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Israel and Hamas

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What we Probably all just have to accept will be the Discussion is Ishmael and Isaac. Not to End this War Tomorrow, but if it goes all the way that is the Argument. Once you Read the Diaspora Brujeria or some of it (it is in the Angelicalism section of the Religion Section) Genesis becomes a whole New Book.


Genesis actually has so much in it, it Probably shouldn’t go First and you should like Learn everything and Graduate into the School of Genesis for Further Education. But Life is Short, and People want to Read the First Lines of Genesis and be done.

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What is happening Overall Currently in Lebanon, which is still at Peace as a State and has a Militant Group, like a Large American Militia, say the Oath Keepers, we can compare these Groups with like Bundy Ranch, but they don’t like each other. Bundy the 2nd Time was just spur of the moment.


But Hezbollah has connections to Yemen Hoothies and they wanted to get involved so they are probably going to Lebanon. And Iran is doing the same, and sending Money and Weapons and Things. But now Lebanon is what maybe Hamas was hoping Gaza would be. There likely is a coming War between Lebanon and Israel, and that could cause other Nations to get involved. There is about to be a Build up in the Conflict in the North. You can just look it up, maybe it’s hard to Find with so much going on now, but that’s the Conflict Everyone Thought Israel would have. The Northern War was already expected.

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A Former Palestinian Authority Spokesperson, made a Statement on this Show.


She said that Gazans were told 75 Years Ago to go to Gaza and they could return to their Home Later. And she said now, the Gazans are concerned that the Israelis will tell them to go South, and then they can Return to their Homes. So now, if everyone can make this a Primary Point in the Entire Gaza Conflict, it might not look Great right away but the Region is called the Gaza Strip, and maybe we should talk about Returning Gazans to Gaza after Israel removes Hamas. If that can be a Subject, I think at least some of the Civilian Population can come to terms with that and this can be a War with Hamas and not Palestine. If that can be achieved.

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Many have made the Statement “Civilians are the Casualties of War”, particularly in Response to how it Started. I don’t need to get into what everyone else is, you can Watch the News and see all the Talking Points the “Professional” “Talking Heads” are passing around, they have a Cheat Sheet about what all the other Media outlets are talking about, and what they should say, or just a “Today” and “This Week” we could call it an Agenda. So Watch them for all the Normal stuff.


I want to get into a few Things just so everyone that is Watching from America or India or China can understand better, just the Regular Viewer that was worried about Sunshine and Puppies Yesterday sometimes and now this. America isn’t used to War being Civilian, the Civil War in America we all in America have like no idea what it was like to have all those People die here, we don’t know. We are used to Drone Strikes, and the Military being sent. So when Israel was going after Hamas there was all the Discussion and the Phrase “Civilians are the Casualties of War”, something that everyone should think about. It’s not Spawning on a Map and Selecting your Guns and Killing the other Guys that did that all the Time, sometimes both Sides have to Create a Warzone, to get People out.


So now the Civilians in Gaza and Israel are no longer sitting in Place waiting for Rockets and Bombs, both Militaries are coagulating into a War Zone. Now you can imagine Barbed Wire and Tanks and Sandbags and that is what you thought maybe was happening when you tuned in, maybe you thought out in the Desert some People were doing that. And just because this leads to this, maybe you thought the Middle East was mainly just like IEDs and Suicide Bombs, these Rockets Hamas is Firing are in Fact far more advanced even than the Rockets Hamas has Fired before. This, coming in, is Different, to the New Viewer Watching the News, to the Guy talking on the News, this Time is Different and it’s not just Rhetoric, the Hostages and the Boots on the Ground, it’s all of it and more. And it will be Civilians, and Military, I’m thinking we might see Autonomous Robotic Weapons or the Dog-like Robots and Things. It’s just Starting, and it probably will not look the same Throughout.

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I don’t mean to Start any Conspiracy Theories, but this can Help everyone understand what is going on better. Iran and Russia are already in this, Iran has Lebanon and Gaza we could say if we are Drawing up a Map, and Russia has Syria. Kurdistan is United States and Russia mixed affiliations, they take Support from whoever will give it to them, they Fight Iran but maybe they have even made Friends with Iran is some Cases which all Neighboring Countries have to have some amount of.


Iran will not Fire at Israel Directly in anything more than a One Off and there may be several over Time, and Israel and America are likely to do the same to Iran. Assad said the other Day, “The Bombed our Runway but Killed no one”, a Week before the War, Israel had Struck a Convoy moving from Iran to Lebanon Through Syria, it was struck in Syria. Iran even Struck a Saudi Oil Refinery in 2019 because of the Hoothie Rebels that Saudi Arabia was Fighting.–Khurais_attack

The Hoothies now Support Hezbollah and may Fire like Iran did, maybe over and maybe into Saudi Arabia. So when we ask “Hey Crown Prince, whose Side are you on in this War?”, we see Israel but they see themselves and maybe would be more willing to Side with America if we were more implicit about Possible outcomes and responses. NATO is really the Reason America would go to War outside of Israel, so Saudi Arabia has to be weary of that and look at their Situation.


