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Israel and Hamas

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Updates on the War:

That Video gets into America sending our Largest Aircraft Carrier, etc. and there should be something mentioned.


If anyone is confused in Palestine, someone Please get the Message out. Israel says “GET AWAY FROM HAMAS BECAUSE THEY WILL KILL YOU TOO” they aren’t chasing them to a Point and then not Firing if it’s a Mosque. Get out of the Mosque if Hamas comes in.

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Many want to know the History of why this is happening, so I’ll help out with that for you. Everyone Read Daniel, Nemehiah and Ezra. This gets into when the Babylonian King Ruled Israel, and Persia Ruled Israel, the Jews tell Xerxes Jr. that they are just following an order of Xerxes Sr. When they are caught rebuilding the Temple.


Then Rome came, and when Britain got there it was Palestinians.


There are many Versions of how responsible the Palestinians are for losing their own Land.


Some say they Sold their Land to the Jews, but most of them say the Jews took the Land when the Muslims rose up together to Kill the Jews.

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Kinds of Things to be aware of:

The Ottoman Empire (All Parts)


The Third Crusade

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The Word “Iran” is Thrown around a lot and that’s why there are Comedians and Things that say they say they are Persian. But People say Iran, like the Guy with the Mustache I forget his name at this Moment but he’s always on CNN and Fox News saying “Iran, Iran”, he actually knows some things because he pays attention. But, Currently many who don’t know anything are saying “Iran, Iran”. So some are asking, “Why is this Iranian Funded Group, in Qatar, AND WE AREN’T ARRESTING HIM.”, it’s Politics.


The Saudi Peninsula invented Wahhabism, but Iran took it and made it a Revolution, Iran never Ended the Revolution their Government is the Revolutionary Guard, they seek to incite further Revolution elsewhere, and the Saudis invented it so we always Rush to Blame them. But here it all is for those that knew that about the Hotel in Qatar and were confused.

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I put this somewhere else but Thought it should go here too:

Posted by: @vankushfamily-com

If anyone is Wondering why the Hamas-Israel War is kind of like sentimental, it could be called the Tabernacle War the way it was done. The Open Air, Lightly Shaded Design of the Festival, was something actually being kind of done even with plywood and palms or blankets and Things. And that’s the Sabbath/Shabbat Day the Hamas Attack was done on.

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Maybe this should be Described for the World outside the United States. In the U.S. Jews are typically seen, by your average let’s say Young Female American, as kind of Liberal, Nancy Pelosi might kind of be in support of Jewish Concepts in your mind. But then, if you Learn about Israel, you find that the Guys having like Dance Parties in the Street Declaring Peace in Israel like Hippies aren’t the ones holding it all together. The State of Israel, is supported in America largely by the Right Wing which might confuse some Americans. Some might be like pointing their fingers opposite directions trying to follow this.


Israel is Largely made of more Liberal Jews, so even Israel, it’s not like you go from New York to Israel and in New York they are all going to Operas and in Israel they are all Buying Guns. It’s all the same People, it’s just the Situations and everything. The same as how Americans might get blamed for Nixons actions, that’s how Israelis sometimes feel about Netanyahu.


But then, the Israelis take Netanyahu up on his settlements in the West Bank and Things. The Israelis are sometimes throwing Rocks back and forth with Palestinians, just getting in like Turf Wars kind of. So there isn’t really a Solid other Side, Netanyahu is not there standing in the way of an advanced ideology that is saying they can get this all done tomorrow.


And Americans have Really for the most part no idea what’s going on, but Israel supports what America does and America supports what they do. And the two are more similar than not. Those Conservative Americans that Support Israel, it’s just Mike Huckabee and Sean Hannity. And they align with Netanyahu, in New York they all want Harsh Gun Laws but Guns for them to Carry. They go to Israel they align with Holy Sites mostly. And that is where a lot of the Day-to-Day Relations are, but then it’s also the Military and everything. America just left a Drone Base in Niger to a Government we aren’t sure can handle Jihadis without us, I don’t know if we left anything there, but it might switch hands again if we did. And either way the whole Situation clearly just fell apart, America was Training them and there were 5 American Trained Lead Members of the Junta, and they don’t want a Jihad on America they just want to Rule over Niger and ECOWAS is pushing back. But in Israel, they are like other ECOWAS States that America doesn’t have to worry about this happening with.

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Hundreds of Lebanese Entered Israel in the North and Israel is now Striking in Gaza and Lebanon.


