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Rabbi Tovia Singer

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Rabbi Tovia Singer may seem Angry to some, and he is probably not every Israeli’s Favorite Rabbi. But if everyone can understand where he is coming from I think everyone can Learn a lot. This Video shows him talking about Mathew, from the New Testament. Most Israeli Rabbis have never opened a New Testament and here he is with knowledge about it that would Edify any American Christian.


Who this Rabbi is, comes from the Jews for Jesus. Here is an example of a Jews for Jesus YouTube Channel.

Most Jews for Jesus aren’t Diabolical or anything, but Rabbi Tovia Singer talks about in this Video, how he was told at a Young Age not to Argue with the Christian Missionaries because they knew more than him.


So he made it his Mission to Learn their Arguments and now even be better than probably most or all of them at both New and Old Testament Studies, Q&A, etc.


When watching Christians and Atheists Debate on YouTube I compare it to Arguing about which side to hang the Toilet Paper off the Roll, you can turn it one way and it dispenses what could be called “under” and if you put the Roll the other way it dispenses “over”. I saw a Muslim and Atheist Arguing about the Creation of the Universe and it was much the same, the Atheist saying that there is a Necessary “something” at the beginning, maybe intelligent.


There are many others on YouTube also, the Moors, Black Hebrew Israelites, and the Hoteps get into some better Debates than Christians or Atheists also. Usually like in a Sa Neter Debate, it will end with like, trying to prove the other Group is associated with Evil Illuminati Symbolism.

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In this Video Rabbi Singer gets into those who have Faith in the Roof, or the Ceiling, in Man’s Creation.

I am not putting Words in his Mouth so everyone know that this now is me telling you about this and not exactly maybe what he is trying to say, but he was making a Point that leads to this.


We could call it Satan v. The Sky.


And so the Sky is now to us much of a Mystery, but is a Physical Reality, I say “the Sky” during the Day and you might just kind of be like “Yeah”, not much Thought. But I say “the Sky” at Night and there is more to it. And in the Ancient World when you said “the Sky” you might as well have said “the Textbook”.


And everything was Created from the Designs from “The Sky”, that Ancient Textbook. Even Evil. There is nothing New Under the Sun. Gears and Clocks, Compasses, Rulers, Perpendicular Lines, anything. You might walk around Town thinking it’s vast, and someone else feels like his Great Great Great Grandfather should have never given so much Land to the Public, and he feels that way because all his Forefathers were shitty up to that one that didn’t give them everything, and its all almost like a Play, we can preform Plays or Make Movies to show kind of how Gods Emote, and we can make them about People, and then everyone is Dead and some People say that it doesn’t matter and all that matters is what you make matter to you or whoever.


But the Sky actually was part of it the whole Time, you could say Heaven, or Heaven and Hell, the Heavens and the Hells. The Sky, the Sun, the Moon, these are actually interacting with us. You can see the Tides caused by the Moon at the Beach, you can Cook an Egg on the Ground in Texas in the Summer, the Sky is something most People just take for Granted. And the “People of the Ceiling” are then very like those who can’t see the Sky for all it is Right there in front of all of us. Like how ISIS would do the Number #1 and Point at the Sky, once you know God you can actually understand what they might have been thinking, “It’s not us, the Sky has got our back” is kind of the message they were sending, but saying “Allah is 1, no other Gods”, but if you were doing some Things you might need to do for God, there might be Pictures of maybe just you Pointing at the Sky, once you understand the Sky and God, you can start to understand how you might just not have Words and all Credit goes to God.

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If anyone is Wondering why the Hamas-Israel War is kind of like sentimental, it could be called the Tabernacle War the way it was done. The Open Air, Lightly Shaded Design of the Festival, was something actually being kind of done even with plywood and palms or blankets and Things. And that’s the Sabbath/Shabbat Day the Hamas Attack was done on.

