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Nikki Haley

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I am going to Start by saying that Tulsi Gabbard should have been the Democratic Candidate instead of Joe, but Hillary is a Witch, and Google did some Things they didn't need to do. And I'll expand on Hillary being a Witch First just since I said that, Hillary said that Nikki Haley was Working for Russia, and basically said that she was Defending Bashar al-Assad and Putin, by saying that there should be no Regime Change. And I do think Hillary was Smarter than Bill. So having said that, I think the Tulsi would come out and Endorse Nikki Haley Probably, if there wasn't kind of now like this hanging over her Head, the Hillary Curse that has been hanging there. And we don't Live in a Good Time, I have Written about it on this Website and won't get into it here, but Tulsi has been Through a lot.


So, Nikki Haley, she is Running for President as a Republican Candidate Against Trump. We have all kind of Heard of her in various ways, but I think it was Originally the Confederate Flag Incident. Where Nikki Haley did something that used to be Republican under Abraham Lincoln, but would maybe get some Appreciation from Democrats and can maybe be Respected by a lot of People. She took the Confederate Flag Down. I know, as a Texan, that the Confederate Flag is Flown for Heritage, you Learn about it and it's the "Dukes of Hazard", and just kind of "Southern" Culture, which does exist and does not have to be Racist. But, there are a lot of People who simply can not understand that, and I think we can take down the Losing Team's Flag, and I am Probably defined by the FBI as a Texas Succession, I was Talking about the Concept of Texit, but we didn't have that Word, before Brexit was a Thing and so we didn't have the Word Texit. Rick Perry said that if over 50% of Texans Voted for it, he would do it. The Supreme Court Case Texas v. White, says that Texas hasn't Left the Union unless the U.S. Congress Votes on it. But, maybe we can take Down the Flag from the Capitol, you can have one at Home if you want, or wherever. The Mississippi Flag changed their's also, it used to be their Battle Flag from the War.


So we have heard of Nikki Haley, even if we forgot. This is where Everyone Really had First heard of Nikki Haley, and she Started being all over TV and Everything, and all that, and then she Worked for the Trump White House. And I would say that what she did there, can be Compared to the U.N. now. Samantha Powers wasn't Horrible, I remember seeing the U.N. with her there during Obama, and then Nikki Haley came in. With Obama, America was the Piggy Bank. I don't need to get too much into it, Trump and Bernie were having Agreements about it. There was the Pacific Trade Agreements and Things, and there was Supposed to be Environmental Crackdowns, where China and India could do like a Big Puff of Trash Air, and it was because they are Developing Countries and America got a Head Start, and then we were going to have Electric Cars and all that from Obama to Hillary. Then Nikki Haley came in with Trump, and they Started saying that we needed People to Pay their Fair Share of the International Pie, and that we were Taking Names of People who weren't on our Side but got our Money.


A lot of People are wanting the U.N. to be Functional Right now, and I do think she knows something about that.

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Nikki Haley made a Good Point recently, and she is a Good Politician as in knowing some Ethics and Everything, we all know that She would be more Normal than Trump, more like Joe, we all know it, and She would Very Likely be more Exciting as President, most People aren't even Talking about it because She isn't Riding this like Hillary did, but she is a Woman. Nikki Haley would be the First Female President, unless Joe dies before She gets there and Kamala were President. So there could be more to the Presidency than a Normal Presidency, more like Kamala Harris, etc.


But She said Recently "China and Russia see Trump's Cases" and that is True. If Trump is Arguing with the DOJ for Crossfire Hurricane Reloaded, how does that look to China, and Turkey, who just made some Allegiances with Iran. And then BRICs, I'm not sure who all understands this, but it's not just something to Invest in, they want to Issue some kind of Security or Currency, Better than the US Dollar that People can Hold. The way Bitcoin is Better. It goes Down, yes, like the USD, but BTC also Doubles sometimes and Things. And those Other Countries are all Watching.

