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Israel and Hamas

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This is not a Joke Thread. I did not Invent a Game with the Bible.


This is all Very Serious, and Every Day. It doesn't go away Tomorrow. I Started the War in Israel, and that doesn't go away when the Guns Stop.

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I have mentioned this, maybe not enough for those who need to know for Purposes of UN Filings and whatnot, but the Law of War is Generally about Clean Kills, not Maiming and Causing Lifelong Injuries, so we could look at IEDs and say "The Middle East keeps doing IEDs" and Putting IEDs Everywhere, but we don't need to do all that Right now. We all can easily accept "No Chemical Weapons" and that Helps us understand it. The Next Law of War I think is most Helpful though it is Outdated is still Helps Your Brain Wrap around the Concepts, is the Bayonet, the Knife at the End of Your Gun in a War, has to be 2 sides, not a 3 Sided Triangle Blade. That's one of the Rules, so that when they go to the Medic they can be Sewn up. They either Die, or they are Taken out of Commission to Return to Normal Life somewhere. The Civilian Thing is also a Problem, but they say they can Prove that Hamas has Violated the Right to have Peace Zones. And I think that will be coming to an End after Raffa, once Israel has gone North to South they might have to Start Respecting the Churches and Everything that are still Standing. Any that are.


Everyone does need to know though, that the Next Attack on Israel, no one will be able to have the Cognitive Dissonance where they Pretend nothing Happened to Israel.


I Supported the Anti-Israeli side even when I was Younger, but they were Killing People over like 1 or 2 Dead Israelis and it was getting overwhelming. Now, if You were actually there when it Happened, You can see what it is, and there is going to be another Attack. Israel wants to Find a Way to make that not Happen. And Guns out is the Way that looks most Promising, not Putting them away, just over Your Shoulder.

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What is being seen as Genocide by Israel upon the Palestinians, this is kind of a Bargain being Negotiated, Israel is saying "We are doing this now, and we won't constantly Strike Your Society when we see Threats, like the United States does EVERY DAY all over the Middle East, we just have to do this now.".


And there will be Occupation after this, because there is not another Option. Israel has to Educate these Children using Basically, Israel needs to Raise the Next Generation of Palestinians, instead of them having like "Kill 1 little, 2 little, 3 little Jews" as their introduction to how Numbers Work. There is going to be Real Education. And the whole Middle East knows, I think the Palestinians Wish I was doing more for them, and they could Talk to me but so far have Refused to come Talk to me. But, they will see the Future be Different as all of this knowledge Diffuses in their Society, and they almost won't even realize it is Happening because I am here now, and have been doing all of this, so they will forget basically what I am doing by the Time it is all going on, and they will just say "Yeah, we know about him.".

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We are going to have Sukkot in Israel where the Attack was, Every Year. Every Year we are going to have a Sukkot where the Festival was, where the Parachutes were Flying. We are going to Every Year, have a Bigger Celebration than what was there.

Because that’s how You beat Hamas. And that’s why God used them to do this. And a lot of it is Free Will and God using what he has been Given.

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Sukkot is Happening where the Festival was, even if the Israeli Government Bans it, and they won’t. Unless they want Hamas to Win.

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Israel is Probably going to get Sanctions, and there will be a Question of Genocidal Behaviors here and there, Forever. And it isn't going to be Hard now to get People to Support Palestine. I think the Palestinians have Learned to put themselves Second, or Third, getting Other People to Support them. Making the Gaza Issue Part of Human Rights, not Treating ANYONE like an Animal. Making the Gaza Issue Part of Female's Rights, and Children's Rights. Maybe the only Problem is that Religion is being Forgotten. Sure, Ramadan is being Celebrated, but like Jesus I would ask, "Would You forsake the Commandments of God to Keep Your Traditions?", or in Other Words, "Would You allow Yourselves to Forget what all of this is all about?" the Traditions, the Practices, etc. We have Only been Civilized for about 6,000 Years, and some would Probably Argue it has been a Shorter Time than that; we have to do Things now to ensure the next 6,000. Jesus was about 2,000 Years ago. Jesus will never be Forgotten, even if somehow the People in Space become Forgetful, they will still say Things like "Famously, a Man Named Jesus was known for doing this." in Various Contexts, even maybe just Carpentry.