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If everyone can understand the Immediacy of Jesus’ Teachings and his Actions and God around him. Rabbi Tovia Singer Quoted in his most recent Video the Verse that says “Violence will no longer be within your Borders”, and it literally says “Hamas will no longer be within your borders” when it is all Read in Hebrew because the Word “Violence” in Hebrew is “Hamas”. He also gets to the Jews for Jesus saying the Messiah has already come. And I will not argue with him about the Missionaries, they don’t mean Evil like that Guy said in his Videos he used to be a Male Prostitute, he maybe just wants to get through the IDF without falling back into Chaos in his own Life, and he can Share the Gospel, it’s very Simple where he is coming from and I understand Rabbi Singer not appreciating it.


Gandhi said, “I like your Christ but not your Christians”, having Experienced Apartheid and seen a Christian that was very much not like the Jesus in the Bible. That is a big Point, most Religions are Traditional, and Catholicism is but Protestants will say they aren’t even Christian. Most Religions want like Hair covering for Men or Women for some, and different kind of Customs like America didn’t like the Tribal Scars, America liked Tattoos and everything but the Protestants and America like even just little Traditions outside of like Holidays are abandoned. Mormons have strange Underwear, the Hebrew Israelites dress in Era Clothing (sometimes even just anything). But most Christians don’t do those kinds of Things at all, it’s mostly in the Church or just a Relationship with Jesus. And so Jesus and the Suns didn’t just Die on the Cross, they have been completely Liberated and Jesus is the one who did all the Customs, like hardly any Christians live or act like Jesus, they just talk about how Great he was and how even just to try to be like him is enough. So what Jesus taught, often gets lost in the Bible, in talking about what happened and arguing about sometimes unimportant Points. And there are Things that you can Learn from Jesus, he is a Teacher, he was a Rabbi, he did have a Connection to Things that can not be seen and I can confirm that what Jesus was doing was not Fiction, the Spirit does Move like the Wind how Jesus said and how Iran when Fighting Zar in their Country calls it a “Wind”, these are Ancient Gods, Angels and Archangels and Things, that’s what Zar is all about and some say it is a Psychological Disease because some actually become Ill, they get Sick, and until the Spirit Afflicting them is satiated (usually it afflicts a Woman, and usually you Buy it Perfumes and Things) she is unwell. This is not a Psychological Disorder, these are in Fact, Things that we can not see. Like Gravity, Isaac Newton was hit on the Head with an Apple? No, he was using the Bible and talking to Kabbalah Societies and looking for the End Date and Discovered Calculus and Gravity. Light, we can not see without it and can see it in this or that way, Color, all of the Waves around us, Sound, and even the Atoms moving making everything Appear as it is, and giving it animation Rather than all Atoms being Solid Dense Matter with no anything going on. Jesus Teaches us a lot about these Things, this is why he was added to the Bible, and he Died for it, and told everyone it was for them, asked God for Glory before dying once so it would be done on Earth before he entered Heaven to be able to Speak there forever but leave no more Words here. And he sent a bunch of Disciples off to Teach the Gospel.

And if we now look at the Hamas Verse of the Bible, Salvation will be your Wall and Praise will be your Gates. This is just to say what Jesus said, don’t worry so much about the Book, Right now, your Faith is Real, Today, and Jesus wanted everyone to know they had it in them. And Salvation can be a Wall, and Praise a Gate, and that is just Faith, that doesn’t even have to be Jesus. That is what Jesus wanted to Teach though.