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I want to Talk about Nikki Haley's Comments recently about the Secession of Texas. If anyone is Wondering, she Said that Texans aren't going to Secede, but that Texans can (in some sense she said Texans are the ones that can get Seceding done, we are ERCOT, etc), and we won't. But that we want the President to Protect us, that is what she said. And I would say, as the Holy Grail and First in Line for the Throne of Texas, a Role that leads me to be connected to all kinds of Texas' Affairs, from being Born and Raised here, Raised in the Town Ken Paxton is from and my Family know him, to having been Part of Talking about Texas Seceding when Brexit Happened (Texit), and we were Talking about it when Rick Perry was our Governor and we all Appreciated that he said that if 51% of Texans Voted to Secede, he would. And to Arguing with the DEA for Years, and on and on, Federal Cases, all kind of Things that I am involved in around Texas, and I am a Foundation, the only Thing some People have that is Stable in their Lives, some in Politics, some Government Employees, even the Military, 3 of Whom were Killed in Syrio-Jordan, and even to those who are in Criminal Enterprises that Hope to be Part of Righteousness and to have been here on Earth Created by God for a Purpose, People all over the World from Everywhere. I think I can Speak and it be considered Representative of many, just by the Nature of the Billions of Earth that are Dependent on my Words and my Good Will.


So I just want to say from that Perspective, that Nikki Haley is not saying something out of Left Field, she is Talking about, and this is her kind of Pitch, how America has Slowly become more and more Chaotic, how we kind of had a Foundation Still in Cheney and Bush, there was Still that Real American Government, Bush Sr. Ran the CIA, like he was the CIA Director. And Nikki Haley is saying that America has been being Unraveled since the End of that. Since Obama, and then Trump and Hillary, and Trump and Joe, and Joe and Trump like what Everyone is Talking about now. She is saying that something Happened and we need to Stop for a Minute and look. And she says that Texans are not in Line with what Biden is doing, Texans are more in Line with Greg Abbot invading the Island, and Learning about like El Kevin who was Freed by a Cartel who brought like 50 Vehicles up to a Hospital in Mexico and Removed him. He was later Assassinated in the Streets for knowing too much. I think Texans do want to Talk about that kind of Thing. And I think that the Cartels want to make Money, and they want to be Respected, and they want to some of them just be like Zooted or Geeked out or whatever and with a bunch of Other Drug Addicts, but I think Mexico would mind having Discussions from the President all the way "Down", and if we look at the Basis of the Show Senor de los Cielos, the Background of the Show is that the President and the Cartel Leader have the same kind of Network, and they interact in Different ways and not just when the Government is Cracking Down on Crime, they are Connected in many ways.


And Texans Regularly Talk about Seceding, Ken Paxton is Probably Talking about it just so he doesn't have to Flee to Brasil or Russia. Anyone that isn't Sure what Nikki Haley is Talking about, that is Probably just because You can't find a Video of a Texas Politician Talking about Seceding Right now. But the only Reason we weren't Talking about Seceding after Trump wasn't Elected, after January 6th, Planned by Ken Paxton, is because I had Released the Diaspora Brujeria and anyone that didn't like that Trump Lost, they could go to Africa, or China, or wherever, because we are all doing this Thing now, so we Started Spreading the Diaspora Brujeria in Africa First, and so there was a lot going on. The Wagner Group has done the same kind of Thing out of Russia since the Book was Written.


And now, Nikki Haley mentions Seceding and People that have no Idea what is going on, are saying like "What is She talking about?". She said Texans WON'T Secede, that we will Work with the Country and just want Joe to be Working for Texas. Not Ken Paxton and Trump, but the Texas Population, Everyone in Texas. And to give Texas that Status I think is to Recognize how many Votes we get in an Election, Texas and California usually go Red and Blue and Balance each other out, but that is always a Discussion "Can we turn the Other one the Other Color", and Nikki Haley is asking Texas if they want a President that knows some Things. And if anyone wants to know, we can Secede, it was a Court Case Texas v. White, we have to get California and Everyone else to Vote us out. But, they said we never left when we Joined the Confederacy, so we could be a  Sovereign State as like, Texas, The Most Serene High State of the Union, or Texas the most Serene High Republic amidst States in the Union, or we could Join another Government like the EU if we wanted, or the African Union, and we are Still Part of America.

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Think about how there are Kings Remembered as "The Horrible" or whatever, there are Names like that in the Lineages of Kings, George Washington and them would say that King George was Inbred and would put his Ass in a Trash Can and Roll around on the Floor, we know there is Controversy around his Mental Capabilities, and the Problems with Inbreeding Families, Marry Other Royal Families that may have Closer Genes that they know, or they Marry their Cousin and know Full Well, and then the General Problem of a King being Great and his Son not so much. But Generally, You want the Other People to know You.


In Christianity and Roman History, there is Julian the Apostate because he Tried to Revive Roman Religious Government after Constantine Converted Everyone, and he was in Turkey after Constantine going further out East. He is Called "The Apostate" because the Roman Catholic Church was the Roman Empire pretty much except him.


