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The Original VKBT Announcement Thread

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This was the Original VKBT Thread, it has now been Operational for over a Year. We will now make a new Thread here soon and it will be the Official VKBT Thread.

I just wanted everyone to be able to see the Evolution, and be able to find any and all information on VKBT.

This topic was modified 1 year ago by

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I am going to get into more Information here, so that Everyone can understand how Tokens Work. The way Van Kush Beauty Token (VKBT) Started was actually Very Simple, and many May Wonder why the @KaliVanKush Account, My Wife's Account, has a Negative Rating and that is because the People at HIVE have a White Supremacy Issue, those Votes are Actually from the Accounts @DerangedVisions and it comes from the Marijuana Community, because they are Mad that the Van Kush Family did not come on a Podcast because we were Busy 1 Week, and we could have Come on Later but they were already Mad and doing all this Craziness, and then Actually the People around them Said we were Racist Against White People. So that gives you some of the Idea about the Politics.


But the Alternative is Steemit, which we could use with TRX, but there are kind of American Elements that won't let that Happen. We could use ETH, but that would be more Expensive, so what we are doing is we are Starting on the HIVE Blockchain, and we are going to make a Graphene Clone, we are going to make our Own STEEM Clone or Fork like BLURT or HIVE, we might make a BLURT Fork. So we are Starting with HIVE-Engine Tokens, on TribalDEX, our VKBT Token. This gives us the Benefit of being Listed on a DEX, it gives us the Stakability which we Paid for with BEE Tokebs. HIVE Tokens are made with a HIVE Token Traded on TribalDEX, called BEE Tokens, this is so that Only People that can Figure Things out and who are Paying to Seriously make a Coin can get in to do it. So if you were to make a Token on HIVE, First you would Pay BEE Tokens for your Token to Exist, then you would Pay more BEE Tokens so Everyone could Stake it, then you Pay more BEE Tokens to make it where it is Sent out when there are Votes, like HIVE does. That is what these Tokens do, they are Distributed like HIVE, but Generally the Coin Created has the most, and we actually made that Fair, and I am Buying them up, I didn't just give myself the most.


I am Writing all of this, because there are not Really Examples in the World for Regular People to make Tokens, and Blockchains, their is not this Guide for People to Read about what to do, and exactly how to Apply Everything like you Learn on, it just did not exist before this Website. So what many will see by the Time they Read this that there will already be a Beauty Economy, we will have Beauty Supplies, we will have Platforms for Women to use, Social Media, we will be Teaching People how to make Money Online, we will be doing all kinds of Things and you will be Reading this as a Guide about how to make Your Token, and how we made ours. And the way this Works is that we will Invest in each Other's Tokens, so you will come to and you will Write an Article about what Your Company does, and it won't have to be so extensive as the Van Kush Family.


So the Tokens are made at a Rate of 1,440 Per Day, and it has now been going for Over 1 Year. VKBT is set up Very, Very well.


This is Specs, Specifications.

Block Height

Block Reward

Block Time

Then on the Market there is Trade Volume, the Buy Wall and the Sell Wall


High Yield Investment Programs (HYIPs) are usually Ponzi Schemes. For example, Tron (TRX) has many Things that are like 250% ROI, Per Day. This Kind of Stuff is Unsustainable, and I could make a Token where Everyone holding it gets 3x what they Invested in that same Cryptocurrency Everyday, but unless 3x the Money is going in then the Value of the Coins is going to go Down. That is Inflation, that is exactly what Inflation is, Printing Money makes it Less Valuable. So HYIPs don't usually Work out, and should usually be avoided.


Outside of the TribalDEX System, usually you would get like 4% to 15% Interest for Staking, and it would come in that Same Currency you are Staking, or with DeFi you would Stake one Coin and get another Coin. With TribalDEX and HIVE you Theoretically can Earn more on Your Investment, there always is the Factor of Each Coin going up, as in HIVE going from $0.20 to $1.00 Each, that would Happen if say 10,000,000 New Users Rushed to HIVE and were all Learning about how they could Benefit from Buying HIVE as an Investment, they could Raise the Price just by all being there Learning about it, and putting some amount of Money in, so it's just a Matter of Numbers of People, and even just Small Investments. If 1,000 each Spent $5 on Van Kush Beauty Token (VKBT) it would be Noticeable on the Market at the Time of Writing this, it could Change the VKBT Market Forever, we are just getting Started.


So we are going to be a Token that Offers an Example to Other Tokens, and Calls on Others to make Tokens, and we will Teach People to make Tokens of all kinds. And we are going to make our own Blockchain, and you are going to have a Van Kush Blockchain that you can make a Token on, it might exist by the Time you Read this.

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Here is now, the Official Van Kush Beauty Token (VKBT) Thread on Bitcointalk  

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This is Information to Keep Everyone up to Date, Later this will be History, but I just wanted to inform Everyone that about $100 has been added to mostly HIVE Power of the Kali Van Kush Account, my Wife. And then the rest was used to Buy up VKBT, which constitutes somewhat of a Low Price Buy Back we are doing, I am competing with a few Others to Buy at the Lowest Prices from People Selling. I will bring this Price up much Higher and then Eventually allow it to be Steady around $0.01 USD but first $0.001, but it will Artificially (for the amount of Buyers that are there now, it is a New Community ours is around VKBT, and TribalDEX is not the most used System, but we are the Best so it will be ok) go up to maybe $10 and Things First. No one will Probably see that in the History when they are looking back, but it could eventually get up to $10 actually. But I will bring it to $0.001 and $0.01 and then higher.


But while we are doing this we will Put more into HIVE than into VKBT, so that there is HIVE Accruing and we can use HIVE Earnings to Buy VKBT over Time. We will also Start Buying BLURT and STEEM and Talking about all of this, and as we do this one of the Prices will go up, and we will Start Selling back and Forth and Keeping like 1/3 here and there or whatever, and Moving it into another one, and back and Forth, making Money doing that, as well as making Money on the Voting System on Graphene. Then VKBT is our Currency, so we will get it up and Running well and we won't be just Insider Trading which is kind of what we are doing, not like Buying Stocks but like Betting on Ourselves. We bring the Value to these Currencies, and VKBT is ours. So we can use that Fact, the Currency we have that will become Capital we can use, to Help Finance all of this.


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