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I am going to Help Everyone Organize some Things in their own Brain, so that we can have a kind of Higher Order Discussion. Many Christians are New to the Religion, even if they have been Christian for Years and Years, they didn't have a Barmitzfa like a Jewish Child, there are Plenty of Christians Raised in the Church who are part of Things like Confirmation Class, and went to Vacation Bible School, and Watched Veggie Tales, we have Christians that were Born Christian but it't not exactly the same. Let's put it this way, when a Christian looks at someone with a Marijuana Religion, from the Perspective of the Christian being in the U.S. Government and the Marijuana Religion being from a Random Local Civilian that is not part of a Secular Government. That Christian Wonders "Why can't I SEE the Religion?" and they want there to be Hairstyles, or Clothing, I would say Dreadlocks are Widespread Through Shaivism and African Culture and some might be looking for Dreadlocks, but even when they see the Dreadlocks they think "This is just a Dirty Hippie" or something (a lot of Females actually their First Thought is, "Marry Me") but Dreadlocks aren't Necessarily a Symbol of Religion. Jesus to a Christian, did all the Work, Jesus wore the Clothes that were Modest, Jesus connected with God, Christians just focus on Jesus and Try to Connect to Jesus, so Christians don't wear "Christian" Hairstyles, or Clothing, they have Crosses, Mormons have Mormon Underwear, and the Amish have the Pilgrim Styles, but most Christians by their own Standards you could tell a Judge "This Person is Faithless", just most Christians. Based on the Fact that you can't see their Religion when you look at them, unless they are Holding a Gun, a Bible and an American Flag, then you say "Oh, a Christian".


So because of that, I am going to Help Everyone Organize some Things in their Brain. The Christian Missionary is Generally not Teaching Jesus from an EXTREMELY Religious Perspective, like a Muslim or a Jew, wearing what might look like a Dress for Men (Dressing Modestly), and having a Hairstyle matching their Religion, etc. But there are some very Serious Christians out on Mission Trips so we can't say all of them, but if we look at the main People from Jews for Jesus because that is the Group we are kind of Talking about in this Thread, the main People from Jews for Jesus say "I wasn't Religious" they were in their 20s and 30s or even 40s maybe before they Found God and Jesus. And the Christian Pastors, the Christians know that often Times the Congregation is letting them make it. Where a Pastor of a Christian Organization can say "I'm New" and it doesn't really hurt anything, it is acceptable, and the Church can continue on with a New Person that is gaining their Pastoral Ability. The Church is all about that, it's not about being the Person that gets a Painting made with your Arm on an Old Bible on Your Desk while you lean on a sword in your Chair or whatever, they are ok with just seeing the New Person get better. But there is maybe like what we might see in Catholicism, more of a Structure and more of a Demand for that Cardinal to be a "Man of God" in the Eyes of the Congregation to even be in front of them. And that is in Judaism and Islam more than we see in Christianity.


There are 2 People we can maybe kind of Compare, not that they are the same at all, I want to make this comparison because of how Different they are. First, Rabbi Tovia Singer, I think some might view him as Angry sometimes but I just want to mention that to get it out of the way, he is maybe the most informed Jewish Scholar regarding the Bible. If any Christians wanted to Prove they were just Great Preachers or Pastors, with full Knowledge of the Bible, they might want to Debate Rabbi Singer to Prove that. And I want to Compare him to Roy Comfort, and Roy Comfort has done some Good, I am not saying that Roy Comfort is the Worst in the World, but he did the "Way of the Master" to Show Everyone how to go into the Street and Talk to People. And what he says is basically like "How do you intend to get to Heaven?" and tells the Person that no matter what they say they are Wrong, that only Jesus can get them to Heaven and that they have Violated all 10 Commandments, or a Number of them, and they are going to Hell. It's a lot like what Meth Dealers do to Your Daughter, they get her to Smoke it and Like it, maybe even Inject her, and get her Feeling Good, then they Treat her like she Stole Something. Taking whatever they want from her, even her Bodily Integrity.


So Roy Comfort does otherwise have some Good Information, but I don't think he even wants to argue with Rabbi Singer, I think he just wants to get People in that Situation. I saw a Homeless Person on the Train tell the Ticket Checker that he didn't have a Ticket, they were yelling at Each other and the Ticket Checker was about to call the Police, and the Guy Pulled out his Ticket and said "I Put you in a Bad Position" like he did it all on Purpose. And that doesn't Prove anything, it gives Roy Comfort some Good Videos, but even if you said "The Blood of Jesus" when he asked his First Question, I'm not sure he would accept it. I'm Pretty sure I've Watched him not Accept the Right Answer, like just Sing to the Choir as we call it. Roy Comfort is very Good at Singing to the Choir but making them Feel Bad First. Rabbi Tovia Singer simply wants to Show Everyone the Beauty of the Jewish Faith, any Specific Arguments he makes against existing Arguments is just to be a Good Scholar, he is actually someone who just wanted to know about the Bible, he Believes in the Old Testament God, knows the Old Testament God, and he is going Through the Bible to actually see "Who Wrote This?" and "What does it say in Hebrew?" he wonders why we don't have Hebrew in Schools all over America.