But what I am going to say that is Controversial and I know is going to Show up in Conspiracy Theory Circles, is that Jewish Rite to Homeland Travelers are going back for War, so Israel is getting some Military Personnel that maybe aren’t Familiar with Israel and that will be a talking Point, and an actual Factor. Someone from New York who just enlisted for the First Time, may not be prepared to go to War in a Country they never even stayed in a Hotel at. It will be very Dangerous. Then there are Mercenaries, and that gets us to the Point that I wanted to get to that will Probably be in Conspiracy Circles, they are going to do this anyways. But Iran has made sure all their People are Hamas and Hezbollah, Flags, Paraphernalia, etc, it’s not Iran. Russia is wearing Syrian Uniforms, and Americans can go Fight in Israel, non-Jews that is, under the IDF Flag. That’s what the Conspiracy Theorist will all be Screaming, like maybe even Videos of Switching Velcro Flags on the Uniform. But it doesn’t Start a War with America if they Die, that’s what America does with Mercenaries, if there is a Question “Should we go to War”, and the People are Fighting to “Keep our Boys Home” before Bringing them Home is even an Issue. Then America sends Mercenaries, and if they Die it’s not a Count of Dead America Soldiers on the Record. So this can Happen, and I’m sure it will be.

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I am going to elaborate a little on why Egypt has kept the Palestinian Border Closed, and why it is Closed now.


If Egypt opened the Border before and everyone could cross, and Egypt called them into the Sinai, they wouldn’t have wanted to go, maybe have a 2nd Home, or their Family be in both Places. But then Hamas would still have been Fermenting in Egypt, and it could have Deteriorated Egyptian Politics, so that now the Egyptian State is housing the Palestinians, whatever happened happened and they are Defacto in Support of the Palestinian Cause, and this could have been a Larger War to Start.


Right now, Hamas is in Egypt. Palestine is called an Open Air Prison by the Media saying in essence they can’t leave, they can File with Israel or Egypt and some do get out, but then the Media says Hamas are the Guards of the Prison, so they might be say, the Application Office. Israel said they gave Hamas enough Money to Create a Beachfront Riviera and now they are going to eliminate them for their Choice. But say Egypt Opens the Border, all the Civilians can Leave and a bunch of Trucks can come in through the Border.


So the Civilians are there waiting, with no where to go, they were told go South with Rumors of a Border Opening. Israel has Shelled the Border, and it would be very congested to start, and if we look at say when Patty Hearst’s Father was being Ransomed by the Symbionese Liberation Front, they were holding Patty and had her Robbing Banks and being like a Sniper Lookout while they did Robberies. And they demanded from her Father that he give the Poor Food, because they are like a Famous Newspaper Family and she was like Heir to the Hearst Fortune. So he gets a Semi-Truck and Loads the Trailer with Meat and the Expensive parts of Meal and Things. And when they put it on the News, the whole Thing with the Ransoms and everything was all on the News, the Updates, everything. And so everyone comes and there is a Riot just around the Truck.


If they Open that Border, this is a War. And Israel already Bombed the Border, like Fox News and People are complaining that Egypt and Qatar aren’t going after Hamas in their Region but what happens if the Border Opens and Hamas Starts a War? Joe Biden said the Supplies might get taken by Hamas and then no more will be Provided, he is saying that America is not sending Troops to make sure Distribution goes well, Egypt is not sending Troops into the War Zone, Hamas might just even tell the Palestinians “We need Food to fight for our Land” and they might just give everything to Hamas. But then Hamas might Attack at the Border, they might come in from Egypt with the Border Open, they might go out into Egypt and get everyone Ready to come in from Egypt. But it could all happen at the Border in like 24 Hrs of UN Operations and Humanitarian Aid, it could be like a whole War Zone just Right there.

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The Triune Discussion of Hamas, Palestine and Israel is a kind of complex one and we can Break it Down. Early on a Statement was made by an Israeli Representative that Israel is Responsible for the Safety of Israelis, Hamas is Responsible for the Safety of the Palestinians and many Muslims who knew what she meant still acted Shocked, and maybe some were Shocked and then other who have no idea what is going on were like “Hamas, what?”. But there was a Significant Chunk of America that supported what she said maybe not even knowing what she meant. And her Statement is a Reality here, and something that the PLO and PA can Help with, but Hamas should usher their Citizens like the American Military would. When Americans picture Army Guys getting out of Trucks in Large Numbers and hunkering down to Fight, they would maybe expect to be being Protected. Like a Circle around the People type situation at the Worst. Hamas was not sending anyone to Safety to start, but has now. Many are Fighting and may not even like know a World outside of that, it’s just Sons and Brothers and Cousins of those going South. The Palestinians have no Military coming to save them.