Donald Trump is under Investigation, and is Basically Ready to be in a War with the Government even as President. Maybe he could Turn it around and make America the Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, Country, but I don't think he is going to go around Kissing Babies, I think he is Ready to do Mexican Style Politics where You have Brawls with the Other Political Parties like in "the Outsiders", or "the Warriors". And that is not going to look Good when we are Trying to Talk to Everyone. America is the Country that could Drop Nuclear Bombs and Hold up Peace Signs a few Years Late, or be in Vietnam Burning Villages with Napalm while Protesting the War. And that maybe isn't even Possible under Trump, and that was Nixon. And Nixon was Bad Enough, he Ran around Recording Himself saying Every Crime he was Committing and Every Guilty Thought and Question on his Conscience, on a Recording Device.

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More on Texas than Nikki Haley here, but I think Texans do want to also have some Discussions about Things, the way Gilly's was in the Old Version of Fantasy Island, and just to get into that there is like the Bob Lo Co. and Bob Lo Island, that is where it Started, and the Guy who Played the Original Character "Tattoo" Committed Suicide like 5-10 Years After Leaving the Show.


And so there are kind of Things, not just the Production of the Show and kind of Knowing Things like that, like the Old TV Show "Dallas". Fantasy Island is kind of like High Brow, but like completely Steeped in the Idea that we may unravel Time Travel, and all Kinds of kind of even we could say Pre-50's Type, but 60's and 70's Type Drama Class stuff mixed in, like it was Theater but the Hollywood Magic to almost Shamanism and Mysticism, as if Hollywood were Really Magic, Fantasy Island, that is what it is. Mr. Rourke is Comparable to Satan, but Fights Satan so Probably not, but Gilly says "The Lord himself would have taken 7 Days" or something to that Effect.


And so then when we Talk about the Border, and the Federal Government, we go Directly to Borderland because it is the most obvious, and to make that the Whole Problem may be to lump some Innocent People in with the Problem, not that we then make it not about the Border. We need to Understand the Groups Forcing Mules so they don't get Arrested themselves, we need to Understand the Cartel makes People Pay to Cross the Border because we aren't Collecting Fees. We need to Understand that there are Other Problems in Society also, and maybe could start the Comparison as like Texas being the West, but not that Native Americans are the Problem or anything, but more like there are People Running around with Bolt Cutters, and taking Copper Wiring out of Buildings and it's Your Friend's Son, and he's on Meth.

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Anonymous is going to get involved in this Election.

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Nikki Haley was kind of the Best Candidate in some ways, but there is something that needs to be Talked about. Nikki Haley generally is the Candidate that goes around saying "Men Should not be in Women's Sports" and She is saying that Transgenders and those Others, the LGBTQ+ People, should have to compete within their Birth Gender. And that's all exactly what She should be saying, most People agree with that. But she has been Dabbling in some Chicks with Dicks stuff with Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan doesn't Care if someone has a Beard, Breast Implants and a Penis (with no Intent to get it Removed) he Calls that a Female. And we can even get more Detailed than that. If you are Scared of a Spider, and I say "Bitch" to You because You are acting like a Pussy, Nikki Haley is Flirting with the Idea that that makes You a Female. Which I would say is a Compete 180 from where She was. She said "Men should not compete in Women's Sports" and now She's saying "Except the Females with Penises"... Why?


I am Putting together a Sexual Harassment Case for Everyone, and here is Case Law for Basically Proving that Calling someone a Bitch doesn't make them a Female, this whole Ideaology is actually just Gay. If You are not going to get a Surgery to be a Woman, and most People might Even say the Surgery isn't Enough, but let's just Pretend Bruce Jenner is a Woman now for non-Athletic Competition Purposes, if they aren't Even Planning on doing that, and You are Calling them a Bitch, Particularly if they say "I'm not Gay" and Things, and say they are Male, etc.


That makes the Person Attracted to the Man Gay. Being Scared of a Spider doesn't make You Gay, wanting to Stick Your Dick in the Ass or Mouth of the Man Afraid of Spiders makes You Gay. Unless he is also Gay and is Trying to Suck Dicks. But just the Basic, "Your a Bitch, You Scared Bitch", if You want to have Sex with the "Scared Bitch" now and he has a Penis, and You are a Male, You are Gay.



