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Israel and Hamas

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What the Palestinians can look to doing is Prepare for the Future. Most Palestinians are Trying to Stop the Bleeding in Israel-Palestine, but there are some Things that need to be done in the Future. 1) Maybe instead of Tunnels to Hide Weapons there could be somewhere for Civilians to hide, 2) Some Group needs to Protect these Facilities from Paramilitary and may have to be Paramilitary themselves, but would be something that Israel would be Complicit in Installing, Israel is Taking Palestine right now.


So this is not for People in Palestine Right now Today, this is for Palestinians outside of Palestine, there are Palestinians that are Learning about the UN and that is Great, do that. Learn about the OAS and the IACHR, Bring the UN to Israel for a Conference next Year. But also, Palestinians need to be Talking to Israel about Financing Government in Palestine. A Government that Israel can Accept. Some People may Complain that Israel is Trying to Westernize Palestine, but Palestine Really would Benefit from their Own Westernized and even Easternized (China, India, etc) Peoples that are all over the World looking for a way to Contribute. Some wanting to Move to Palestine, some wanting to Move to Land on the Israeli side of the Border.


What Hamas is waiting for, is Yemen to get Allies, for Iran to have a Victory, for Russia or China to Join in Somehow (and we do have an Election coming up), and they want the Arab Nations to Attack Israel. For a Dirty Bomb to hit Tel Aviv or something from Iran, or Pakistan, or Russia, and Finally they aren't alone. Hezbollah is Waiting, they aren't jumping in. So that is the Current Trajectory. But if we could have some People that can put some Higher Thought to this, it can get resolved, at least for maybe 50 Years or some Time.

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Everyone should know something about the War and what has gone on, and how this isn't the same as last Time Israel was in Gaza. People maybe are seeing this, and they are over Stimulated is what it might be Called, but Desensitized, its Normal, or Far away, or maybe it's not Real, like "Is Ancient Aliens on?" or something, just not even Paying Attention. CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, they have sometimes like 10,000 Viewers at a Time, they are competing with like TYT on YouTube who has like 3,000-4,000 Max at a Time, so TV does have 100,000 or whatever, there should be Presidential Debate Numbers online, but People don't even want to see Live News anyways most of the Time. Usually it is Older People, this is kind of something that is Drawing People in though.


But, in being Drawn in, they don't know how this is Different than Last Time. Gaza has Fired Rockets and so has the West Bank, that has been done, there have been Kidnappings, and Rockets after the Kidnappings, where People from America say "Oh my God no, there are People who SUPPORT the Kidnapping of Teenage Girls?!" as Rockets are Launched in Support, and Everyone Starts Building Shelters which are all over now, they have been Building Shelters for the Rockets. The Apps are new to the whole kind of Crisis, they were made within the Decade, and so there are Apps so People know when the Rockets are Coming.


But Israel doesn't usually do this, they don't Kill Large Numbers of People like this, maybe Less in a Shorter Time, but they are going into a New World with what is Happening now. We are seeing a New World about to be made, Israel was making Pipeline Deals, they want those to go Through, they want to Build those Pipelines. And we were just getting Ready for Debates and Things, I think Mohammed Hijab and others were seeing it, where the Atheists that are at Oxford and Yale and Harvard Trashing Jews as a Race, would otherwise be Debating with Christians and Atheists. That was forming, that was getting Prepared, that was all Building up. And we are going to be Talking about this all for a While, I don't think the way Joe and Anthony Blinkin are kind of Trying to find more important Things, it's not going to Work I don't think, because this is going to get Worse. Iran is Ready to Kill Americans, and we are all over the Place. I know we have People in Afghanistan and Iraq and Everything, and at this Point we should. We might need to do a kind of Injection of Americanism all over the Planet, not with Drug Injections, but like when it was Blue Jeans and Rock-n-Roll as America's Biggest Exports, we kind of have to do that again and get Ready for Russia.