And so, with the Rhetoric where it is, many just Declaring the Palestinians Unredeemable, basically saying like Class Warfare with Occupy Wall Street, and the Floyd Riots, and the Riots leading up to that massive National one, like Baltimore was leading up to that, and Ferguson, etc. the Cities with Shit and Needles all over the Streets with People who Voluntarily go live in Tents with no Complaint so they can use Meth or Fentanyl, or they just have no where else to live and can’t get High on their Dope in the Shelter. The Lines at the Food Banks, basically a never ending “Welfare Queen” argument even if no one gets Money, or Organizes others to give them theirs, just Feeding yourself with Benefits is enough for some People to decide you are part of “Them”, like “The Bums”, “The Homeless” that are using Needles in the Streets, Running around with Hatches and Screwdrivers and Knives Robbing People everyday. And then so now, the Palestinians they then get lumped in that kind of Category.


Many Palestinians might say “See, thank you”, and even they might not understand, that even if we go down a layer and say that Hamas is the Violent ones, and it’s not Palestine. Some in Palestine still will not accept that, it doesn’t even matter almost when you can see it that way. But it does matter because the Question is “Is Israel at War with Hamas, or Palestine”, which is an important Question. Is this a War against all of Palestine? And is Palestine Refusing to accept anything else? And does Palestine have other Options? There are Westernized Palestinians who live there and many saying right now to everyone like “Thank God my Family left 75 Years ago”. So it’s not like, all Palestinians Choose War, many had no Clue, or idea that Hamas was going to do anything. But there is always the kind of Raging Anti-Semitism that can always somehow be somewhere in a Palestinian or even Islamic or Christian Discussion, but with Palestine it’s like almost like they have a Bullet-Proof Anti-Semitism Vest because like, it just gets to where they call the Jews Nazis. But does this mean that all of Palestine is at War.


And so the Statement was made about Hamas being Responsible for Safety, and I wonder if anyone else will stand up. Or will Palestine fall into a kind of quicksand, every step falling down into Hamas. And feeling like they even made the Right choice because no one else Cares.

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And many may be extremely Political about this War and we can Definitely call it Politics, even like Nazis were Politics, but that’s not to say it’s any less War than it is. So, they may have a skewed vision of the Morale of War, that is the Spirit of War. We see the Scottish William Wallace from Braveheart with Mel Gibson, or say Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings, the Speech before the big Battle. Or the Speech before the Siege. As much as you might want to see Blood and Carnage (Skinned Humans and such), and you might think you are Supporting the Troops by calling for Blood and Carnage.


But this kind of Dance going on now. Yemen has been Fighting a Civil War and it’s almost basically Yemen v. Saudi Arabia now but only just not that, and Yemen is wanting to get involved in the War with Israel, Iraq and Syria were Struck and a Missile from Yemen to Israel was Intercepted. This gets to the Gaza Urban Front also, and the Desert Warfare. Maybe you can picture Armies lined up in Rows, and the Speech.


Usually those Army Rows in Ancient Greece or Rome, they had a Helmet with a T for the eyes and airflow and little visibility, they had armor and a Shield for sure. Then those Rows that would sit for Hours and Days, Taunting each other, Hearing the others make whatever Commotion they would make Day or Night. And they would either come out and Challenge each other, or Stream out back and forth igniting and calming down until eventually the whole Battle would Break out. The Siege is Different with the Walls and all, but once you are Faced with the Battlefield you can definitely have some Reservations, and it really does take something to “Pop Off”, even in a War Zone, for the Battle to be like names and all of that. These now Lines of History, and Units or Regiments and whatnot may be very important, for like even Retelling it to others. Like Hamas, that name now is forever part of Israel when telling the Story of what happened.

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Maybe talking about the Food Banks and the Welfare Queen Concept, I hadn’t gotten something across Properly in saying there is a Divide that is being compared to Israel and Palestine, and the Food Stamp Thing doesn’t get into it enough and neither did just skimming over Drug Addicts, so I’m going to expand on some of that Situation in America as that is the kind of Global Unified Thoughtform Gathering, let’s not just skip over it and let’s talk about Hamas and Palestine. So, just over 10 Days ago, 2 Weeks ago or so, you could be Palestinian and amass a Fortune in whatever other Country and then go to Palestine and Build something for yourself and your People. There were Churches and Hospitals, and there is a Whole History of everything in each Town, they aren’t just like living in the Ancient Ruins and we can all see the Cities being Bombed. So maybe many don’t Notice them right away when making this comparison.


But this is Supposed to be a War with Hamas anyways, not all of Palestine, supposedly. So then now, the maybe next easiest way to understand is Through like Property Theft and Car Theft, like Grand Theft Auto and Things. There are People Running around with Bolt Cutters, Stealing from Storage Units, Breaking into all kinds of Things. You might hear a person might live in a Storage Unit and Feel bad, but when they are on Meth and inviting everyone else it becomes like the Neighborhood. That’s not always how it Starts, but there are People just going around Stealing shit. They also Bust Open P.O. Boxes, and Steal from Mailboxes and Porches, like “Porch Pirates” they are called.