The North was more expected, the South has Egypt at the Border which largely does not get involved in Ancient Conflicts so much since the Last War with Israel. There have been Tunnels found between Egypt and Gaza before, and Egypt seems to largely disapprove generally of the Palestinians coming to kind of maybe we could call their perspective that the Palestinians might Deteriorate Egypt. So to summarize Egypt wasn’t ever expected to be involved and they aren’t at all Right now. But Lebanon was expected to get involved.


Lebanon is where Ancient Tyre is, they were known for Lebanese Cedar, Trees that went extinct from over harvesting because everyone wanted Lebanese Cedar. King David was given Lebanese Cedar by the King of Tyre, Hiram, to Build the Temple for the Ark of the Covenant and God. It is not a Large Country, but they have a very long History.


For the Middle East to go Crazy, there would have to be a Nuclear Strike in Israel which is unlikely with Iran not having that ability, it could come from North Korea though. Then something like a Turkish-Cyprus War could flare up the rest if what is going on now continues. Turkey is already Air Striking Kurds.


But now Israel is Fighting on 2 Sides. Hamas would not accept the Existence of Israel as a Term of Surrender, so the Southern Conflict isn’t ending Tomorrow or very Soon.

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The way Israel has been doing this is kind of like ISIS or Iraq, no one thinks those were the best but there’s not other ways so far. And now “The Guest” which is the Nickname of a Hamas “Boss” they are saying, who was involved in the Attack, is Confirmed Dead in a Strike.

The way this has been Framed, and we can further look at it ourselves, the Israelis have said they are after the Terrorists. And some may say that Israel is being indiscriminate, and the way they see it Hamas came in and I’m not sure but for all they knew the Gazans wanted to Join the Festival and they didn’t respond quick enough. Then Boats are Firing on them all of the sudden, and Calls are coming in from Settlements for Help.


And we hear in America about the parts of the say a School shooting where you hear them Run out of Bullets and they Reload and it’s a Horrible Story. They said Trucks pulled up with extra Ammunition. So all of this happened, and now Israel is chasing Hamas into the Gaza Strip.


You may not see it, but the United States is Helping with FLIR, and Mossad is putting everything together, and there is Retribution happening, but they have said they are now on a Hunt, for those involved in the Attack, and then Infrastructure of Hamas. We had heard about a Possible Attack from Bethlehem but it seems this has been Stopped maybe. So Israel, in announcing “The Guest” being killed, is trying to Show everyone some Scope.

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I’ll Write some about what Happens now. We have covered what is going on in Israel and Palestine and this will have Larger Ramifications. If we take 2 Recent Incidents we can see how.



In Egypt Directly Following the Attack by Hamas, Egypt made Statements that maybe didn’t sit well with some in the West, may even have seemed like a Veiled Threat to Israel. But the Citizen of Egypt that then did a Terror Attack was not Attacking the Government but Israeli Tourists which is not ideal but Egypt made a Statement that Man that Died could maybe Sit with. And other Things may happen, not to Single Out Egypt as Dangerous or anything but these Lashings out may happen Randomly, and there are all kinds of State Security Concerns in different States.



In Turkey the PKK is known to do Suicide Bombings and recently they did one at a Turkish Government Building. No one had a Problem calling them Terrorists because the U.N. does and a bunch of Nations do. Hamas is a Designated Terrorist Organization and they are known. This isn’t even just Random Lashing out, these are Groups Designated as Terrorists, you can expect some Group is out there planning something, somewhere.


So now, when you Argue about Politics in America it’s not the same as this. Racism is Closer, but Hating the other Side after the War, from 100 Years ago even, that’s not unfamiliar outside of Racism even. And someone somewhere might just be Mad. If you say you Support Israel, and America comes with a Ship, and says they will Reload all Ammunition, “War, this is War”, someone might say “I’m behind enemy lines and can do something against all of this”.

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Some of the Rumors and Things you will hear will be kind of from the Bible, for example the Muslims control the Temple Mount in a very Strange way where the place where the Jewish Temple Stood when Jesus said “No Stone from this Temple will remain one stop the other” or something to that extent when talking about Wars and Rumors of Wars. That Temple is almost like a Border Crossing. There are Guards, and it is Muslim controlled. If the Israelis took it it might Provoke Egypt, or others.


Netanyahu recently Threatened Syria saying to stay out of the Fighting or Israel would Level, or Raze Damascus, which the Bible says will happen in the End Times.