Causation and Malice

Best v. Taylor Mech. Works, 689 N.E2d 1057 (Ill. 1997) (Detailed)

Reynolds v. The Vill. of Creve Coeur, 2022 IL App (3d) 210260 (Ill. App. 2022)

US v. Streett, 434 F.Supp.3d 1125 (D.N.M. 2020) (Teenage Sexting is not Free Speech)

Bradley v. US, 19 C 903 (N.D. Ill. 2021) (More than 50% of the Proximate Cause)

Valencia ex. rel. Franco v. Lee, 316 F.3d 299 (2nd Cir. 2003) (Causation of Injury)

Kent v. Gulf State Utilities, 418 So.2d 493 (La. 1982) (Unreasonable Risk)

Home Ins. Co. v. American Home Products, 75 N.Y.2d 196 (N.Y. 1990) (Causation Damages)

US v. Torres-Miguel, 701 F.3d 165 (4th Cir. 2012) (Threatened use of Force)

US v. McNeal, 818 F.3d 141 (4th Cir. 2016) (Causation of Injury, Threatened use of Force)

Public Service v. Goldfarb, 53 N.Y.2d 392 (N.Y. 1981) (Intentional acts causing… injury)

Jones v. Preuit, 763 F.2d 1250 (11th Cir. 1985) (Wanton… as opposed to mere negligence)

Estate of Thomas v. Fayette County, 194 F.Supp.3d 358 (W.D. Pa. 2016) (Deliberate Indifference)

Rescap Liquidating v. HSBC, 524 B.R. 563 (Bankr. S.D.NY. 2015 (Indemnification Clause)

Anderson v. Eleventh, A123908 (Cal. App. 2010) (Negligence or Causation, Club and Rapper)

Robinson v. Robinson, 927 A.2d 364 (Conn. App. 2007) (Malice & Rap Artist)

Simmons v. State, 289 Ga. 773 (Ga. 2011) (Malice Murder & Man called “Bitch”)

State v. Perdue, 2007 Ohio 5728 (Ohio App. 2007) (Forced Sex)

State v. Richardson, 425 So.2d 1228 (La. 1983) (Forced Sex)

West v. State, 722 S.W2d 284 (Ark. 1987) (Prosecutrix)

People v. Adams, 243 Cal. Rptr. 580 (Cal. App. 1988) (Drugs and Bribes)

Hargraves v. State, 738 S.W2d 743 (Tex. App. 1987) (Concert, Rape, Dallas Police)

Green v. State, 05-06-00397-CR (Tex. App. 2008) (Rape and Murder Scene)


DSM-IV & 5, and Rap and Sexual Harassment

In re: Commitment of Williams, (Tex. App. 2010) (Sexual Assault by threat; Predator Defined)

Ex Parte: Tennard, 960 S.W2d 57 (Tex. App. 1997) (Pimping the Victim & AAMD Mental Retardation)

Kamp v. Kijakazi, 21-35934 (9th Cir. 2023) (Marijuana use must be ruled out)

Duncan v. Metro Life Ins., 2:15cv626 (D. Utah 2016) (Schizoeffective)

People v. Morrow, G050581 (Cal. App. 2017) (Paraphilia)

Morales-Miranda v. Wilkie, 18-7298 (Vet. App. 2020) (Schizophreniform)

State v. Shields, 2890 Or. App. 44 (Or. App. 2017) (Stimulant Use Disorder)

People v. Lindsey, 1-15-2844 (Ill. App. 2017) (Sexually Violent Stimulant Use Disorder)

In re: L.A.C., 04-20-412 (Tex. App. 2021) (Stimulant Use Disorder, Continued use after Child removed)

Mays v. State, AP-77,055 (Tex. Crim. App. 2019) (Stimulant Use Disorder… not incompetent to be executed)

Brownlow v. State, AP-77068 (Tex. Crim. App. 2020) (Beta-III IQ Test)

Mulloy v. US, 937 F.Supp. 1001 (D. Mass. 1996) (7.7% of convicted Rapists reoffend within 3 Years)

State v. W. World, inc. (N.J. Super. App. Div. 2015) (Citations)

Doe v. Fayette Cnty. Children, 8-823 (W.D. Pa. 2010) (Access to the Victim)

United States v. Huntsberry, 956 F.3d 270 (5th Cir. 2020) (Aspiring Rapper)

Moore v. Cohen, (S.D. NY 2021) (Judge Defamed by Sacha Noam Baron Cohen)

US v. Benjamin, (S.D. TX 2021) (“Defendant is a Rapper of sorts”)