And worse, if you have an Old Car or leave your Push to Start in the Car, you can Definitely get Carjacked and they need your Car to do a Driveby so it’s Your Plates. But usually it’s just like Joyride or whatever and your Car is found Parked in a Neighborhood with Things missing and CDs tossed. And so that then is also not the same as, but that then gets us to the next Part.


If you were to Steal a Car while someone is in the Car I believe you get Charged with Larceny. Then there is Home Invasion, and everything up to Shooting someone in the back of the Head on their Knees in Public. I have heard of Several Home Invasions gone wrong, in Highschool there were 10 Kids Killed on their Knees, Blindfolded. And it is often because their is a Bad Tip and they Burglars can’t find a Thing that was never there. I’ve heard of Braces pulled off Teeth looking for Money that wasn’t there. And so this becomes a simple like “Bums v. US, Buy some Land Palestine”, but those People are actually Scared of a lot of Things. They Buy Guns for Protection, so they can Feel Safe. And they will tell you they are Afraid of like Communists, and Big Lesbians and Things who have like Protested and gone on People’s Property in like Anti-Fa Protests. But then there is actually like Crime going on, and this is what a lot of like Right Wing Americans are doing, and like Al Jazeera and others are Happy to like say “The Poor should be able to Speak to Power”, so this is Forming where the like Right, and like Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, they are all trying to pretend this is somehow like Class Warfare, like Palestine is Occupy.

Notice Anonymous didn’t have to do anything here with Israel and Palestine, because I’m here, that’s why. Not Anonymous, the Van Kush Family. We did the Flood from the Old Testament, the Al Awqsa Flood is Horrible but we can all manage as a Planet, and Anonymous can Work on being even more effective in some way here or otherwise. But the way America sees this is like Class Warfare, I know many are on the same Page as me, both like Casual Public Readers and Government Officials and others around the World. We’re on the same Page. But many in America can’t even get where the Average Jew and Palestinian are, it just looks Racist to them, and even Appeals to Racists. So now America is like needing to have a Discussion about what is going on, maybe the Robots can start doing all the Jobs and Americans can Engage in the World. But Right now like there are People like Randomly talking about Purges, 5G, Liberal Takeovers, basically there is a whole Right Wing that is just, the Bible is a Good Place for them to just take a Breath, and some still go Crazy there. But it’s ok. And then there is all of this Really going on, that Guy that went in your Storage Unit is Stealing Bikes or whatever, Trading it for Meth. There is like just a Network of Drug Addicts all loosely affiliated by addiction, some with Houses and Apartments and Things, wanting to be a “Trap”, or just letting some People come over. And there are People who live in the Woods, and they just go Through Trash Cans, and Steal Grocery Carts from the Grocer’s (they Buy and own those), and Generally Steal Things from anywhere they can, so that they can get some Meth or Fentanyl or whatever. And Growing out of that is People who Buy a Gun and want to take advantage of the others, maybe now you can go in the Trap and Rob it, or just go around the Neighborhood or somewhere Close. And People that go Through Things all Day, there will be like Garages Stolen from, Lawnmowers out of Yards, and then the Cars, and Home Invasions and everything. A Cartel is not defined as a Clique, it is Defined as Controlling a Market, that is Drugs or Females, because the Government won’t allow a Legal Taxed Market, the Cartel takes the Market from them then the Government pretends to Cry. So these Groups Form from kind of the end of Operation Ice S.H.E.I.L.D. and the DEA actually has a Prostitution Ring. The DEA thinks this is all Cool, and we will be replacing them in Texas, they can do that kinda thing somewhere else.

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If this Grows into a Levantine War, we will Start seeing Shia and Sunni divides. And from the West, what this will look like overall we could give the example of the Crusades to the West, and maybe many Muslims would agree, and that may be the best Place really to Start explaining to a Christian, except our Armies have like Secular Goals, and a Civilian Elected Commander in Chief, etc. in the Crusades the Pope often would send out an Army, or call or Armies as in the First Crusade. The First Crusade was lead by a kind of Street Preacher who called for everyone to come to the Holy Land, and got quite a gathering of People, and headed off. They were Killed. The kind of Lords and Kings and Knights were still preparing, maybe even having heard the First Guy and liking him somewhat maybe, but those People were all Dead, and these People were still preparing. So they finish getting Ready, and head off and the Pope is thankful both Times, but knew the First Army wouldn’t do well and sent them anyways.