If you want the Good Stuff, probably just go to Brietbart, all the Gog and Magog Stuff, they were doing that with ISIS. But we’re getting Biblical almost.

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If we look at the War in the Middle East that America was in, we can start to see what Nations have been trying to avoid.


America is in a Crazy Place Right Now, with the Trump stuff and Biden, and the Defund the Police stuff that was going on before it became kind of something else going on. But just as an example there was an Old Man that was Threatening Joe on Twitter, the Arab World should think about this too. He said it was Time for a Presidential Assassination or 2, and was posting his Sniper Rifle and Setup on Twitter, the FBI came and he told them they were lucky they were leaving alive. When they came back because Joe was landing, this Old Man had a Gun as the FBI came to his house on this landing checkup, and no one knows exactly what happened but them, unless it got released already, and he’s Dead. Is it a Crime Against Humanity? None of his neighbors thought he was Dangerous, but he maybe took things too far, and probably pulled out a Gun.


If this goes beyond Israel and Hamas it will become very Real. It will be like after 9/11 but in a New way, and it is likely we are about to see it happen. And America is Dealing with Russia and everything, if it happened it would be Iran probably that we First would be Fighting but it could go all kinds of ways, and America is already going Crazy Right now. You’ve probably already experienced People arguing over “Sides” of this and they aren’t even involved and weren’t Reading the Bible or anything last Week. There is about to be a Shift.

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The way the Gods and God, the Angels and Archangels and even Demons or Chief Demons Speak to the Masses is usually Through Time. I will go Through this and Show how God and the Angels have generally Spoken to us and how we can interpret this, and many will take this at Face Value, this will have Resonance with them and then though they will accept just the Basic First what is gathered and go from there.


If we look at the Concept of Harmony, this is when you gather in a Group and Hum, everyone has to Hum, like Buzz, or Sing a Note, at the same Pitch, and you will see Harmony. Harmony is also the Continuation of a Narrative. Many Muslims, and maybe even some Jews and others, many onlookers, may say “Those Jews are Colonizers” based on a 100 Year History.


But if we look at how this looks in 100,000 Years, they will say the Jews came out of Egypt and into Canaan. And then the Bible itself I would say is not some Recipe for making Jews look awesome, it is a Book of every time God was ignored, and how he revealed himself and how you won’t believe it but you need to. That’s what the Bible is. From Moses we can kind of skip the Walls of Jericho and Caleb though that’s all important, but if we go to Judges. The Israelites are Independent and Ruled by Judges who simply spring up amongst them, Notably Samson was a Nazirite and Samuel was a Feral Child as promised to God by his Mom if God gave her a Child, and he gave her more Children after. Samuel Lead the Nation and they said he was Great, no one was better, but they needed a King because there were Bandits, and other Nations had Kings. He said God was their King and they would give a Human King all their First Harvest, 10% of the Rest, all the Best of anything that is theirs, and their Children and them will be like his Slaves. They accept and Reject God as King.


God and Samuel give them Saul and then David. If we now go back to Gideon, he talks to an Angel the Angel is called “Lord” or “the Lord”. Gideon becomes a Judge and God is seen in Punishing the Israelites when it talks about “For 7 Years the Midianites…”, God was preparing everyone. Then the Prophet actually comes before the Angel, a Prophet comes and tells the People, “Remember the Lord who took you out of Egypt”, and the Prophet tells them what I am telling you now. And then the Angel comes, and Gideon is told to remove the Ba’al Idol and Ashera Pole and Create an Altar to Sacrifice to God. His People Hate him and Spread Rumors, they name him “Let Ba’al Contend with him”, Jerubbaal. Their Enemies hear of him and the Angel Guides Gideon to a Simple yet effective Victory, after giving the other Army Prophetic Dreams of their own Defeat.


Now, after that is Hezekiah and Sennacherib which is an Angelic story also, but let’s now get to Persia and Babylon Ruling Israel, then Rome. Many might Argue there are no Jews left, they were all dispersed and lost to History. But that is not the Case, and WWII happened. And we gave the Homeland of the Jews back as a Planet, and it is Israel. Not a lot of People understand the History, and many want to forget it. But Israel is there now, and in 100,000 Years they will be looking to us to Figure it out, probably primarily to Van Kush Family Records.