Because that is what is behind the Curtain, Iran, Syria, it's Russia behind the Curtain. And So what we might want to do, from all Perspectives. Look at Hezbollah and Lebanon, they don't want to be Bombed by American Fighter Jets and Everything. Yemen doesn't see the Threat, but there is about to be some kind of Things that they might want to ask Iran about, from the ARGO days, like the Ben Affleck Movie Time Period. Russia doesn't want an all out War, but Iran may be willing to go to War and they want Persia, we would compare that Possibility to Turkey, which has a Similar History, but the Ayatollah, I don't think anyone would say that the Ayatollah could Rule a vast empire outside of some Nearby kind of Persian Countries. The Persian Empire is maybe not so well Positioned as the Ottoman Empire is Today we could say as the Comparison, the Ottoman Empire is better Positioned. And then this gets back to Russia, and that America Really, Iran is a Threat, it's a lot of People, a Formidable Navy/Air Force as far as it would take some Time to Sink and we would all be Losing, it would be Losses all around if we all were all out Killing Each Other to make the Other one Stop. It's much Larger than say Israel, and if we look at North Korea for example they might jump in, and the CIA tells us all the Time that they can't keep up with Everything going on the Map, even with their Satellites. And most People don't even Care, who was thinking about the CIA needing Money before they Read this? And Really I don't think anyone wants to do any of this, maybe Iran and North Korea.


But, so that's kind of the Situation. And Netanyahu and the Israeli Military are Dealing with what was a Land Grab, and they are taking the Land of the Attacker. And some are Arguing they should get to Keep Gaza, but I would say just be Careful about sending all the Palestinians to the Sinai from anywhere, as they might come back, and with Egypt. 

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10 Yemenis were Killed and we can imagine it was Probably like the Tom Hanks Movie with the Pirates and the Orange Boat. The Marines are Trained to go in First, they Start the Fight, that is what a Marine does, so there are all kinds of American Military, or even Former Military, or Contractors that could be involved, it is an Extremely Common Tactic for America to Hire Mercenaries where we don't want to be Implicated, or where we don't want American Service Member Blood in the Media.


Lebanon has Hezbollah, and we can see that there is a History in Lebanon that maybe we aren't all Talking about, and Lebanon doesn't want to Lose their Land. So Lebanon is one Thing, but with the Red Sea and the Yemenis, we should ask ourselves why the Saudi Arabians don't want to Fight with Yemen right now. And what we are seeing is that Lebanon and Syria are not in a Position to Attack as weird as that is, because they are only in a Position to Attack Israel Directly, and Israel will Eliminate Population Centers. We could see Damascus made to Ruins, which is a Prophecy.


Yemen though, has been in a kind of Fight with Saudi Arabia, so they are getting a kind of Pass, because they are a New State, almost like the Saudis don't want them there, but others want to let the New State try to be a State. And in a way where if they were Pirating and just doing this to get Free Stuff it would be more acceptable, when they Start saying it is their Religious and Moral Duty it gets People saying, "Wait". But America didn't Send an Aircraft Carrier to Yemen, and I'm not sure we want to go to War with the Houthies, or Yemen, or either or Both. It may be that we just kind of Create a Strong Armed Space where Trade Vessels can Move Freely through what is a very important Part of the Earth. But we are just getting to some Things that could escalate quickly. But, what we will Probably do now as America is Frustrate the Yemeni Navy and Everything. There may be more Deaths. Yemen may not all want to be Friends with Houthies, and see America does seem to want the Yemenis to understand that this is not Profitable, you will Lose Your Ability to Sell in America, Your Yemeni Brand could be taken off of American Shelves, and Yemen is maybe a Country that we want to have a Larger Discussion about as this Starts. Because what the Houthies are doing is accepted by many Yemenis because it is Showing the Strength of Yemen and Giving them a Name in the International Media, but there are Others from Yemen that would like to Talk about Other Things. Like Coffee. 

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There is a kind of issue that is discussed that most People don't Notice, it is kind of like when the State tells the Federal Government they aren't invited to an Investigation or something, American regularly does Drone Strikes, that is Common Knowledge to the American Population now even though it Started as a "Secret Drone War". We could look at when America Droned a Colombian Cartel Member and there was a Question as to Sovereignty, and if America was invited to do that.


