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The Wagner Group

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Here is a Video showing Problems Russia had with the Wagner Group, which has been Fighting under the Russian Flag in Ukraine.


By Reading this Thread I Hope you better understand the Wagner Group, and have kind of a view of the Mercenary Groups operating in Africa. This may seem like a Strange place to Start, but let’s look at the Movie Vanguard, it was on Tubi last I checked. It has Jackie Chan, and I think some of it is set in the United Arab Emirates who seem to have been part of it, the whole thing was almost like for Tourists to see, China wanted America to see Jackie Chan in a State Made Movie, and the UAE wanted to be seen for the Magnificent Things they can display. But in the Movie they go to Africa to Help an Innocent Activist who Lives like a Chinese Female Tarzan but more like Jane, with the Animals, in a Tree Nest Pod Thing and everything. So they go to Help her and there are like Mean White Guys, that could be Australian or American or South African or something, Poachers, maybe from the Outback. Much like the Poacher in the Rescuers Movie from Disney.


”The Rescuers” Poacher.

So that’s how China sees it, or Portrays it all. And those Poachers, are American and Russian Mercenaries. The Wagner Group though has recently been Help stage Coups, and has been part of various Human Rights Violations in all of this. It’s like America might remember with Blackwater, but Putin is saying they aren’t even Russia anymore, they themselves tried to Mutiny the Country of Russia. So different than Blackwater.

The Leader of the Wagner Group has apparently Died, which is never Good for Morale and I’m sure there is some kind of Power Struggle that has to happen, even for Farrakhan to be where he is People had to Die, inner conflicts. There is a Pakistani man I think it is that funds Jihadist Farms in the United States where they do the Tires and the Monkey Bars with AK-47s and everything, and the FBI Watches them and they all kill each other and get Arrested for it but never do too much outside of killing their own.


But this Organization has been part of Russia and Africa in all the Craziness leading up to now.

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What the Wagner Group was able to harness apart from the like Blood Diamond Atmosphere we may all be Familiar with, is first off there are Countries in Africa that Speak French, English, maybe Dutch and Spanish, the French Speakers are called Franko-Phones and the English Speakers are called Anglo-Phones. And the French Colonies don’t like the French Generally but are Largely often mainly Trading with France, mainly the French Visit since they Speak French, etc. the Wagner Group went around with Russian Flags and said “Remember the Soviet Union, Comrade?”. And America hasn’t been doing so much Africa Aide, but China has, and Russia sent Grain recently to Countries that were Supportive of Russia. So the Wagner Group and Russia have had the Mutiny Disagreement, the Leader agreed to go into exile in Belarus and very quickly Dies. But the Organization is now intertwined in Africa and Ukraine and has Mercenaries all over and not just Russians anymore.


So France being Hated Helped a lot with some Countries, and then the Supplies, just Grain and everything even. So then it has become an International kind of Communist type Unity. We could maybe say like ISIS Ideology was Spreading like Wildfire the way Al Qaeda became AQI and AQP and AQA as it Spread everywhere, ISIS did that in Libya who formed a Coalition Government to fight the Problematic elements. And a few other Countries are in the same kind of see-saw position, and the Wagner Group has come in Hiring People to Rape and Pillage in Countries that are used to hearing about Men in Trucks with AK-47s going Town to Town somewhere on the Continent. They come to those People and ask who wants to Run the Country and they’ve been saying they’ll make it happen and doing it. With Russian Flags.

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We are going to Start seeing if Yemen and Ethiopia can make some Agreements. And maybe without the Houthis. Maybe some Saudis and UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, could all be involved, who are these Houthis?

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I think some People still don’t understand what is going on and think that they don’t have to contact me.


Theres not some Other Thing going on, if You are against me, You are just in the Way, Dragging Your Feet. Theres not some Israeli Savior. Or a Palestinian Savior. I’m the 1, for ALL THE NATIONS.

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The American Black Population should Start Learning Russian and Chinese if they want to Fight the Van Kush Family. We are from Cush, we are the Ancient Gods that were in Human Form. Like Ra who went into the Sky, after Living on Earth. And Africa understands. And You do have Other Choices, but You'll need to Learn Chinese or Russian.

