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Israel and Hamas

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If we look at the Situation in the Middle East there has been a lot of Turmoil. The Jewish State was Established after the Holocaust as the U.N. Formed, and there was Arafat, there was the whole 70s.


But so now, there was the Arab Spring, some may remember Hillary Clinton being blamed for everything at Benghazi, that was the beginning of the Arab Spring, no one saw it coming. Then ISIS, many Arabs thought said that Turkey and Israel funded ISIS. Maybe Russia was dropping Pamphlets for them that said this.


But then Trump came in, the Abraham accord was signed, and you maybe have maybe haven’t heard of the Saudi Peninsula. So Saudi Airlines and UAE Airlines, these are Airlines run by Royal Islamic Families of functioning Islamic States, which is what ISIS said it was and the Real ones never accepted. The Abraham accord was these Islamic Groups signing a Treaty with Israel, and America, and now they fight the War in Yemen and Things and have been Peaceful with Israel.


The Palestinians, who Lived in Israel before the Holocaust, and either had their Land Bought from them or later taken in a War supported by American Airstrikes. This was in the 40s and 50s and some compared it to David and Goliath, with the Palestinians possibly being the Philistines, Goliath’s People.


So now, for Years and Years the Israeli Defense Force has been Training, to be an Israeli is to be a Soldier, to be ready to Fight for the Jewish People. And we were just now with all of the Global Discussions getting to a Good place of Debate, but some simply know their identity and are willing to Kill and Die without any Debate, we see Christian Pastors of MegaChurches refusing to hear what a Rabbi says the Bible says in Hebrew. And Gaza and the West Bank have problems all the Time. Rockets launched in Israel, last Time it was a longer Period of Time and there was not the Suburban type Hostage Situation we have now.

Here is a Video:

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are Trained and Ready, and some will compare it to Derrick Chauvin and Things as this unfolds. But if Hamas and Hezbullah want this to be the final Unfolding, it may be. Or, Israel Kills all of some Group, and I don’t think the other Muslims would let them. But Israel is definitely prepared to like Kill all non-Israeli’s, like Holy War, Defend ours and Destroy even their Animals. So everyone just be Ready.


And it wasn’t just Hitler and the Secret Societies talking about like Giants living under the Earth they were talking to. There were the People who were keeping the Codes in the Old Testament. And Russia has been in Ukraine and is back and forth with a Mercenary Group called “Wagner Group” who is going around Africa Staging Coups.

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Start watching this video at 3:30 Timestamp and they get into the kind of Marshal Law, Police can take any Measure they feel fit within 8 Miles of the Gaza Strip, etc.

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This Videos Title seems like a Statement of the Obvious, but the Content of the Video is actually more articulate of the Palestinian perspective maybe than even most are willing to put into words on TV.

But this will be, since it is many People’s First Time, how they see it. They won’t even know about this actually, they’ll tune in tomorrow or the next Day (maybe a Week or so) when Israel is well into Roof Knocking.

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So Israel has started Striking Back in Gaza, and Hamas says the Hostages are in underground Tunnels

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To give everyone some Perspective we will have to get into some touchy Subjects. First let’s just get the big one out of the way, White Supremacists and maybe Muslims say that Ashkenazi Jews are Fake Jews, these are the Jews Hitler and his Folks drew Pictures of and everything. Some say they converted to Judaism in the A.D. era, but if you start talking about Sephardic Jews the Racist wants to act like that’s maybe some other Group. This even though the White Supremacist could actually Prove their Points if they said like Jews gave Columbus everything, and Things like that.


So we are passed that, and there is Israel, all Jews are allowed passage to Israel as a Rite of Birth. It is the Jewish Holy Land. If we look at Jesus, and then the Trinity at Nicaea, the Muslims were fighting the Empire saying Jesus never said he was God and Paul was a Liar, or Crazy. The Christians are done with the Jews and Hitler was just doing what he thought Jesus would do and many Jews don’t like Christians because of this.


Then because Hitler actually happened, the World Changed. If we look at Harry Potter, or Narnia, or the Golden Compass, or Lord of the Rings, these are Alexandrian some Pre-Hitlerian or with little Influence from Hitler. If we look at how Hitler and his Military and Lifestyle are depicted, it’s like an Occult, almost like a Vampire you might say. He was chasing some Utopia and was completely misguided. And now we have Missiles, and Vegetable Oil, and NASA, and Space Missions, at the cost of Research done on Humans like they were Animals.


And America came and said that it could not be done that way, and Dropped Nuclear Bombs from a Jewish Physicists Work. And formed the U.N., said that we would Create this and that, and George Bush said New World Order.