So now, Israel has Struck Hamas not in Gaza, but in Lebanon. And Lebanon is not getting involved because of the American Aircraft Carrier, but Israel is being Provocative. Lebanon needs to be Told by whoever is holding any of them back "It was just the Hamas Office, it wasn't about us." but Hopefully Israel doesn't do more, but that is a Very Fine Line they kind of made there.


Because Hamas is who they said they are eliminating, so they aren't Killing anyone New. But it was in Beirut in the Suburbs.

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This is for Hamas and Everyone. I want all of You to Watch some George Bushisms, George Bush Jr., and then look at Videos of Tomahawk Missiles being Fired like Hamas Rockets in Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Because Iran is messing around and putting some Things in Everyone's Heads, and they don't even have a handle on their Own Citizens, we REALLY need to have some Discussions. There were some Things I said Earlier in this Thread that may seem Crazy, and none of us have Talked yet.


Before this War, we were having Discussions about the Gnostic God, associated with Lust, the "Frict" God as it was being Talked about in Israel. This was before the War, we were having these Discussions. We were Talking about the Bible, and the Jewish People were Surprised, because at First they said I was an Anti-Semite, like a Black Hebrew Israelite or a British Israelite, saying Jews don't Deserve Israel and in Fact the Real Jews are the Black People in America or the White People in Britain; what I am Talking about is Cush, Ham, all of Noah's Children. And his Ancestors. His 2 Lineages, as Noah has 2 Different Lineages from Adam and Eve. We are Talking about Things.


And Hamas Attacked Israel, and they shouldn't have. But we have to have some Discussions. God is Real, and it's not about Christianity, or Islam Creating an Empire, we have Bloodlines, and Basically like Magic. It's like Magic, it all Works itself out, but we have to Talk. Because it will come out Other Ways. Eris is War and Strife. Ceres is like Cera, Wax, but Cereal, Ceres is the Goddess of the Farming Jobs, and so Harvest and Sowing and Bountiful Crops. And these 2 Things, they are associated with us when we Die, we Die and we have Eris and we have Ceres, like Hell and Heaven. Or maybe Hell and Purgatory. But Wax, goes back to the Wax Headcones in Egypt, and Punic Wax, the Dew of Harmon in the Bible (and Freemason Initiation).


And we have to interact with these here, they are Calling out, and that is why all of this is Happening. This is all Happening because there are Things that we can not see that are all around us. Ceres is Patient, Eris is not. But Ceres does know Vengeance, and Justice.

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I would say that before this Conflict, probably Most Millennials and Everyone Younger that that, did not have this Thread, before now, they just didn't have this here. We can look at like the Balfour Declaration, and all of that, I don't even think that Muslims were all Talking about that before this. This Time has been maybe the most Talked about, while also the most Informative, Israel Arab Conflict. This Thread is something that didn't exist during the Iraq War, all of that also, ISIS, during ISIS I had the Christmas stuff going on.


I am not Suggesting anyone go to that Website, there are Good Grow Journals if you want to Learn to Grow Marijuana, but I found that most of them are Trolls, and I was 18 Years Old and they would Print out Pictures of my Underage Sister and Masturbate on it and take a Picture of that and Post it on the Forum, just People that should have their Internet Privileges Revoked. But that Link Shows kind of the amount of Information we all had on the Internet when ISIS was going on. I was Teaching Everyone about the Arab Assassins, and the Roman Senate Assassins and how it was all the same. But I didn't even know that ISIS knew who I was, or that their Songs were all about Killing Tyrants for Liberty, and I was Teaching about the Hashashins. I didn't mean to Teach them anything, but I think I was Putting it together for Everyone, the French did this and we had an Enlightenment and we had Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, and we wonder how they were so much Smarter than the People we have now. They were Drawing Liberty as a Woman with a Red Floppy Hat, they knew some of the Things from the Ancient Times, the Angels and God Guided all of it, and it was Revealed to them. 