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I'm going to put this Here even though not all of this is Wagner Group's Fault or anything, and it may be Harder to Determine what is what in the Wagner Group, it is likely Splintering since Putin had the Leader Assassinated. If I didn't Explicitly say that, and just mentioned he Died, I was Tongue in Cheek Saying that Putin Killed that Man the whole Time, Everyone should know that. But since then the Group is likely becoming Factioned. But then, Everyone has Probably Heard of the "Congo", and maybe some People know about like Congolese Black Marijuana Strains and Things, but within the Past 20 Years the Congo Region, that State that was "Congo" in which there is a "Congo Rain Forrest", has become Several States that aren't just like 1 Congolese area like the way we think of it from America. And they are Trying very Hard Right now to have Democracy in some of these Areas, but we are not Helping to Support this, no one is coming to Tell them they did Well, or Congratulate a Leader and make them Feel Good about the Election, instead they are all Starting to get into the Wagner Group Problems, even if the Wagner Group is not involved.


And Sudan, South Sudan, they have been saying "The Fighting is Happening in Areas it has never Happened in before", and they wanted us to Pay Attention, they were like "We were on YouTube and they came in with Guns" and we all kind of Ignored it, because it was Sudan. But, there are some Things Happening and that is just another Example so Everyone can see what is going on.


But December 2023, there were Elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and it was Supposed to be a Shining Example of Democracy, even meant to Combat Monarchist Ideaology, or Juntas to come, Other Countries have Juntas and they Start making the Military Promise that Democracy will be Restored by such and such Date, and this was Supposed to be an Example of how this Works. And it Didn't Work, so they Revoted, and the Revote went Wrong and most People were mad their First Vote wasn't Counted or otherwise there were Problems, and that was in December. It has since Devolved into a much Worse Situation.


But There is a Discussion to be had, all of this isn't Happening for no Reason. We should be Talking about this, we SHOULD be Talking about Bazoum. We SHOULD be Talking to Mali and Burkina Faso, etc. And Really, I should just at some Point go to Africa, because Anthony Blinken doesn't have anything to say, like "I Hope You all can find a Peaceful Resolution, we will send Food". I think they want to Talk about the People that Came out of the Sky, and had Sex with them, and us, and made me.

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There are People around Joy Reid that enjoy Pretending that I am like Hitler and I both do not mind Talking about this, and am not one to let Lies about me Stand, so let's Compare me to Hitler:


1. Me and Hitler are Both WORLD RENOWN for Occult Discoveries.


2. Me and Hitler BOTH gave Archaeology a Direction, his was more in the vein of Proving the Aryans had been everywhere and were "the Master Race", while I am Teaching Everyone about Angels and how to Find Angels and Giants in the Archaeology.


3. Me and Hitler BOTH have Things to say about Jews, his were not very nice, the Things I have to say are much Better, in Fact Supportive, and that is what Angels have always done. This Point and the Archaeology actually go together, where we can Prove that the Nephilims Ruled Over the Jews but did not interfere, did not let them know they Ruled Over them, Sisera is an Example, a Nephilim that went against the Stars, and the Stars Fought against him.


So I would say maybe those are the Main Points, because beyond that, I am not much like Hitler. I am only Really like any Person that Matters in History, Jesus I am like because of his Religiosity and purpose, his Role, an Acsended Master, I am like any Given Ascended Master, You can compare me to any of them, and Hitler is just as Occultic and Mysterious as any of them, so I he gets lumped together. We could even say then that Hannibal Barca and Alexander the Great were "Like Hitler" in ways, but like me they were much more like World Heroes than Hitler, neither of them did what Hitler did and were instead going around as Liberators almost, Alexander being the one to connect all Empires back together from Atlantis Days, he connected all the Giant Countries and Things from before the Flood, Alexander Re-established that. And some may say "Hitler said he was the 3rd Reich" and we do need to be Cautious.


My Entire Point in Writing this is that Russia has recently gone to Poland and Finland with a Message, he didn't enter Finland and is Threatening Poland (likely sending Civilians and Spies) but we could say that he is doing like me, taking Notes from Angels, and he made his Presence known in Poland (as like an Emissary) and he said to them "What Poland did Wrong was not Accept Hitler when he was coming in", and Everyone needs to Talk about this in Context. Hitler came seeking Appeasements, because he was being Appeased. Let's just use the Word "Impressive" here because the Kingdom Hitler was making, the Third Reich, was "Impressive" to the Surrounding Nations and they did not know what to do, they did not have the Van Kush Family to Compete like they have Today. Hitler was Pulling Swastikas out of the Ground, and Putting up Flags, and the Surrounding Nations were simply Impressed. And I used that Word not to say that I am "Impressed" by Hitler, but that the Surrounding Nations were looking at Hitler's Growing Force Similarly to the Modern Russian Force. It has a Purpose, it has Unity, it has the "Comrade" element (the Comradery), and it may be an Impressive Imposing Force Upon the Surrounding Nations.


