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Judges 5:20

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If we look at Judges 5:20 it says something that many might find Strange, but it is the Bible, so this is actually more kind of what you might expect to find, and don't find so much of.

What Judges 5:20 Says is this, and it is Part of a Song that was put in the Bible that the Jewish People would Sing, this was around the Time of Ruth and the Judges, particularly the Judge Deborah. It says:

"From the Heavens the Stars Fought, from their Courses they Fought against Sisera"


If you read the Interpretations, most of the Time what People say is that the Stars Fought against Sisera on their Courses is just elaboration of the next Line, "The River Swept them away". But it is not, in this Link you can see how the Interpreter includes Revelations and the 7 Stars are the 7 Angels of the 7 Churches, and the Lampstands are the Churches.


This videos Shows a Medium Describing to someone in Modern Times that Aliens are the same as Egregori.


The way these Entities Work we could say is like Mushu, Ancestors, the Bible says not to Contact Familiar Spirits, sometimes "Familiars" as they are called, can actually be Linked to Dead "Family", the Bible also says that Humans should not "Follow the ways of Angels" and that gets into how Angels are meant to do Things the Bible might say not to do, but it is because they are not Actions being Taken in how the Lord God said not to use these Arts. We could just Start with the 3x Rule, where whatever you do to Others with Magic will come back 3x on You. So what are you Talking to Familiar Spirits about? Why are they bound to the Earth and not passed on? What are you going to get from the Experience? Maybe it's Better to Leave it to the Angels.


So that Brings us to Sisera, a Nephilim, the Spawn of a Seed of an Angel and a Human Woman, these are the Giants, and Half-Giants, and Sisera was one of these People, like Goliath. The Jewish People say that Sisera was a Test from God, and in the Song they say the Stars, the Egregori, were Fighting against Sisera. These were Sisera's Ancestors, and Cousins, Extended Family in Heaven of the Flesh Bodies on Earth. Sisera was not a Jew, he was not a Gentile, he was a Nephilim. The Jewish People could see Sisera Fighting with the Sky, how the Greeks say that Zeus came upon the Giants throwing Slings and Arrows at God. And this is to say that this Genetic Group, these Flesh People, the Greeks Identified Giants as Phlegrae, and there were Phaikians are Sceria and Corfu and Places with Giants amongst them. Odin and Loki are Half-Giants.


These are like what the Jews call Tribes, the Angels and Demons and Giants and Half-Giants, these are like Tribes over Flesh Bodies.

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This is what the Allegory of the Cave is also about. Saying the Greeks in their Mythology are afraid of Monsters that if they would come out of the Cave, they would just Find People.

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The way Society was so Advanced and it is Confusing for People is this, from Pagan Times into Christian, they would Raise a Female in a Tower with no Contact with the Outside World, and then she would be Queen Later. It Created Intelligence, and there is something about Isolating Yourself for Studies, that Livy Talks about, he had Withdrawn from Society to Write the History of Rome with no Influence. And Today we use his Writing. Polybius was in Prison while he Wrote, and it’s those two and Josephus that are Primarily used to Study Rome.

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Dirac said “Pick a Flower on Earth and you move the Farthest Star”,


And, sometimes Things are so Far Away you don’t see them until Billions of Years Later.

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Samuel and Samson and are more Similar maybe than is Obviously Noticeable, and Samuel usually goes Unnoticed Compared to Samson. Samson Kills 6,000 People with the Jawbone of a Donkey, and does Other Things Showing that he has Great Strength, usually Killing many People. Then he can't be Captured. Then he is Captured and his Hair Grows back some and he Tears Down the Temple and Kills more People than he Ever Killed before that, as he Died. He is Remembered as a Great Soldier in a Way, the Example of a Judge is Probably why we all Remember him, the Example behavior of a Judge (to the People Passing it Down to us), and a Nazarene as well.


Samuel Starts with his Mother, Praying to God Silently and Eli thinks She is Drunk, and She says she is Praying. She Tells God that if he will give her a Son, she will have him Live Outside for God and will never have a Razor Touch his Head. This is interesting because it was also a Part of the Nazarene Tradition, and then if we look at Berber Tradition there are Knives and Saws, Scissors, Axes, etc, and these Iron Objects Warded of Entities in the Iron Age, getting Iron to use was a Matter of Warding Off Evil Spirits and it was used for Cutting, Azazel Taught Blades, Hephaestus, Vulcan, Copper was not so much Blade Centric. But the Point being that a Razor never Touched either of their Heads, and 1 (Samuel) if not both of them were Feral Children.

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What we are all doing, from me and the Clubs and Museums, to say "The Chosen" TV Show, and Different Musicians, even the Rangers after winning the World Series and the Chiefs after winning the Super Bowl, all know that this is important and Happening and isn't a Game, but a lot of People seem to Pick some kind of Game to use to Learn about all of it. That seems to be the Easiest way to Learn about Ancient Mysteries, is People Playing Games.