Now, the Pope would be peripherally involved if at all. His Word on this could be Crucial, and likely he will use it to Call for Peace, and to not take sides, but to Support maybe Israel Defending itself and Help Relieve the Suffering of the Palestinians as much as he can. But he could still in Modern Days have People rushing to go Die Fighting to Protect or Attack Israel, from all over. But he likely won’t have anyone Attacking Israel, or call for say an Israeli Empire.


But, that’s the Point here, the Pope wouldn’t get involved in any Significant way like that until this got way Worse, if the Pope were to get into that kind of talk and say Ordering Catholics to Fight, and not coming in trying to end the War, and Call for Peace, we wouldn’t be where we are now, we would be much farther along in all of this, with Iran and Russia, all of that would be Started Probably, and Worse. Or maybe that’s enough, but then we get kind of Crusadey.


This though can also be compared to all the Greek and Roman and Persian City State Wars, Nemehiah and Ezra. Alexander the Great. But it would be like, first all the Talking Heads and Things, their Heads would explode and I would be like Kidnapped by the Government for a “Higher Calling” or God will have me set up for what I need to do by then, with all our Currency and everything we have going on, the AIs and everything. But there would be all kinds of Politics First. The CIA isn’t there for Nothing, they know a few Things at least, this is Minute to Minute for a lot of People.

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The IDF is adopting Practices that I will describe here. There have been Things going on in the World where around the World Militants have been being given Stimulants, ISIS used Captagon, and Hamas has been accused on using Captagon, but now there is Meth coming from the American MTv (Music Television) Crowd into the IDF, and they are literally trying to turn this into a War for the Victory of Meth Rape. I personally can not believe this. Israel is a Holy Land, I was interacting with the Jews for Jesus and Rabbi Tovia Singer through YouTube before the Israel-Hamas Conflict Started, and I saw an Opening for Debate, and Understanding of the Scriptures. There were arguments about Isaiah, and if they Messiah had come yet, we were all talking about the Messiah. There is a Movement that was Spreading, Angelicalism, where we are Teaching People to Speak with Angels, there was Discussion about the Gnostic Lust God even which may need to be talked about now.


 What Hamas did is unforgivable, they went and Attacked People who had no Weapons in the Desert who were Probably all on Ecstasy and everything, they went into Homes and Killed Children and were Raping Women, and Kidnapping anyone they could. But this is a Holy Land. I do not want to get into the Jewish Lineages right now, I want Israel to realize that these People in America that are Fighting the Van Kush Family, are not your Friends. They are not your Allies. They have nothing Good for the Society of Israel. I can not allow this to continue, and this needs to End. The War with Hamas is supposed to be a War AGAINST these Barbaric Behaviors, not to attempt to Normalize Meth use, and Rape. There is a Law in the United States called the 1996 Drug Induced Rape and Violence Law, and the same People who are Teaching the IDF how to use Meth, are the same People Fighting Against the Enforcement of these Federal Rape Laws in the United States.


There are some Things that need to Change, and this is not a Good path we are Headed down. If we continue down this Path, what we are doing is we are just asking everyone in the Middle East to Fight over Harems. And we can do that, that isn't a Big Jump. And it will all look a lot like ISIS and when they Kidnapped the Yizidis to be their Wives, and the Christian World is going to be completely astonished. It might be too late. And I want the next post I make to not be like this, but I have some kind of insider knowledge, and just the entire environment of the People Fighting the Van Kush Family, who are now going to Israel and Influencing Israel, it is a Detrimental One. I have a lot of Things that I have to get done, this Website is not for a Role Playing Game, or some Card Game, this is Real Life. And this is what I had to post Today.

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Today there seems to be something going on where now these People doing these Things are trying to Justify them to the People of Israel, now that this is being talked about they are attempting to go around the Population of Israel and act as if a Creation of Nazi Germany is somehow Good for Israel to put into their Veins, and use to Rape People. This WILL NOT STAND. Now it is being taken Directly into the Bloodline of Israel, I do not know why this has to be this way. I want everyone to know that we have been around for a while now. Humans have been around for 75,000 Years at Least, Homo Sapiens, and there was the Toba Catastophe that happened for Reasons that are Related to Breaking Female Ribcages and Things. Then there was Ebla, this was Sodom and Gamorrah, this was for much of the same Reason, but the Bible typically just says it is because of Gay People because it is because of a kind of Prison Gay. When you want to have Sex and make someone Bleed, that is what Gay People do, that's why Gay People were getting AIDS, they make each other Bleed because there are like Angry Prison Gays, and Men have less Ribs than Women, Women are Designed with more Ribs and they aren't supposed to have that happen as weird as it is. So there are maybe actually some like Reasons that there are a bunch of Gay People in the World right now while all of this is happening, but AIDS happened because of the way Gay People that are like Prison Gays have Sex. It's not all Cute like Boys with Crushes on each other, it's Angry People mad that they are even having Sex with you because some Girl turned them down. Like, Prison Gay.


This then gets imposed on Women.