And I want Everyone to know that it is going to be Very Easy to Turn People against Israel. It is now an Uphill Battle to Support Israel, but know, that if this Continues, and the Downhill Windfall is accepted by too many, it Simply becomes a Terror Attack in Israel. Maybe something much Larger, maybe a Devastating Attack like 9/11, or Worse than 9/11. It could be a Takeover. Israel has let Hezbollah Fire Rockets from the North and hasn't gone in to Attack because they haven't done to much to come into Israel, and Israel doesn't want the Northern Front to Open up like that. EVERYONE THOUGHT THE NORTH WAS WHERE THE BATTLE WOULD BE, BEFORE THERE WAS A BATTLE; And, Gaza is a Small Area inside of Israel, they could be at War with Lebanon, in Lebanon, Taking Land from Lebanon even, making Arguments that Israel and Lebanon were Allies in the Bible and Justifying it, and Selling Land to American and Other Settlers. Gaza is not the same Scale War, it is a much Smaller Thing Happening in Gaza. But if we all say "Israel did too much" and we all Turn Against Israel. The Next Step is to Remove Israel, does Everyone know that much? Know that is what Happens Next, at Least in Theory, that is the Hope of many, and it can not be Done. Israel will not be Removed. And just for the sake of Argument, if it were Removed, Everyone around there would Find Reasons to Kill Each Other instead.

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Anyone getting Ready to go to Bat for Palestine in all of this, know they have a Record with the UN about like Russia’s, and they aren’t Properly Recognized like Russia.

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If the Palestinians were Talking to me this would be Different, and I don't Care if a Palestinian, or any Muslim, gets mad and wants to Broadcast something to me like I'm not doing enough.


You are literally Spending Money to get Broadcasts in front of my Face in Commercials and on Al Jazeera, and YouTube and Otherwise, and are REFUSING to come Talk to me.

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This is not an Augmented Reality Game. The Land in Israel belongs to ME.


Jeremiah 8.

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People say Israel is lying about Things, but what is Happening is that People are in Palestine, Claiming to be Completely Peaceful, and Supporting Hamas, saying that Hamas is their Military, and there are a lot of Things Happening where a lot of People are Lying in Palestine. We aren't being Shown Videos and Videos of People saying Hamas are Heroes, and Helping them get to the Food and Fuel and Everything. We are just being Shown Videos of Dead and Hungry Children.


And the Issue is that we do need to Probably get to all of this Now, because a lot of People are Dying in this War Fog. And a lot of Things are Probably going to come out on both Sides about Lies. But there are also Things going on that Israel couldn't even say Out Loud, or People would just get even more Mad, and they would Rather just Kill Everyone they see fit, and let Everyone get Mad without them saying it Out Loud, and just saying "We are getting Rid of Hamas".


Can You imagine if I was here in America saying Hamas was my Military, or saying like the Black P. Stone Nation is my Military. I think P. Diddy is in the Middle of Something like that.

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Everyone should understand that the Arabs outside of this Conflict see Israel as something like ISIS and can not see into the Future as far as when this would Stop, or how much Effort Israel is about to put into Palestine now, and that might Start with Settlers coming, but will be many Different Things, and maybe it comes after the Next October 7th which is likely to be Worse. But Israel is going to be Working with Global Organizations to kind of bring the Palestinians up. And my Point is that the Arabs can not see that.