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There may be other Conflicts between Israel and others at some Later Time, but this is what is happening now, and this War will only happen once because Time is linear, so since we as a Planet are focusing on Israel I want to get to the Point that everyone want this to End. Most voicing Support for Israel are put in a Position where they simply want to Support Victims of Terror, and as they voice Support maybe they are Learning that there are Civilians being killed by Israel and that War is Horrible and they either double down and say “Kill them all” or they want this to End, and many want this to End. So I want to get into for everyone, since this is happening and Time is linear, why this can’t end Today.


There was a Terror Attack on Sukkot, everyone knows Details I don’t need to remind you. And Israel was Surprised, Hamas made it back to Gaza and Israel was forced to Fight in the Settlements around Gaza, there WAS a Fight for Israeli Territory, and they went back into Gaza so Israel was Chasing Hamas into Gaza. Netanyahu basically then Declared “Move out of the way” because Israel was coming in with Guns Blazing, there would be no Hostage Negotiations at least not Right away, and there would be no Trades of Things for Hostages, Israel would have none of that. Hamas had Territories and Hostages and expected maybe a different outcome, and Probably hadn’t expected to do so well in the First place.


So now, Israel is going to War with Hamas. Anyone who will pick up a Gun and fight back in Palestine can be Killed. It will not End Right away, and if you are waiting for it to Stop, it may not. Israel sees this as a Fight for Survival, even if the Palestinians feel the same about themselves, the Palestinians are a Marginalized Group in Israel, but Israelis are a Marginalized Group all Throughout the Middle East, Enemies all around, Hezbollah started Firing in Lebanon, and Syria wants a Fight in the Golan Heights.

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Just to kind of go over again the Politics, in a way where everyone can understand. A 2 State Solution does sound like a Great Idea when you hear it, like “Ok, there’s that Choice?”, but that’s not what Hamas and Hezbollah and Syria want. Syria is run by a Dictator who Kills his own People and it’s really just Russia at this Point. I don’t know what Assad’s intentions are if they aren’t Russia, he is just so far gone, Assad is like the Canadian Cocaine Mayor, but more like Charlie Sheen. I don’t know if he’s on Hard Drugs but I would assume he is. But like, Syria isn’t calling for a 2 State Solution, if his Alawite People taught him anything it’s that. And his People have to be like part of his Humanity, is the place he is. Putin is in a Similar place, Iran, North Korea. It’s not all the same, but Putin can talk to Assad.


So Lebanon, and Egypt isn’t calling for a 2 State Solution, they kind of want Israel to leave, but Egypt could. Turkey, and others.


Then you bring it to the Palestinians, and they don’t want it. They want all the Land back, and Hamas will Kill for it. There almost were 2 States until this, except for the West Bank Settlements. So we’ll get into that. Every Jewish Person has a Birthright to go to Israel, and I mentioned Sean Hannity and Mike Huckabee as Zionist, Friends with Netanyahu, Zionism simply being a Biblical interpretation of the Claims to Israel, with a Political History now. You can research the Founders of Zionism, the Word comes from Mount Zion, and anyone else saying Zionism this many Times on the Internet is usually saying Horrible Things about Jewish People. The Fox News Crew are Pro-Israel. The Conservatives in America support Israel. In Mexico they say some of them look more “Mesopotamian”, they talk about who each other look like. This is in America more of a Christian Socialist Nationalist (Nazi) Thing. And usually the Christian Socialist Nationalists don’t like Zionists, they are the Guys on the Internet saying Zionism is infiltrating the Media, and Jews make everyone Gay. But now, Fox News People are Friendly with Netanyahu and others, the Military Generally is kind of Independent-Right Leaning, and supports Israel. So this is a like Lobbyist Cause in America. Like the Saudi Royals do with both Parties also, but Generally the Christians (not Nazis, the Conservative Right, and Catholic Left, Protestant Left, etc) are Helping Israel.


And the Jewish Children grow up with no Christmas (they still have Hanukkah) and all the differences, and they know about Israel, and it’s deeply Spiritual. They become adults, and they sometimes go to Israel, and for Years Palestine was able to argue that the Settlements were an infringement, until the Rocket Strikes the last Time or 2, where Israel did not enter Gaza on Foot like they are now. And these People, they aren’t Wrong for going to Israel and God may be calling some of them there. So then these really are completely innocent People. The Israelis though are taught about all of this, and we may have Americans who have no clue, saying “Israel again” just like it’s like “Mondays”, they might even make like comparison jokes, and like think Israel is all, all prepared. But there are a number of People who were shocked.