Westmoreland v. Williams, 665 S.E2d 30 (Ga. App. 2008) (“Rapper for Cash Money”)

State v. Byars, (Tenn. Crim. App. 2017) (National Gang Beef over Rick Ross the Rapper)

F.K. v. S.C., 481 Mass. 325 (Mass. 2019)

United States v. Deleon, 428 F.Supp.3d 841 (D.N.M. 2019) (Blood in Blood out Gang)

People v. Murillo, 238 Cal. App.4th 1122 (Cal. App. 2015) (Threatening Victim with Rap Song being released)

Holcomb v. Commonwealth, 58 Va. App. 339 (Va. App. 2011) (History of Defendant and Victim)

State v. Davis, (Ohio App. 2010) (Threat… range of statements or conduct… impart a feeling of apprehension)

Scott v. Pizza Hut, 92 F.Supp.2d 1320 (M.D. Fla. 2000) (Rape Rap song at Work)

Bell v. Itawamba, 799 F.3d 379 (5th Cir. 2015) (Wanted his speech to be heard by Community/School)

Batiste v. Davis, (S.D. TX 2017) (Threatening after having shot someone else)

US v. White, 810 F.3d 212 (4th Cir. 2016) (Personally Therapeutic, not outwardly Threatening)

People v. Virto, (Cal. App. 2015) (Intimidating)

Gerald v. Locksley, 849 F.Supp.2d 1190 (D.N.M. 2011) (Single incident of Rape meets Title VII Liability, example given from Pizza Hut where Manager regularly plays Music and then sends her to serve aggressive customers)

People v. Mitchell, 2 Cal. Raptr.3d 49 (Cal. App. 2003) (Rape Trauma Syndrome, Rap Lyrics, Street Gang)

US v. Lockhart, 844 F.3d 501 (5th Cir. 2016) (Gang Unit Testimony)

Robinson v. Jacksonville Shipyards, 760 F.Supp. 1486 (M.D. Fla. 1991) (Nude/Explicit photos must be 1st Amendment Expression of the Business)

Johnson v. McAdams, 4:16cv60 (N.D. Miss. 2016) (“Calling him a Bitch”)

Burns v. Burns, S.W2d 821 (Tex. App. 1934) (“Called him a Bitch”)

Fuller v. Tenn. Dep’t of Corr., (W.D. Tenn. 2018) (same)

Jackson v. Stolworthy, 17-cv-420(S.D. Ill. 2017) (same)

In re: Int’l Harvest, 367 NLRB No. 31 (N.L.R.B. 2018) (same)

Luster v. Ill. Dep’t of Corr., 652 F.3d 726 (7th Cir. 2011) (same)

Walker v. Stone, (N.D. Ind. 2022) (same)

Kelley v. Conco. Cos., 196 Cal. App. 4th 191 (Cal. App. 2011) (same)

State v. Francis, (Iowa App. 2004) (same, after Sexual Assault)

Jackson v. O’Brien, (W.D. Pa. 2020) (same, PREA)

Taylor v. Byers, (M.D. Tenn. 2022) (same)

People v. White, (Cal. App. 2017) (same)

Trowell v. Upstate, 9:16cv0639 (N.D. NY 2016) (same, gloved finger in anus, called him a Bitch)

Spearman v. Ford Motor Co., 231 F.3d 1080 (7th Cir. 2000) (same and compared him to Drag Queen)

Henderson v. Labor Finders, (E.D. Va. 2013) (same, “Bitch” means Woman or Faggot, Tranny, etc.)

Hamm v. Weyauwega Milk, 199 F.Supp.2d 415 (D. Mass. 2002) (same, cites Spearman)

Howell v. North Central College, 320 F.Supp.2d 717 (N.D. Ill. 2004) (same, Citations)

Ellsworth v. Pot Luck Enterprises, 624 F.Supp.2d 868 (M.D. Tenn. 2009) (Size of Penis)

Lum v. Consol. Edison Co. of NY, No. 2022-00725 (NY App. Div. 2022)(same)

Blanck v. Meyer, 14-cv-136 (W.D. Wis. 2014) (Citations for same)

Newton v. United States Recycling, 00-cv-5466(E.D. Pa. 2001) (same)

Pirie v. Conley Group, (S.D. Iowa 2004) (same)

Jones v. Pate Rehab, 3:14cv2218 (N.D. TX 2016) (same)

Scribner v. Waffle House, 14 F.Supp.2d 873 (N.D. TX 1998) (Breast Size)