And Christians should know that Rabbi Tovia Singer has maybe some of the Best Information on YouTube. I know all about Sye Ten Brugencate and Ken Ham, and all these Presuppositionalists, and Other Christians that are supposed to be the most Learned of Scholars basically, and there are some Arguments that Really we do need to Talk about. I'm not sure Rabbi Singer would ever tell anyone to Believe that the Giants in the Bible are Dinosaurs, who had Claws and Teeth for Eating Flesh. But, the Other People all will. And we need to be having Debates about all of this, but Right now there is the War in Israel. I just wanted to put this here so that People know that there is kind of a Echelon, or a Scale, or a Hierarchy, where there is Your Church, then there are some Things that maybe can Educate Everyone. And anyone that can, Help make sure Rabbi Singer isn't Attacked in all of this. Some Christians might not like what he says about Jesus, but there is a Discussion to be had about the Jewish Messiah. And that is why I am Sharing this. Daniel, Isaiah, the Christians all Show Each Other these Things, and like 1 Month ago Rabbi Singer just went Through all of those for Everyone, where he Read the whole Books, not Verse by Verse Quotes for Inspiration or this Weeks Bible Study, and maybe he will focus on a Verse but he will add all the Context of the Book and Chapter before getting back to the Point of the Verse, and just Tells Everyone what the Bible says. It's almost Simple.

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Rabbi Singer made this Video because he wants to get across what he has said in Other Terms, "If You Like me, Stop Liking me so You can just Judge what the Words say here for one minute". He made this Video to say that Liking him may actually lead to to accepting what he says on Blind Faith, as many Christians would maybe a Pastor, and not then having the Critical Mind of Your Own to make Decisions. People could Watch 1 Minute of this Video and think he is a Monster almost, it doesn't say he's a Monster, but it says he is deceiving People and he allowed it on his Channel with his Name of Approval and he lets that be said on his Channel because he ASKS that You Question him, that You Learn Hebrew, that You Challenge what he is saying. Here is the Video.


And I want Everyone to understand that what he is doing is significant, I have done much of the same saying like "I'm not God" and I am an Angel, I am a Messenger of God. And here because of War and Other Reasons. But I also do Accept that a lot of the Evidence and the Fates, the Invisible Things we can't see. They all Point to Angelicalism. And what we could to is Talk about Quantum Physics, and Dimensions beyond 3D and 4D, and X Factor or A Factor or whatever, and start to say that this could all be Described in that. But I think that if we look to Ancient Scriptures, we Find that it is already all there.


But maybe in the Jots and Tittles. The Giants like Goliath, and the Titans like the Light. God said "Let there be Light" and Lucifer was made to Hold it.

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When I First saw that Rabbi Singer had been in Dallas while I was Teaching (I saw just before October 7th), I was completely aware that he had Learned about what I was Teaching that Year, before I Heard his Teachings. And Hamas knew all this too. I'm not connecting the Israel War to Dallas, this is 1 Timeline, I am from there, Thousands of Years Ago.


We get to like David and Saul, and Samuel, and I make it all so Clear People are like "Wow, they were just... People". And then we go on, and a few Weeks or Days Pass, and Suddenly Everyone can't see how God is doing all of this with me.