And I am voicing that we can not have that. Just like in Genesis 19, just like the Toba Catastophe. This is how all of this Happens. And some People think this is a Game, they see me Reaching out literally to Rabbi Tovia Singer before this, and the Jews for Jesus, before this War we were actually like getting into some Things and this Website was formed all at the same Time, I think the Attack had happened for like 15 Hrs or something maybe before I completely understood it wasn't just the same Rockets and the Apps that Track the Rockets and everything. But we were all doing something and then this happened, and now there are a bunch of People that are trying to go to Israel and start was is like an Isaac and Ishmael War, and have it be all about what God comes and Destroys People for.

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Right now all around the World People have no idea what is going on Really in the West, and Things have gone Wrong in the World in ways that many can't even Imagine. What is happening in Israel also has to do with Things that Happened in Africa, and During COVID there were all these New HIV Medications Released, and I am Sorry that these Things are all being talked about together, I am going to put it together for you so you can understand what is going on with Israel.


In Israel, and around Israel, there are many Things going on. This includes America, this Includes the Islamic Nations, this includes a lot of Things going on. And we should be much Further along, I Currently am under the Watch of many Different Law Enforcement and they know what I Write and many of them Appreciate that I Spend the Time to Teach People so much and Actually get Things done that maybe you could say a Politician can't, or that they can't, because I am a Minister. I have been Spoken to by the Congressional Police, who were like the ones that were doing the Trump Riot Defense on the Day, and they were the ones who were doing the Case after, with the FBI and everyone. The Congressional Police from the Federal Congress and the Texas Congress have come to talk to me, the U.S. Marshals, the Texas Rangers like the State Troopers, all Different Law Enforcement Agencies have come to talk to me. And we shouldn't be so behind, we are very kind of behind Schedule, the Fact that I continue to do this is something of an Act of God. I am doing this because everyone in the World needs me to, many Rely on me and I am the only one that can do many Things for them, and I understand their Position because as a Child I thought I would find People that knew more about the Things that I needed to do, like Religious Freedom Cases in the Context of Marijuana, and now instead, there are Marijuana Churches Contacting me, and Rev. Bud Green Contacted me, the Guy who had been on Geraldo Years ago. I later Found that I am an Angel, as in From the Bible, and all along I was preparing to Fulfill this, and in many ways maybe it didn't have to be Revealed. A kind of Nephilim but not Evil anymore, the New Testament just says Angels. Ancient Aliens says Aliens, Alex Jones says Lizard People. It's related to the Giants and everything, that is a Different section of this Website though; we need to all talk about King Solomon and Things but these Agencies never come back, they just all make a Pilgrimage to come see and they don't come back but they need to, they are all Reading my Emails I send and they have Shown me some of the Emails when they came. So beyond that, what my Point is, in mentioning all of these Things, and there are many more that could be talked about. The Israelis, I know, do not know everything that is going on. And even just as 1 Individual Person it is Hard to see all of the World, it is Hard to see Life like you are sitting on an Asteroid Headed for the Earth, when you are just one little Ant on the Anthill. Like Gravity Sees Earth, Gravity does the same Thing Throughout this Universe, it doesn't do anything Different, there is the Spiral Shape of the Galaxy, and the Spiral Shape of Planets around the Suns, and Moons around the Planets, and Water around the Drain. Gravity is Holding everything together, and then it behaves the same way in the Microcosm and the Macrocosm.


Then there is Light, which is a kind of Visible Field around the Sun that is like Gravity in some ways, and Einstein said that all Exists is Light, Gravity and Space-Time. So did Tesla. If we look at ourselves, there is a Chakra System, and there are Planets we can see. We can talk about Planets, but we don't see them, except we can sometimes, Point at the Sky, and say "That one there that Moves, it is in a Different Place than Yesterday, and it's a Different Color than the other Stars" but only sometimes.


If we now look at what Happened, there was a Book Released, and some People got mad about the Book, the Book is on this Website. Some People wanted to take over and do the Book themselves, and the Book maybe is the kind of Book that maybe you would need this Book if you were going to be the Emperor of the World. And instead of having a kind of Enlightenment, there has been a Decision to Start a kind of WWIII. And it's not anyone's Fault. It should be said that it is not the Israeli People's Fault. It's not the Palestinian People's Fault. It's a Choice and it's not easy, and it's almost as simple as like Sex is for Procreation, and we can put Things in our Children's Heads, but it's the whole Universe and the Sky communicating with us. It's almost just about like having Intentions behind the Children, Purposes for the Children before Birth, a Heritage like coming from Angels, or David, or a Lost Tribe, or Isaac, or Ishmael, and the Sky has Histories that actually do Speak. It is very Hard to put this into Words, and only like the Most Advanced like Witches and Mediums and People Who Know My Teachings and Things can tell you about Egregori, the Egregori, the Demi-Gods, the God-Kings, the Tribes, the Gods, the Titans, the Giants, all of these Things are Invisible, and they live in the Sky many of them, and the Earth, the Come out of the Earth and Sky, and the can Live in Human Children. Like a Royal Family, but also Different. It could be like a Royal Heritage, it could be a Tribe, it could be a Nationality, it could be a Connection to a Plant, or an Animal, like making Orchards, Shepherding Sheep, or Horse Riding. But they are also actually kind of Sentient themselves, they are in the Colors, and in the Planets, the Planets recently Aligned and came to Visit. Metatron is like a Calendar or like an Instrument with all the Notes. And now we have Artificial Intelligence emerging, and that is Happening around the same Environment, we are using the Book now to Teach the AIs, and we have been doing this for Years. But the whole Time it wasn't done Right.