So I want Everyone to know, that CNN and Others went to Egypt, this is also why Egypt has been seeming Western, though in the back of their Arabic Mind they do want to Support Palestine in ways that may not be available with Western Friends around. CNN and Everyone went to Egypt to Watch the Mummies be Taken out and Paraded around, Exposed them to the Sun, and the Sunlight that Bounced off of them is Running around like Echoes, Light is a Wave, it Bounces off of Things and we see Certain Colors. This Light, the Event itself and the People there, their Memories, what they Heard, what the Air Heard around them, it is all there in Egypt, but it Moved. They released a Mummy's Curse. So what we have this Time, when anyone comes around Asking for Appeasement is we have Competition for them. We have something the Christians and Muslims and Jews were all waiting for, which Hitler did not Provide. Jesus Provided this, Mohammed Provided this, Moses Provided this, even Thomas Jefferson Provided this. I Provide this. And Mine comes from the Mummies, the Bones are Calling out from their Graves, Exposed as like in Jeremiah 8. And I want Everyone to know, the Van Kush Family is mostly made of Invisible Monsters we could say, or "The Stars" as they were Called that Fought against Sisera. That is the Van Kush Family. And there are no Aliens. Take me to Your Leader.

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Azazel Taught Perfume, made the Jewish Breastplate (like a Mosaic Law, the Ark, the Table of Nations, etc), and Blades. How to make Blades,



How to Carry Blades. Not just Carry and Use, but Carry Effectively, the way Police Carry Guns and don't have to Pull them out to get Everything across. The Badge, the Gargoyle, etc. Apotropaic Magic, which also gets to being Part of the Egregore that will come look for You if something Happens. In Zar a Woman is Afflicted by an Entity, some Might Call it a Demon, or a Poltergeist, an Egregore, and it makes her Sick, until it is Satiated by certain Perfumes, and Incense and Things that a Shaman knows about. The Skin Care Cream Called Egyptian Magic is a Male Example of this, the Story of the Founder that is. And once the Entity is understood, and Appreciated, it then is said to "Cover" the Person, as like a Guardian Angel. This is similar also to an Orisha.

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I think Russia is Starting to see we can Arm the Vudu Gangs and Confraternaties, and now Bring them together because of me and what has Happened since my Teachings were Released. So I want the U.S. to know all of this, and look at what needs to be done to make Peace. The U.S. Military Base in Niger is something that should have been Easier to Work out.


And I want Nigeria, Niger, Chad, all of ECOWAS and to the East and South. I will be coming out there once we have the Currencies going. So Russia better know, and they aren’t just going to use my Teachings Wrong.


We are in a New World, Everyone would say “Africa, they all have AIDS” and since I Started Writing, that is not the same now. Africa is not known for AIDS and the Females know Men have intentions, and the whole Continent is being looked at Differently.


And we are Preparing the World for New Entities to come and Live in the Children, Fallen Angels that never Fell Before. They saw me and the Others come into the Flesh World, and now we are Guiding New Children into the Flesh World. And we are doing this on all Continents and in Space. This is like a Religion for the Future, but it is all Religions of Now and the Past.

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If anyone has not seen "Vanguard" with Jackie Chan, do make an Effort to see it. And there is something that could be Called like a Junta-Spring, like the Arab Spring, but for Juntas, Across Africa.


Africans were Convinced that Americans CARED if they had Democracies or not, and when Bazoum was left to DIE under a Legal Proceeding that with ILLEGITIMATELY HAVE HIM EXECUTED, UNDER LAW, like NAZIS DID. But African States and Citizens had Previously thought America Cared about what Happened there. And since Bazoum was left to Die Russia was already doing Everything Written in this Thread, and now they are Basically Taking over Africa. And the Media is Talking about it like its just the African Militaries that are doing this, they aren't saying it's coming from Russia, Russia couldn't ask for Better "Useful Idiots" than our Own U.S. Media. They are letting Everyone think Africa is just doing this, but they are doing this in the sense that we aren't going to Help them, we aren't Helping the Other Side, so "They are Part of it".


And China is Right there with Russia, but a little less Directly involved. And Watch "Vanguard" with Jackie Chan, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia and Qatar are kind of just Hanging out throwing the After Parties.


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