And in the West Bank more Settlements started being made than ever, once the Rockets and the Airstrikes, the Settlements grew in number. So the People in Israel who knew what was going on, and who thought life was figured out, is varied. And in Gaza there are People who had no Clue Hamas was planning this (most of the Palestinians) and they didn’t ask them to do it, but they did it, and they are suffering too now.


And somehow we look at it from America and we say “Great, 2 States”. But this would be the First Time everyone agreed to it, since Britain Mandated it.

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There have been comparisons to ISIS and Hamas and I will get into how they are more similar than many might think who are hearing this because generally those saying that are making Vague Comparisons to a War they did not pay Attention to, or didn’t understand if they were.


Hamas is a State Party we could call it, they Run Gaza and like ISIS we could say they have Governors and Mayors, when Obama was Droning ISIS these are who he was Targeting, not just the Military Arm of ISIS, the whole Thing was designed as a Terror State. Osama Bin Laden had predicted it in his Writings found after ISIS formed, he had said that many outside of say Afghanistan were wanting a State and there would be a Schism in Al Qaeda, we actually saw Al Qaeda lose Members to ISIS. ISIS was out recruiting Al Qaeda. And now, all of these Organizations, and NGOs even, they all have like Clinics, or Hospitals. El Chapo isn’t just a Drug Dealer and a Killer, he like built and is/was the biggest Stakeholder in Hospitals and Schools in many of the Poorest most in Need Parts of Mexico. Many Al Qaeda, or Cartel Stories come to us when they get Ultraviolent on a Public Display Scale, but some of the Locals that aren’t afraid think of it as like Robin Hood. So if we look at Osama Bin Laden he helped America and Afghanistan Fight Russia, the CIA used to have him on Payroll.


So Hamas is a Palestinian State Party type Organization, like what Bin Laden Predicted, but it actually is a State that existed before Britain put Israel there, and Hamas had sought to Represent it, and on last Saturday Expand the Territory of Gaza into Southern Israel. They put out what could be called like a few “sleek” videos with M4s, and Organized Military Operation. The FBI Hated that ISIS would tell People they could come to Syria or Iraq and Play Call of Duty, or Modern Warfare and People would go. They would do Memes “This is my Call of Duty, I Respawn in Heaven”. They also had kind of Regular State Propaganda Videos, they would have Videos of Hospitals, and Nurseries, and they would say “Come heal the sick, and take Care of Babies in the Islamic State”. And in all of this, they were able to be Successful because America had shut down Iraq, and Assad was killing all of his People in Syria, and Americans and others were all coming to Syria to Help. The Locals in Raqqa Supported Uprising, and then Mosul was taken, giving ISIS Gold from Banks, Oil Wells to Run, everything they needed to get Started as a State.


And there is one Thing People are talking about, at Least Al Qaeda used to have all their Paperwork in Order. And they knew what to do with a Hostage as Horrible as that is, there were like Prisoners, Bradley “Chelsea” Manning was maybe the most Famous. The Taliban, they Run a State, they look to the Head Imam for what to do about bringing Girls into Schools as they become a Country that uses the Natural Resource they have in Female Minds. The Taliban specifically says why it does whatever, and it even has some sense behind it. And that’s not to say like Palestine has to Right to Voice their Opinion about the Land and get to a Point where there is an Agreement like in Afghanistan. We could even compare it to Libya.


And there is something that is Wrong though, it comes from how the Bombing and Droning happens, or Al Baghdadi for example, he was in Guantanamo Bay and they would do Hunger Strikes, so they would like Tube Feed them and at Guantanamo Bay there was like Reaming Asshole where they would Destroy the Persons like intestines and everything type Tortures going on, and so when he Started ISIS he was Marching People around in Orange Jumpsuits, getting them to accept or even Welcome and Pray for Death, and then show everyone that, and Behead some People that just accepted it on Video. There are some Crazy Videos of Journalists saying Things and whatnot before they Die. And so Hamas did this kind of Thing, and it is just Hard to Watch all of it, that’s how the Bombings are for the Palestinians, they don’t know what is going on, some People do and they want to take action, and it just all continues. But then the Civilians become the Casualties, and the Soldiers, because it’s not about Winning or Ending anything, it’s about letting the other Side see. And going in, it’s going to be IEDs and everything. The Kurds lost a lot of People in the ISIS Tunnels, they would say they were “ISIS Rats”.

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