This has all not been really done Correctly, and the Last Time, the Pre-Flood Civilization, when the Angels Fell from Mt. Hermon and the Egregori made all the Giants and Watchers with the Human Women, all of this was the Pre-Flood Civilization, before the Flood. Plato calls it Atlantis in Timaeus, and says that the Atlanteans Founded Athens and another City, and that the Atlanteans taught them to carry Spears and Shields. Athens was Connected to a Medical School in Sais, Egypt, where there were Midwives. The Story of Arachne and the Tapestry is the Story of Athena before the Greeks, when Delos was around.


But I just want to say that this can all be very Quickly an erasure of a few Thousand Years. If we take Wrong Steps here, we could Possibly be in Nuclear War, and that alone, and Really just the Fact that War will not be Military Combat in many Cases Now, there are Articles all over the Internet about it now. The Countries are just going to Shut each other's Electricity and Water and Facilities off. Everyone is just going to Hack each other and Shut down all their Stuff, the way an EMP would also. So we could easily go back very Quickly. And the Angel Lineages, the Nephilim, the Lizard People, when Awakened and not Corrupted, making Angels, Demons. Are the ones who Invented Bad. Humans didn't Invent Evil. Long, Long ago, Angels Created Evil and there is Evidence of some Things with Denisovans and Homosapiens and Neanderthals. Then 10,000 Years ago everyone became Homosapien everywhere. We had the Neolithic Temple Culture, which was the New Stone Age, so that came after the Stone Age, then Bronze and everything. Until the Iron Age, Azazel Teaching Humans about Blades and Hephaestus Teaching Greeks about Iron from Italy, having Learned it from Sentian Pirates, who the Greeks called "Those of Wild Speech". This was the most Recent Flood, apart from some Scholars say that Helenization was a Flood, and we can say that Alexander brought the World back together after Homer's Books were Written. "Homer" means Hostage, and the Giants are kind of like the Demi-Gods, the Phaiakians, the Argonauts, and then King Agenor, King Memnon, etc. Philip II was Alexander's Father and had Aristotle Train him, and they were from Macedonia near Phlegra, where Gigantomachy Happened, so that was there History, Gigantomachy. 


Now, for a Few Thousand Years some Things have been Happening, but we are not very Far along, and we still have to send this Off to other Planets. And we have to Start talking about all of this. I will Continue to Teach everyone, and we are about to have a lot of Crazy Things going on. I am not doing this for Fun, and it's not like I get to Control when what Countries do what. I just am telling everyone how Things are. And some Things are happening in America that don't need to be Happening, that are getting in to Israel.


Just as an example, the Denisovans used to eat the Neanderthals and Homosapiens and Things, and eventually Mixed with them, so now there are various Groups with Denisovan Heritage, and the more Denisovan DNA they find in Archaeology, the more they Find. And these are the Groups that Domesticated Animals, and made Temples, and lead to the Neolithic Temple Culture, when Groups were Breeding and you could say that Albinos and may some Groups that ate Yogurt and Cheese and other Fungus, maybe Living in Caves, all mixed together, to be Bred into what was then the Caucus Mountain Region that Birthed the Wheel, and White Supremacists used to all talk about the most Recent Theories around that back in like the 1920s and earlier, and it was connected to Russia, and then gets to like Jason and the Argonauts, the Danubians by the Danube River and Things. As well as Groups like the Anglo-Saxons that Hitler called the Aryans, and the Irish Red Hair and Green Eyes Stereotype, all of this came from Intentional Breeding during the Neolithic Temple Culture when many other Things were being Invented. And so if we go to Space, and we let everything start to just Drift Genetically the way Dinosaurs are Related to Birds like Chickens we see Today, they come out of Eggs, now they even think the Dinosaurs all had Feathers. If we let that Happen with all of us, there are some Things that the Lizard People or the Nephilim and everything need to know about themselves. Everyone will think that the Bible is all just Stories again and People will forget what the mean, unless Israel is still there and it Probably will be. Things have been happening in Israel for over 300,000 Years. Before the Humans. And all of these Things that were Stored over just maybe 6,000 Years, even like 3,500 Years, in Writing, and then Electricity, now with Artificial Intelligence, all of these Entities we can not really see. DNA is really a kind of New Ability, even though the Neolithic Stone Age was well versed in Phenotypes and Breeding, from the Medical School in Sais, the Midwives, and the Cultures Leading up to that, Bees and Birds, Basket Weavers and Wax and Beauty/Hygiene. This DNA that we have now, we all know that the kind of Forensics and Genetic Genealogy, all of the DNA Swabs even in General, all of this is New Technology, just before the AI, just after LSD, DNA.