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As Crazy as it might seem for someone to say they are an Angel, I want Everyone to know that it is no Different from someone saying that they are a Jew, in some ways because we have all mixed together, a 6 ft Tall Person was an Ancient Giant. But mainly I mean that Jews can Prove their Heritage from the Bible, First Moses, who Writes his Own History, and that of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph leading up to him. It does not disagree much with Canaanite or Egyptian Carvings. Now, if we look at Israeli Archaeology there is very little Evidence that the Jews Existed, and this may be because Moses left out that the Sea People were Connected to the Shepherds, a Ship, a Shear, a "Shhh". But if we look to Canaan and Israel and Syria and Lebanon we do find Evidence of Canaanites and for example the Tomb of Hiram, it was named supposedly in the Persian Era After the Time of Kings of Tyre and Master Masons in Lebanon making a Palace for David after he Killed Goliath. So we find Canaanites, and in the Bible it says that the Jews were Idolaters and that they would hardly Follow God, that the Levites weren't even always Part of Jewish Society, they would disappear and be remade into the Priest Class again and again.


So the Jewish Argument is Valid, and if we look at the Pit of Bones there is Heritage for Several Species in Israel, back Hundreds of Thousands of Years, in India they say Shiva and them were 100,000, or 1,000,000 Years Ago, not a King of a City with Walls, but a God amongst Species of Humanoids. And then there was Abraham making the Well, and the Jews ended up in Egypt as Slaves, Strangers in a Strange Land with Joseph with the Dream Coat to Start according to where Moses leaves off, is how it has been passed Down. And we can see these kinds of Designs are on Egyptian Walls, the kind of Coat Described, worn by People with Exotic Animals and Things in Egypt. The Egyptians kept Great Records.


But then, in Canaan, the Alienists, the Ancient Alien People, Ancient Astronaut Theorists, they all say that Aliens came and Bred with Humans in Canaan and made Giants, and that that then is also what we see Recorded in the Bible. So when we say that People can be Descendants of Angels from the Bible, we are saying that Aliens don't exist, but Angels, and that all of this did Happen. In Canaan. And all over the World. There are Stories all Over the World of Egregori, Star People, coming from the Sky and Breeding with the Aboriginals all Over the World. When we Discover that someone is an Angel, they may also have Proclivity to be a Demon, because Angels have done the Worst of Things and can have them go Through their Heads from Experience in the Ancient Past.


A Jewish People can Tell You God exists, they know. Christians can Tell You. Rabbi Singer makes the Joke about kind of the Gideon Bible, like, someone is in the Worst Situation of their Lives, Addicted to Drugs, with a Prostitute, and there is a Bible at the Hotel and they find Jesus. Ready to Kill themselves, and God intervenes. And that is not to discredit that, that is a Testimony. God comes when You give up. When You give up and let God do Things, God will. And a Jewish Person can tell You this, because the Bible is Their Book, they knew to Hold onto these Words before anyone else Cared, in Fact People Tried to get Rid of them the Whole Time and they kept passing it Down to each Other and Telling each Other to just be Different from the Normal, in any way they could, to Show they were there for God and not for someone else. The Holocaust, this is the Kind of Event that allows a Person to see God in the Worst of Circumstances and see God not for some Genie Granting Wishes, making Comfort for whoever Believes in him, but actually there where You know God is Real because You saw it. And Angels, Canaanites, and the more Ancient Relatives, and the ones we can't see. Angels that aren't Flesh, that did not Breed with Humans when all the Others did. The Angels all know God is Real. Genesis 19, and then Jonah Warns the City just like the Angels did, but because the Story of the Angels (Ebla where a City was Destroyed, Sodom and Gammorah) was Passed Down, they knew God would Kill all of them if they did not Turn Away from their Sins, and they did and God Spared them and it Embarrassed Jonah. God put the Jews Through Things like that, and the Angels have Experienced Worse.


But there is Cush, Nimrod Son of Cush, there is Caine, there are all of Caines Children, there are the Nations under Noah along with Cush. And the Word "Angel" means "King" or "Messenger" or "Guard" but "Angel" the way we Hear it. And there are some Things that Happened where Humans were Gods, where how Caine is like the Sun and Able the Moon. There is King Scorpion (The Scorpion King), King Memnon, King Agenor, King Phoenix Son of Agenor, King Atlas, King Hannibal (The Canaanite), etc.