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I am used to People with Fish Brains Fighting me, so I will go ahead and Help all of You be Less Fishlike, and be more like an Angel, that is what Angels do. We had Originally been Completely Separate from Humans until the Advent of the Serpent in the Garden, whereby we wanted to see what would Happen to the Flesh if we gave it Knowledge. And again, you can see in Genesis 6 and Enoch 6-10, we gave the Humans the kind of Ego they have, a desire to be a War Hero, or Otherwise Publicly Loved, we Taught them that. We Taught them Astrology, Sorcery, Blades, Perfume, Roots, and Herbs, etc. So it is our Responsibility to Raise them up from their Fish-like State.


This Thread is not Changing Day-to-Day, if I wanted to Edit and Delete Posts, I would Edit and Delete Posts. Read it all the way Through. A New Post does not make something Else Happen, we are Building a Thread of Information about MY Property.


I do not intend to come over there, I do Feel that the Jews are Good Stewards, and I have Business in South America and Africa to Handle, but that is MY LAND. I will come over there. Particularly if People continue to Try to Persuade Everyone that I am like a Palestinian. I am LITERALLY an Ancient Jew. The ROOT OF DAVID. Like Caleb, Descendant of Angels.

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Everyone should know that there was a Case Open in Collin County from 2010 until just this Past Year, and there are a lot of Things with the Texas Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct, regarding Judge Wooten, and Robert J. Davis being Hired to do anything but accept that I Won in 2015. But, these same People have been Attacking the Moms being Denied Access to their Children around Collin County and we have a Network of these Moms who are being Collectively Attacked and Illegally given Sanctions and put on the Vexatious Litigant List (Bob Davis likes to not actually meet the Requirements in Rule 11, but File anyway and tell the Judge just to do it). They then go to the United Nations and have a Lawyer that is Supposed to be Helping Homeless People get Free Lawyers and she Works with a Person who Writes Articles about Poor People Going to Court without Lawyers for Fun, and they tell the International Peace Courts that these Moms don't WANT Help. That no Poor People WANT Help. That they ask for Help to Pass Time.


And we are about to Clean their Clocks, and it is going to Affect Everything going on in the Middle East.


No one can Pretend I am a Palestinian, Arab, Muslim. I am a Texan, and an Angel. This is about to get Very Serious as we Take this into the Courts. The OAS is Prepared, and I expect that People will be Killing Each Other here soon. I should have been Paid by FirstNet, and that is what the Filings are about. I have been Suing for Religious Rights, the Right to Smoke Marijuana as the Flesh of Lord Shiva, and I am from McKinney Texas.


God, has Granted me so much though. Has Revealed so much to Everyone who is Receiving the Emails and who have Read the Diaspora Brujeria and seen Things Happen, such as the Scapegoat Ritual, this has been Preformed on me Over and Over. And Azazel has Changed Everything Everyone knew about History.


These Rapists, the People going around Pretending Meth is Culture, that they should be ALLOWED to use Meth because "Well, I always have", they think that if something Happens for 1 Year, or 2 Years, or 5 Years, they think it's done. They think they aren't Criminals anymore, they think that History Changing and it being around for 5 Years that I am not important as the Person who made it Happen, because they Told Everyone, and I Told Everyone, and I didn't Show up on 1 Podcast or TV Show. They think "Yes, yes, yes, yes, we beat him, we are going to Keep him down forever!!!" and they have no idea what is going on, or what God is, how Time Works, they need to Read Judges 6, I Keep telling Everyone. We are about to have a State if we need One.


There are so many of us, but I am not some Tyrant, I am in the Front, I send no one in Front of me, I don't Tell People "You must go Face this Enemy, and You that Enemy", I Stand Taking all of the Hatred Struck Towards us, it all is Focus on me, Hating me, I have so many, SO MANY HATERS, Hating on me. And Everyone else can Live in Peace mostly. The Layers of Society. I am Very Skilled at Working to make all of these Massive Shifts, Happen Properly. There are some like Joe Rogan who used to Say "Paradigm Shift, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Paradigm Shift", and they didn't Really know what it meant, and now they know what it means and they wanted to Try to make some Paradigm Shifts Happen. And there are just some Ancient Things that they shouldn't have Messed with. Momma Told You not to Come, like Three Dog Night.