But You can Read too. That's another way. But it's more than that, it's Degrees like in College or Masonic Degrees. Perspectives.


And Reading is actually Necessary with the Games too, the Game Players can though Confirm that like I'm "Spitting Game" Basically, that kind of Thing can be Confirmed by someone who doesn't know Ancient Mysteries, but knows Game.


But what we are doing is going to Change the Debate from being:


Atheists- Why is God mean?


Christians- The Flood is Real, the Earth is 6,000 Years Old


To a much more Expansive Argument, Dealing with Angels and Denisovans, Mythologies, Aboriginals, etc. I used to use the Phrase "The Ancient Black Navigator Theory" when I was Putting it all together. Everyone should Learn what a Hierophant is.

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Now here I will get into the many Aspects of Angels:


If You want to Watch something to get You Started, Watch this and it will get You Started so You know where a lot of this is coming from in the Bible.


Genesis 1 Adam is the Original Flesh Person, his Wife comes from his Rib, and Men have 1 Less than Women. Their Children are Caine, Able and Seth. Caine's Children are Famous in Egypt, many of the Arabic Names of Cities when said in Other Languages, or when You look at the Old Name, Reveal Connections to Caine and his Children. They made Brass and String Instruments, like Harps. And there is a Song Called the "Harper's Song" that was Famous in Ancient Egypt, and it Basically says like "We all Die, so have Fun" or something to that Effect, and it doesn't Rhyme or anything in English. Some say Caine is the Angel Line, and Seth is the Human Line, some say the Opposite which would make Seth the Angel Line. But if we Acknowledge that Seth is the Moon and Caine is the Sun, then what we get is that Caine is like the Apollo Culture and Seth is like the Zeus Culture, and then if we take the very Convoluted Idea that Moses comes from the Palace, so Atum (the God who made himself, like the Origins of the Season Autumn) is Adam, and Seth is the God of Lightning and Chaos, this if it could be accepted in its Convolutedness, would add Credence to the Apollo-Caine Culture and the Zeus-Seth Culture. So the Story of Seth, is then Parallel to the Story of the Infant Zeus in the Cave with Bee Man and Rhea. But Caine's Children's Names to Appear in what we would call "Hammite" Regions, and not Ham like Pork, Ham, like Baal-Hammon which was an Early Jesus-like or Buddha-like Philosopher King God.


So the Serpent, People wonder what this means, and we could say it is Carnal Knowledge, First Taught to Eve. Then Genesis 6 Follows this, God doesn't do a lot of Changing, so First, he Castes the Humans out of the Garden of Eden for Sexual Corruption. Then Genesis 6, Sexual Corruption is Spreading throughout Humans. But it's not their Fault, this Time "The Sons of God" are Taking Wives of the Daughters of Man. This is where God says Humans will only Live to be 120 Years Old. It also says that the Nephilim were around in those Days, and also Now. "Nephilim" is often just "Giants" in English, and it says they are "The Heroes of Old, the Men of Renown", that is, before the Scriptures, as this is Genesis 6. According to Judaeo-Christian Tradition this was all Written by Moses. So now, what we see in Egypt is that Seth and the Set Animal are Divisions in Society, and David is like a Lightning King, like a Child of Zeus, like Hercules, Arthur, Thor, Melqart, all Giant Slayers, King David, the Giant Slayer. And this Era all Shows the Fall of the Angels, Leading to the Flood. We can Best see what this is all about in the 5 Eras of the Sun, which Native Americans should have had no Knowledge of (Giants, Tigers, etc), but they did.


So now we can see that God did not just Create and Destroy the Earth 1 Time, we have done this Over and Over. Angels have. So then, if You want to Expand on Genesis You Read Enoch. Enoch is like someone said "What?!" and then someone in Africa Wrote all of Homer and Jason, in Bible Form. Many say it is just "Babyloniaca" and "Aegyptiaca" and we could say that those Books were very Helpful to, and very much like Enoch, but they are more like Chronicles and Enoch is more like Samuel, maybe Kings. So Enoch Expands on Genesis 6, and incorporates all Polytheism.


Then Nimrod Son of Cush would be the next Example, he is an Egregore like Lemony Snicket, but he is a Dynasty maybe including Sargon of Akkad. The Egregore is a Real Life Entity. Then Sarah's Culture.


Next, Genesis 19. The Humans want to Rape the Angels and Lot gives them his Daughter, and the Angel have Knowledge that an Asteroid is coming, and it did, we have now Found it. This was Called an "Overthrow".


And it goes on and on, I will continue adding more, but Everyone should know that I am like Mohammed was to the Muslims, but for a New Group, the Angel. I'm Proving who we are in the Bible.


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