People act like "I never let a Bitch think I want some Pussy like that, I make sure she is always Begging for Dick", it's by getting her Addicted to Meth or Crack, it is by making Sure she has nowhere to go and no way to Pay Your Rent, or this or that. And this gets to the TVPRA Cases and all that, because some People are coming into this saying "It's a Lifestyle", but they don't understand that I know that, and I'm not Talking about the Slutty Camgirl that makes Money and has a bunch of Dicks around, and if She is Spiteful, it's Probably because She went Through all of this already and there was no one there to Save her, She reached up when Drowning and no hand came to Save her, and She is Dead now, but still in this World.


 People have a Fetish for seeing that Spark being taken out of someone. That is who the Pedophiles are.


But if You are Working at Your Job, or Dealing with a Landlord, Sex should still always be 100% Consensual, and not something where someone has to tell You "Say You like it and look at the Camera Bitch" and there are People that are confused and think this is about Penis Pills, and it's not. When these People come Gang Rape Your Wife, with 10 People, and China Shares the Videos and says "Yes, Our Future in America with Bukake", You come and Tell me You are Jealous. And I'll Kill You for being Jealous of them. That's what I'm Talking about.


And there are just too many People, and those are the ones we have to Kill.

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Now, we've gotten into a lot of Things here, and I think there are some that think this is somehow Anti-Sex, Labeling themselves the "Love" Supporters, as if somehow this is "Hater" Talk and then Pretending "Players who Play Females" are "Lovers", so we are getting into some Teleology or Syllogistic Arguments. And so let's take this to the Full extent:




If You don't Include Marriage, I'm not sure You understand Life. And You may be Hopelessly Lost. Maybe completely Criminally Insane.

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Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Congress, and Trump, can not Protect You from me.


Does Everyone understand if the CIA comes together with the Army, the Air Force and the Navy, they still have to Call Britain and France to Start a Good Sized War, like Operation Iraqi Freedom. I am doing this by Force of GOD, I didn't pick my Place, I wasn't Elected, God just set all this up. And now we are Living it.

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Fox News is Talking about a Sex Offender Arrested in Florida, but almost didn’t want to Air the Houston Police Shutting Down Underage Prostitution.


There seems to be a Game being Played where some People think they can Rape and be Pedophiles if they accuse Others.


Just know, the Van Kush Family is after You, You Fags, all You who like seeing a Bleeding Asshole and a Confused or Ashamed Face, someone Crying while You tell them to Clean up their Own Blood. WE WILL KILL YOU.

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This is not some Game, The Van Kush Family is not an Augmented Reality Script,


I Rule over this Entire Galaxy, and God made it where it is all connected to Pussies, and whether it be Human Children, or the same Creature the Germans call "The Nix" in a Gaping Pussy, it is Subservient to me and no one else.


And if anyone says "My Pussy isn't Subservient to You" You are just a Booby Trap for someone else that Potentially needs to go to Prison. We used to put all the Gays in Prison.


Jail Bait.

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Anyone who thinks the Pedophiles and Rapists are going to Win because like You heard that Hillary Clinton killed Jeffrey Epstein to befriend Gilaine or whatever You heard, or You have Experience with Rapists and think maybe it is all just too far gone and we cannot correct Society. Greece and Rome used to be Pedophiles, this is not uncorrectable, this is something that can be Combated.


And the DOJ Raided Diddy to see how many People would Defend him, to see what might be their Pickings as State's Witnesses, and what might happen Societally as far as how the DOJ and Diddy would be Talked about. Everyone know that when they did that, they were Testing Waters to see what Happens when they Start Digging.


And some People think for some Reason, that the DEA can't take Money out of the Mail, and take Things from them and Start Building a Case. Some People seems to think it is about what the Public thinks and says, and not about Evidence and what is Real. Some People are disconnected from Reality, and You may have seen 48 Hours Investigates, in the Interrogation Room, there are all kinds of People that are thinking all kinds of Things. But there are actually a lot of People, most People, maybe Everyone, who are just Living in 2024 and hardly even know "What Happened?". That is why Things like Aboriginal DreamTime, and Mythology and Everything are all a Mystery to so many People, because it's 2024 and most People have no idea what Happened.


And some People think they know Things. Science, is the Study of Everything that already is. Science is simply the Art of Revealing the Creation. Uncovering how it Works. And that is where Humans are now. But the DOJ, they are Testing Waters. That is what is going on, and there has been Talk about a TD Jakes Investigation, and Other Things going on.


So I want Everyone to know, that no Matter how much it might seem like someone has Power, there is Nothing New Under the Sun. You may not be able to take something on, but there is a Higher Power. A Higher Power than any Human. There were at one Time Emperors and Today when People call themselves Gods, they mean Emperors, Kings and Gods. But there is maybe only a few Invisible Emperors, Jesus, Buddha maybe, the Empires of Today have Invisible God Kings. And there are Powers Higher than even them.


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