Carballo v. Log Cabin Smoke House, 399 F.Supp.2d 715 (M.D. La. 2005) (same)

Bombalski v. Lanxess Corp., 13-01653 (W.D. Pa. 2014) (same)

Erving v. Dall. Hous. Auth., 3:16cv1091 (N.D. TX 2018) (same)

Prince v. Madison Square Garden, 427 F.Supp.2d 372 (S.D. NY 2006) (same)

Fala v. The Perrier Group of America, 99-cv-3319 (E.D. Pa. 2000) (same)


Dallas v. Gala Resources, 2009 NY Slip Op 30079 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2009) (same)

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Running for President isn't Easy, and there are Teams that come together, and Money has to be Raised, and that Money has to be well Spent, and it's not an Easy Thing. And there is something that Trump does that Other Politicians don't, and he does the Normal Things, that is to say "We are going to Change ..." and he Talks about the Wall and Border Issues, and "Drill Baby, Drill" he says about Oil, etc. China, etc. But Trump is accused of Rambling, but his Rambling is to most People like a Bee doing a Dance, I want Everyone to know that, I can see it from kind of a Perspective where I am very Good at this myself, and what he is doing is Basically Showing Everyone where the Nectar is. That is, to Share information that is very Satisfying, or Things that need to be known and were not being Discussed by Others, sometimes it could be considered like a Rap Battle Type Scenario, where he is just Trashing People. And Nikki Haley kind of has been able to do some of that. She has a lot of Repetitive Things she says, maybe the Main one is "We all know 75 Year Olds that can Run Circles around us, and then there's Joe Biden", and this is maybe a very, very well Crafted Statement that is aimed at Both Teaching the Geriatric that they can do Calisthenics and at the same Time kind of Talking about "The Game" for Old People so they know some of what is going on, and we could say She is not doing that, it is not Blatant, but it is there kind of Hidden in the Statement. Just kind of Talking to the Older Crowd.


But that is just kind of something that I have seen, most People come up on Stage and they are a Shill for this or that. But Trump is (and now Nikki Haley sometimes) getting into kind of a more Real Discussion than just Running for Office. Like, in Other Countries, how it's more Serious, like "Don't Fuck up, because Everyone might Kill You" and then just knowing it's Real like that.


Mike Huckabee made a Trump Book for Kids.

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Nikki Haley Really wants to Beef with me, and I see no Benefit for her in that, but I guess we can do that. She says that America won't have a King, and I don't think she understands that I RUN THE WORLD. The Whole World, if she Wins, I still Run the World, if she Loses, I Run the World. That's what Royalty Means. It doesn't mean Winning Elections, it doesn't mean Everyone likes You.

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Russel Brand wishes he was me, if that is where Nikki Haley is going.

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Contempt Breeds Contempt, and the Government, for Better or Worse, is the Teacher.

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Nikki Haley is sounding like She Talked to Ron Paul, or Rand Paul, is Ron Paul still Alive? Does Everyone know about the Case for Gold, Nixon, and Jackson. Then the "You and what Army" Game that replaced Gold for Fiat to be Usable, Useful to us. USD, $, US Dollars.

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Nikki Haley is Leaving the Primaries, and it is not Dishonorable what She did in 2024 at all. You could say, sure, maybe She wanted this on her Resume, and She wanted to get $1,000,000 or some amount to Buy Several Houses or something, think like how Happy Bernie Sander's Wife is about the Difference from before and after he Ran for Office and he never has to Run for Office again. You COULD SAY THAT ABOUT HER, sure, but She was up against either having to Switch Parties and She is wanted to be a Real Politician Running there, She wanted to be an Image for the Future to look back at, and maybe She Thought She could beat Trump because She had South Carolina. But I Promise, You need Ft. Bragg for that. That would be the just Focus of that kind of Campaign, You would just Win Ft. Bragg and Win the State above her's, and then from there You would Primary. And there are Forts Everywhere, but that is an Important one and now it is Ft. Liberty.


But Point being, She was a Reasoned, and Sensible Politician that wanted to give You a Firm Handshake and Look You in the Eye, but She is up against Twitter, and George Soros or something and Donald Trump in Particular. The Coch Brother's aren't out of the Race, they are going to do something and maybe get Friendly with Trump. But there are Other Countries and now I think we are getting to a more Sophisticated Playing Field, where Nikki Haley doesn't have to Preform Hari Kari because She Bowed Out, but instead now She will be a Consultant and Things.


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