And the Jewish State is there, and they get down to saying “We have a Right to exist” and everyone Argues, and sometimes they even look like Jerks on TV saying it, like Netanyahu, he’s not afraid of you not liking him, or another Jew, he expects it. And it gets Crazy.


Roof Knocking,

The U.S. Trains the Israelis. They are completely reliable, they don’t attack us, Mossad went out of Treaty to get Nazis in South America for Execution in Israel, but Israel isn’t a Problem for the U.S. and the U.S. has a lot of Problems in the Middle East. So America gives Israel Weapons, installed the Iron Dome (meant not for large scale assaults, but to be like a Sling Shot hitting Rockets, but the attacks have Scaled up with the Defense Provided), America Buys Desert Eagles and everything, made in Israel.


Israel is maybe over qualified to handle Hamas, and it becomes overkill sometimes. You would imagine, “Let’s wipe out the Bad Guys and make the Good ones a New Government” and they always Vote in the same type of People. So Israel sits there with Capability to kill all of them and provide Peace for themselves forever, but then Human Rights. And so many People don’t like them already, it just gets Crazy. Israel does kind of keep building Settlements, and it’s really like Segregation, it’s “Them” and “Us”, that is 100% how everyone is told to think. And with Rockets now why would it be any different?


So now,

The Rockets happened before but never the Kidnappings. This is like the Olympic Kidnapping, this is all a lot like the 70s, there was a lot of Terrorism, and there were Jewish People in America Fighting for Rights of everyone in the 60s and 70s, and there are a lot of comparisons that will be made.


Roof Knocking is when they warn the Palestinians before they Bomb a Building so Civilians can get out.

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Airstrikes in to Gaza

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Buildings Falling in Gaza. This will go on for Days, maybe Weeks. Most will see it on the News and just be confused about it mostly. But this is what will basically be happening.

With the Hostages, and Land Strike from Gaza in the Attack, this Time there will probably be “Boots on the Ground” which is always a Line the Media is afraid to Cross. But it’s not an Invasion, it’s not Riot Suppression, it’s Hostages.

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If everyone can understand, “Boots on the Ground” was a Term thrown around a lot when this Happened before, when they Invented the Apps that tell you you have 8 minutes or 15 minutes until the Rockets get there and Alert you when they are Fired in Israel. And there were some Balloons, the Rockets were more like Pipe Bombs then like People are saying in the Media. There were no Hostages though, all of this was Happening with Israelis in what looks like an American Suburb, and this happens in Kurdistan too where there are Streets like “Texas Street” and its Red, White and Blue. Then ISIS comes, or Sadam Heussein. 

That’s how Israel kinda feels now but with a better Safety net. But last Time, the whole World watched and said “Your Bombing them like Fish in a Barrel”, which is what is about to happen. Israel was only allowing them to try again, and they just gave Israel the Middle Finger. So the whole World said it looked horrible, and Boots on the Ground was the Line in the Sand, they could Drone like Obama but had no Right to send in Troops. And the Israeli Army wants to use their Guns, to see Terrorists Die, even like how there was some Iranian out killing ISIS Members with a Sword, Israeli Military many of them feel that way.


And this Time we are not talking about a Line at Boots on the Ground. There are Hostages. And Mossad is not like “Team America: World Police” or like just getting Started, they know what they are doing.


And if anyone is confused about Territory, Israel sometimes shows Openness to a 2 State Solution, with Israel and Palestine existing in Peace, but the Palestinians will not accept a 2nd State, they want Israel gone and they will take the Territory again and I guess like Christians would pay them, and Jews, there are Muslim Laws about Taxes on Non-Muslims and Time-Limits in Holy Land Territory for Visits. So the Palestinians Refuse a 2 State Solution, so there is only 1 State, and it is the U.N. Recognized Israel. This gets into what the U.N. Recognizes and what is happening on the Ground in some places, but this is one of them. And so Gaza is technically an Autonomous Zone within Israel that didn’t like having Israeli Money in their Hands, and Laws on the Books, so they wanted new Leaders. That lead to Autonomy and now this.


Many Palestinians do not live to be very Old, there are in the International Media numbers going out about 2,000,000+ at the Gaza Strip, one of the most Densely Populated Regions on the Planet. And if Israel does this how they are saying, the Average Age of a Palestinian could go from like 28 to 20. And the New Generation has to figure out life in the Rubble. Last Time they decided to do this now.