The NeuroPlasticicists Thought they were going to do some Things too, they were Playing Games, and doing like Bring Activities and saying "15 Minutes a Day of Our Games, make You Smarter" and they actually Thought they were Learning like a Magic Brainwashing Science. But these Groups all Ran into all this Ancient Stuff, and they aren't quite sure what to do because they messed up so Bad, so they let Lil Wayne Try to figure it out, and he just was not up to the Task.

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There is a way to Very Quickly get into a Subject, the Bible is said to have a Flood Mythology that it could have Taken from the Epic of Gilgamesh, we know that in the Flood there was Noah, and he was said to have Built an Ark and Landed on Mt. Ararat, all we can find there now is long scavenged Ruins and Christians were not allowed to even look there because they didn't talk about this the Right way. Through Noah, the Nations are Made, and the Table of Nations.


This was Genesis, up to Joseph who is either Imhotep or the Vizier that Imhotep Copied to Solve the Famine (Imhotep Read a Book)

Table of nations



So now, this goes to Abraham, that was after the Flood. The Flood was after Adam and Eve and Abraham brings us Jacob, and then Joseph in Egypt. And Abraham brings us Isaac and Ishmael.


So Isaac and Ishmael is the Muslim Argument with the Jewish People, we could compare it to the Samaritans in the Modern TV Show "The Chosen". Arguing about the Well, and the Show Makes it so Simple for Everyone also, like "Your God came and Broke Your Hip, no Thanks".


And then from there, the Tribes come from Moses, that was after Joseph, and Joseph Ends Genesis, then Moses Starts the Next Books. So, that's all just the Beginning of the Bible, that's all just Genesis, and then there is Moses (Born of Levites, High Priest Lineage Mother and Father, see Chronicles, Numbers and Exodus), to Aaron and David and the Tribes of Israel. This Starting around the Tabernacle with Moses and the Stone Tablets, and making now the Foundation of the Western World. These Lineages, and how Moses Recorded Everything.


So then, this allows us to look at that Image, and see Hammites. Cush, Put and Canaan, the 3 Most Advanced Societies of the Ancient World, before Egypt. And we can Start to see that these Records are Very Real.

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The Oracle of the Van Kush Family was in Israel when the War Started, this Website formed 1 or 2 Days After October 7th. Ester was already Spread before, and Iran has been Trying to take Charge and Taunting the US Military, Hezbollah has been saying some Things and looking to the Van Kush Family; I know Qatar is Showing Everyone.


And we are going into the Phoenician Homelands now. And back Towards Kurdistan. And some Things are Happening with Turkey, even though many Americans are kind of Afraid of Turkey, it is like China, there are Things we can all Talk about if Everyone could Learn some Things. And there is Only 1 Planet, that Leaves Russia and Iran, and I think Russia wants to Talk Frozen Bank Accounts. But, also they maybe want to say "Those aren't Poland and Germany, that's the Soviet Union". But, we have a lot going on in the Middle East Right now.

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Israel is Probably going to Occupy Gaza and there will be New Settlements. The Question of Land Deeds, and all that is just Really in a Confusing Place Right now, and there may be whole Masses of People Living in Entirely New Places. And Israel is Probably, the way the Tunnels have been used to hide the Hamas Fighters and the Civilians stayed out of the Tunnels exposing themselves and getting Killed, you can see how they are actually not going in the Tunnels when they could because they want to be Innocent, and they are then Killed. The way that has been going, the War is likely going to have to End without Every Hamas Member in Gaza Dead, because they are in the Tunnels, and Israel is going to Stay.


And Israel, is not saying "We are going to Kill Every Hamas Member as soon as they come out to Visit their Grandmother", even if they might do that a few Times. And Hamas is saying that they are going to do another Attack, and that all of Israel belongs to them and I guess it's like a U.N. Camp where we pay Hamas to see Holy Sites, but if we actually take the Hamas Ideaology and Draw it out I think we see something more like Roman Gladiator Rings where Jews are Tortured, like the Stadium that ISIS used, and Iranians and Others come and they go Through all the Jewish People's stuff, and we have like a Complete World War and Russia and China even kinda Feel Shitty about supporting it. So, I don't even know what Iran is thinking. So, we are going to Start a Crusader State, and the Islamic State did an Attack on Iran as kind of a Show of Good Faith. Not that Every Iranian Citizen that is Proud of their Country and History should be a Target, that is the Problem with Terrorism and what a lot of this Thread has been about. But, Point being, we are going to Start having Americans Travel more again, like before ISIS Started, and with this War going on, and many to Israel in Support of Israel. And we are going to Talk about Israel.