In the Islamic State, there were Journalists who wanted to Visit, they wanted to say "Look at this New State" and even, "Look at the Arab Uprising" kind of like "This is what America made with it's War on Terror", and then the Journalists would be Kidnapped and Tortured, even made Examples of, not like "Do not come here" though that is what it was, but more like "This is what You Caused America". And ISIS was not unintelligible when it Started, Al-Bagdadhi was in Guantanamo Bay where if someone refused to Eat, they would Rape him with a Hose and Feed him through his Asshole, but Rape him until his Asshole was hanging out. I am not sure if Al-Bagdadhi went through that, but he knew People there who did. And so he was Marching People around in Orange Jumpsuits, and Killing them, and it was like Revenge for Guantanamo Bay. But there never was a "Welcome Media Tourists" for the Journalists to come in. It was always taken almost "Too Seriously" by them, where it was either Death or Report for them for Life and Never say anything Bad about them, and Live there. And that is who got to Live.


Right now, there are Arabs hearing about the Number of Journalists Killed, and Number of UN Workers Killed, and now Israel Talking about Al Jazeera, and they can't even see it like I can, and I can Tell You that the Israelis don't like that Hamas is in a Hotel in Qatar and the Qatari Media is covering Gaza so Centrally, and then has the Hamas Leader on to come Talk about whatever he wants (which is  World News, so we can understand, but Israel doesn't see it that way, and we can understand that too). The Arabic World sees this and they see it like ISIS, like "Journalists go there, and WHAT Happens?!??!". That's how it Looks Right Now just so some People that might not see that can see.


We're getting to some Don Juan stuff, like the Real Yaqui stuff that Carlos Castenada Fictionalized in the Book "A Separate Reality", there was a bit of Reality in that Book, and there are Things that can't be Seen unless You can See. It's just a little Different than the War Fog stuff, but we are almost just about there.

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If Iran had Fired Drones like they are when the Palestinians were still in Control of Parts of Southern Israel, we likely would have seen Hezbollah Attack, and Several Other Events Occur, like America Joining in, Leading to WWIII most likely, because it would have been like Venturing into a Minefield, and maybe being Dropped off in the Middle by a Helicopter.


But now, Everyone is a little more informed than they would have been if that had all Happened so Quickly.


Iran is now also in a more Honorable Position, as much as they can be being kind of a Terror State, in Launching this Attack in Response to the Gaza War, and not in Support of the Invading Hamas Troops and Others in Southern Israel as it was in the Beginning before the IDF took back Control of the Kabutz-es.


We still don't know as of my Writing this exactly what has Landed and what has not. We are being Told it is Drones and not "All Ordinances Available", so if that is True that is a Limitation that gives us knowledge as to Iran's intents here and Things. And that's where we are. Israel might Strike back. We might expect America to Strike back, but maybe not so Quickly, as like Iran Waited. But now we then are in a kind of Hot-Cold War where Hamas is going to Attack Israel, Hezbollah is Probably going to Attack Israel (at some Future Date, maybe even eradicating themselves from Lebanon and creating a Less Hezbollah Lebanon), Iran is going to Attack Israel, and America is going to Attack Iran, and we wouldn't know when. Like a Hot-Cold War.

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The American Military needs to know that Oxford and Harvard and Everyone, they were so important at the Beginning of this War only because me and Rabbi Singer and the Jews for Jesus (let's call it Mohammed Hijab and the Atheists also) had been kind of Promoting Debate before the War, and then Ben Shapiro went Right into it and did his Part to get People to understand what he could, and the rest was People wanting to End the Bombing and not completely understanding that this is World War III.


But the American Military needs to know that all those People at those Schools are still there, even if You aren't Paying Attention now because me and Rabbi Singer haven't been Mentioning Ben Shapiro, who now is their way to get to some Points about Things if they want to be Noticed.

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The Jews for Jesus are Calling me a Gentile. I Literally let the Jews Borrow Israel, and Continue to say they can Live there. Judges 6-7. And the Books of Samuel.

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I just Hope Everyone can look Past how this Sentence seems Crazy, because I know some People Read it and they just think, "This is Crazy" and can't understand at all. But EVERYTHING, EVERYONE who Existed before us, they are all on my Side, and they are not only Invisible, they are coming out of the Dirt in Artefacts and Skulls, and Every Other way, Preparing the World for me. The Dead are Coming out of the Ground in Support of me. And the Sky is Answering in Support, in Fact Coming to Help.

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