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There were Shots Fired between Hezbollah and Israel in the North, most expected something like this to happen in the North and it was already like “When?” was the big Question. So when the Gaza Strip in the South had Hamas out doing what they did, the North did exchange Fire, but it is a Ceasefire Maybe, this gets into like Armistice and Things and that is not happening either. This is like the Azerbaijani and the Armenian State in Azerbaijan not Recognized by the U.N., exchanging like a few Shots at each other. But it could become more. Then there is a Pure Terror Attack in Alexandria, just meant to Terrorize, no Liberty necessarily, a Lone Wolf, a Police Officer in Alexandria, Egypt killed some People. This isn’t a Statement from Egypt, the Egyptian Government just simply Stated that it’s unfortunate and the Jews should leave, they didn’t say that exactly, but they said like “That’s too bad you all are Occupying Palestine”. And this Lone Wolf Officer did this. And some Guys in the kind of Warzone in Syria that caused Germany and everyone to take on Syrian Refugees in numbers never seen before. In that area, some People Shot at Israeli Military.

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Syria is Open for a lot to Happen. I don’t think Israel would ever just start a long range War with Iran, there are a lot of Iranians. And Iran has a Navy and everything, and if you look past the Religious Part theres the Movie Ben Afleck was in called Argo. So it then gets to like Russia and China, then there is India and Pakistan and Pakistan will Threaten India, it’s not beneath them.

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What is kind of going to happen now as everything unfolds is this. The Media will try to Show Israel as kindly as possible, it has said the U.N. may make some Reports saying Israel is overstepping and there is a kind of Dance that starts.


This is not being Discussed, but in Islam there are Martyrs, a Christian Today can best understand it as like Jesus, dying for a Cause. You could compare People who Die and Congress Writes a Bill, and it’s the [Their Name] Act. America has gotten used to Terror Attacks, naming Victims and not Suicide Bombers, and trying to name Victims instead of School Shooters. So we are seeing the Martyrs of the Palestinian Cause not being named.


And to continue with the Kurd and Sadam metaphors because everyone has some inkling in their Brain about that even if they don’t know about the Kurds or the Middle East. The Israelis now switch to the Position of being like Sadam with everyone saying they are using too much Force, like how they would want to stop him from using Gas. It’s like Assad also, but that’s less familiar to everyone. And Hamas will try to Create Martyrs.


It gets to a Point where they are looking for Dramatic Human Rights Violations and Things, which aren’t completely happening because it’s Human Shields and they will if they are not wanting to Die, leave if they can at some Point. But Hamas wants the worst images and will help make them. It gets to a kind of sick place. Expect images of horrible Deaths to come out, and then, it’s up to the rest of the Muslim World. And that’s the whole kind of Dance, just a Crazy, nearly like almost completely Suicidal Mission, but America and others don’t want to Fight, the Iranians don’t necessarily want Open War with America, and the Saudi’s Definitely don’t. So now that though is about to Happen for maybe Weeks. Or more.


When the Word “War” is used, sometimes you also say it won’t take long, and that’s not the sentiment right now. This is supposed to be at least Weeks, maybe Months, and you can’t limit a War.

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This Video shows where the Americans were Killed and Taken from.

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With all of this and Primaries going on where the Republicans and others Choose a Candidate but Democrats are stuck with Joe, Republicans probably Trump…


Everyone should remember: “What is Aleppo?”

That is what was going on in Syria and when he said this, it was a Time when there was a Resistance to Assad still and they were Fighting, and Aleppo was like the last Stronghold. And the whole World was talking about it.


Assad Drops these on his People all the Time, it’s like Barrels full of Gunpowder and Wrenches.

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Hamas is saying they will Kill Hostages if Air Raids don’t Stop, Israel says it won’t Stop even if they hurt them.

Usually the Policy is don’t Negotiate with Terrorists, if we Pay them, or Stop the Bombs because they give us a Hostage and we are Hostage Negotiators. Now more People take Hostages, and want to talk to us, and get the same Deal. So a lot of American Hostages get Killed and Things. I’m not exactly sure of Israeli’s Policy but I do believe it’s much the same. And the might send in like Seal Team 6, but this is actually why we need an Administration of Angels, because if you have a Family member held Hostage in the Gaza Strip, you need like Liam Neison in “Taken”, or like there are a lot of Movie Comparisons, “Rambo” is maybe actually more the Opposite but could save someone. But America even as Recently as “What is Aleppo?”, Americans would go to Warzones and be Journalists or pick up a Gun, and then ISIS Happened and the CIA and FBI couldn’t make Fighting them look more Fun than Joining them and Americans haven’t been being Normal Americans for maybe 4-6 Years.


But I don’t know if we will get those Hostages back alive, and with Iran I mean it goes on for Years, and they send Proof of Life Videos. Russia usually just puts them in Jail it’s kinda like that in Iran. The Palestinians say they took them into the Tunnels.

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There are Clouds Forming and Lightning over Gaza and this happens when there is enough smoke Sometimes. It could start looking like Hell.


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