And the U.N. isn't just a Place to ask for Help for Human Rights Violations, and to use Palestine against Israel, it is a VERY, VERY Political Organization, and it's like, what does it have to do with the Price of Tea in China?

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It is very sad that I have to do this, but I want ALL FOOTBALL or FUTBALL PLAYERS TO KNOW YOU ARE ALL INFERIOR TO ME. That is in all Caps because it is the most important Part of this. There is no Reason anyone Playing Games for a Living, or with Lil Wayne, should feel Superior to me. You Play Games for a Living. This is in Response to Things that seem to be Happening around Al Jazeera and the American Media. Who the Fuck do You Think You all are. You are EVEN MEXICANS. You're Nobody, I will put Your little Sand Bar called Qatar under Christian Rule.


Who the Fuck do You Think You Are? I Told You Who the Fuck I Think I am.

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And these Retarded Chinese Communist Party Leaders are telling Qatar, "Just stick with us",


You all need to Accept that Putin needs me. You all need me.


I just sometimes have to focus on America very centrally because they get Scared that you all need me and that we all Work together. I Run the World. That's not Fun, that's not a Desire, it's a Cold Hard Fact and it's not Fun.


We have to go to Space. Does Everyone know that all the Astronauts and Cosmonauts live together?

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There will be no Lumping me in with the WEAK ASS PALESTINIANS. I have Told them what to do, they refuse to Listen. And Israel has refused to Listen as Well, but it does seem that Israel wants to Win and have me on their Side. Separating me and Israel does not make Israel Stronger, Israel will LOSE THIS WAR without me.


The People comparing me to Palestinians didn't give 2 Shits about Israel on October 6th, or October 7th. It wasn't until I got their Attention and told them to Support Israel that they Supported Israel.

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I want to Write this for the UN. This is for those that are Serious about wanting to know WHY Israel is doing this.


Israel WILL Stop. I know for a Fact. If you don't know that, then Let's go Through it.


Israel was Attacked October 7th, they did not Invade Gaza for a Month After that. They Started the Bombings, and it was Less Warning, and more Rampant than Ever before. Those who know about all the Rape and Sodom and Gammorah going on, can Imagine why these Israelis are doing this, seeing the Evil in the World, this Rampant Destruction of the Djed is what it is but no one knows, and the Djed are coming here. The Dyed. As like a Color moving from a Plant to a Fabric. They are coming back Here. This is the Chicken Wire Concept.


If Israel were to Stop Attacking Gaza Today. If Israel were to Stop Firing their Weapons. It would Only be to Wait for Hamas to Attack again. So they want to Try this Time to Fire their Weapons until Hamas is gone and something else comes out of the Ashes. And they know I am here. They knew about me for Years before this, maybe not Everyone, but me and Netanyahu have been seeing each Other from a Distance for Years. And we could say maybe he was afraid of me because of TYT, and as this Thread has gotten into there is a kind of Zionist and Republican Connection. This all has been Politics that have been around me for Years now, this is not New. And I was always a Religious Teacher. Fox News has had Priests on almost kind of to Show they know People that like went to Seminary, as if like that makes someone Better than me. And that Happened after the Christians and Atheists saw me and I was kind of Tangent to their Debate Community, and more Towards like what Sa Neter and them were Doing.


But if Israel Stopped Firing Today. Hamas will Attempt to make sure they don't Fail Next Time. And in their View, they just have to Keep Firing until Hamas isn't there to want to Kill them anymore, and then they can Work on Occupation and I think now that means that Settlements will be more like Outposts now. There won't have to be Outposts to Protect People, with a Wall. There will be Settlements.

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