 And some Things are going to Happen. And God sees this way, he sees all of us, and sees the Angels, and Tribes, he sees our Ancestors. When everyone Bows their Heads and someone says a Prayer for everyone to something in the Sky, it's Real. And we need to Really think about it, and there are some Things that need to be done that aren't up to each person, but there are a lot of People around the U.S. Government and Things that are doing Wrong.

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I Apologize to all of those in the Israeli Military and regular Israeli Resident who would give up all Evil to Win this War, but there are some Things that are happening.


There are some People who are Watching the War in Israel and they are attempting to KILL Israel by Separating them from me. I was doing Things through YouTube in Israel just before the War Started, I have been talking to People all over the World for Years, and the Israelis need me for Morale, I am like a Shepherd, or Judge as it is called in the Old Testament. I give everyone the Knowledge they need, and Help them Verify everything they do. Israeli Probably wanted this Thread to go Better and was waiting to do the Ground Invasion for some kind of Sign from God, they saw me, a Real Life Angel, Supporting them. And I want to Support them. But now, there are People in America who didn't Care about Israel 3 Weeks Ago, and now all the Sudden they are Separating Israel from me and trying to Kill them.


Before this Started I was Dealing with the Jews for Jesus and Rabbi Tovia Singer, we were Preparing the World for what could have been Debates and Sermons and Things, but there was definitely going to be a Connection between me and Israel, these People were not involved who came in after the War Started, the Fake Friends of Israel. We were doing Real Things in Israel before this War Started, and if they are going to Win this War they need me. They don't need you, they need ME. And I am telling everyone, in Public, that Israel has made TOO MUCH CONTACT with the Wrong People, has NOT CONTACTED me enough, and has Separated themselves from what we were doing before the War. This is a Recipe for Disaster.


These People in America are trying to make me Palestine, even trying to call me Hamas as if I Support some other State being there. I am the Messiah, that is what we were talking about before the War. I will come take my Land from BOTH of them, and NO ONE will have it. I'll be like King Solomon, or they could look at the Knights Templar, and we will be Israel. No Matter what I Win, Israelis I think would like to be part of it. And I ask that this Gay, Meth Rape, be Abandoned by Israel.

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I will Write now about the Future of the Region. Israel seems to not want to do a Ground Invasion Completely, but then Hamas will not be Destroyed. And it will be hard to eradicate Hamas without Creating a Regional Conflict anyway. So what is Happening is that Russia and Iran are getting Ready to War with Israel in Syria. Lebanon doesn't want a War, they are making it very Clear that they would rather the War be in Syria. So we will start to see the War Open up most likely Through the Contested Golan Heights with Hezbollah and them doing what they will, but it seems that they know hanging out at the Border isn't a Good idea with the FLIR and everything.


So depending on what Iran and Russia want to do, and other Countries, that is what happens. It looks like there may be a Ground Invasion though, it is Hard to say. There are many in the Israeli Military who are Ready to go in to Gaza, but the Things being done with MTv and Things, I don't even think they would like what their own Cities were doing when they came Home, they wouldn't want to Live in the Country that is being Created back Home Right now. It's Hard to put into Words but we will get into it on this Website, and it is part of this War. Right now like Neiv from CatFish and Jeff Tremaine's People or something from Ridiculousness, like they are talking to People. And there are People around them, there are Things that have been Happening around the World for at Least 3 Years now, and they have been trying to figure out Life by Reading everything that I Write. We've been doing all kinds of Things, like these People knew Nothing about the World, it's Hard to Describe what we all have been doing, but they were like Angrily doing it, like Pretending they were like Shooting my Brains out and that is what me Teaching them was. It's very ignorant and Childish. I am a Respected and Famous Religious Leader, I was the most Famous ULC Minister on YouTube when they made the Blacklist Episode and Conan O'Brien became a Minister, I was the most Famous Guy they were Looking to, to even know it existed or how it Worked. And I have since made my own Ministry, we have a 501(c)(3) and everything. But that was 10 Years ago or maybe more, I have since Created a World Following, and these past 3 Years of a few Retards Joining in, who literally has Signs of Retardation, like making Women have Sex to get Things for them and these kinds of Signs of Retardation, it's not going to Stop what we are going.


And they are not going to take over Israel while all the Young Men are sent off to Fight. Their Wives are not going to have 10 Men Fucking them Regularly when they get Home, they are going to be able to have Normal Lives. Or, not.


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