We are now in a Fragment of History like when Mohammed Talked to the Angel who allowed him to put together his Ishmaelite Lineage and Things. My Ancestry will be Connected to Jesus, and Solomon, and Samuel, and King Djoser, and King Tut, and King Ramses, and we will see the same way Mohammed has an Ancestry that is Focused on by all of Islam, and it is used to Described Everyone. We will do the same with me, and we are Taking the Sky, and the Books, and the same way the Sky was put into the Books, we are going to take the Sky and the Books and just put it all into the Van Kush Family, and just do a Public Facing Royal Family in Texas. Not making it a Secret. Just Let Everyone know, and do it. That's Happening in our Time now.

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A Homeless Black Guy just called me Jesus. Fulfilling maybe his most important Role in Life (his Purpose maybe, in other Words), arguing against those saying I'm not in any way like Jesus. I'm exactly like Jesus.

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When I say that Jews had to First return to the Law, and then God came, Every Time, and sometimes You don't even see God, You just see Things Happen to the Enemies of the Jews. But when I say the Law goes First, and God Follows. Rabbi Tovia Singer knows EXACTLY what I mean, and Everyone else nearly, except People Probably Speaking Hebrew, Everyone else has to Ask Rabbi Singer what I mean.

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David was King of the Jews, this was something God was against, Samuel said "God is Your King" but the Israelites still wanted a King. There were Bandits, and the Jews had been Historically now Historians say they lived Independent Lifestyles, as Shepherds, or Merchants, deciding what they wanted to do. They would come together with their Copper and Iron Pieces, and Silver and Gold like Pennies and Nickles and Dimes and Quarters, to make Things. That is how it Worked. But we also see that there were Angels, Melech, which means Emissary or King. Angels, that were what we Call Angels now. We could Compare the Ruling Angels to Buddha, the Footprints, or the Empty Throne.


This is Rabbi Singer on the King of Jews. And it was Saul First, then David, then Solomon, and on from there:


Polybius said that Fears of Hell were given to the Peasants, and that it was like, he didn't use this Word, but like Glib of the Ancients to put the Fear of Hell into the People. But he was Wrong. If we all have an Invisible King, we will Govern Ourselves. That is what we see as a Historical Record of Judaism. And I think we can dig that up. Nephilims Guiding the Jews, and then Goliath and Hiram being examples. Related to the Stars like Sisera.

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I think Everyone who has gotten this Far, just Reading and those Heavily involved in Everything going on, the Oracle, the Egregori or Egregori, made up not of 1 Egregore (which is a Collective) but many Egregore, which are Egregori in Plural. Should now go ahead and Study Orisha. Which is what is supposedly eating Offerings when Vegetables or Fruit are left out to Rot, or a Candle is Burned, Orisha is the Santaria Word, and they are kind of like Catholics, but these are all Real.


In Scientology the Thetans are Real too. But I'm not sure You just want to be Clear of all of them, but they do. Maybe there are Reasons for them, and it's some People are supposed to use them, and some aren't. All Religions are 1.


Syncreticism, but Orisha is the more important Word here.

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Rabbi Singer thinks this is a Debate. Like Robert Jeffers does.


It's not a Debate.

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Just for the Purpose of Historicity, Everyone should know that Rabbi Singer came to Dallas during what seems to have been the Time I was Forced to Live outside as a Scapegoat Ritual Sacrifice, I was Sacrificed like Jesus, but in a Scapegoat Ritual, and there was a lot going on. And it seems that Rabbi Singer was contacted during that Time.


I do think many Pastors and Rabbis started Learning about kind of the "Pastor Circuit" one of them being the Salvation Army Pastoral Circuit, meaning, You can have a Church and Show up at the Salvation Army once a month to help Build Your Congregation, or Practice, etc.


But Others were Called, to come Help make sense of Things I was Talking about. I didn't know about Azazel until the Salvation Army Director gave me a Copy of Enoch, Everything I know about the Fallen Angels I Learned in Egyptian Archaeology as well as Denisovan Fossil Record, and Enoch just Happened to be the same when I Finally Read it.

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