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Israel and Hamas

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The U.N. is Supposed to be a Place where People can Talk. And I do just want to say that in Defense of Israel, while Acknowledging that South Africa has a Claim, and can Bring up the Rawanda Genocide, the Rohinga Situation. There is a Balancing Test. But I want Everyone to know "Ceasefire and then we Talk" is just not an Acceptable Answer, when Hamas is not even Ceasing. Hezbollah wants to Retaliate and has been, People are getting Ready to Kill them all around. Qatar has the Leader in a Hotel like a Trump Tower making Broadcasts on Al Jazeera.


Like, how about You tell them what You would do instead of the War. Make a Better Plan, and they do want to Talk. Even at the U.N. that's my Point, the U.N. should be able to do WAY MORE than come up with "Stop then we Talk".


And we maybe can Acknowledge here in this Discussion that some of the Arab Nations and Arab People's are Showing Restraint maybe that is not Normal, we could say it is maybe Surprising that we are able to have this Discussion.

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I want Everyone to know, if You have Access to Archaeology and You can Start to look at Things that maybe were not Labeled, there are so many Things to go Through, Things that no one Understood. But now, the way this Works is that it was all waiting for me. No Different than the Bible and the Quran, as You go Through Every Single Artifact of the Ancient World, You will see that it all was Waiting for me. A Museum is a Thing that Proves I am Royal, and an Angel and Everything, that is what they do. That's the Purpose. All Museums can be Triangulated with me. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.

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Those of the Tribes of Israel and the Nations of the World, where do You Bring Your Case? Belgium? New York? The Hague could be Serious, that's what Trial is, over Time. But the Pope, he would maybe Speak in Other Situations, has Spoken up about Russia, but there is no Trial by Pope. Unless maybe, we Talk about the Crusades and we Talk to the Pope about Crusades, and by that I just mean the Crusader State. Like how ISIS took all the Trucks, and we just have People Living in the Middle East and we go there all the Time, and ISIS doesn't take the Trucks. And it's not the USA, it's Christians. From Everywhere. And Hindus. Christians and Hindus. But there are a lot of Christians, and the Hindus I think they can understand the Angels and Things and Help Other People see how maybe like Native Americans see Things, which was what Christopher Columbus was confused about and Everything.


But wouldn't it be Better if we just had the Angelic Administration, like You could Complain to the U.N. about whatever we do, but it's Better that we just Bring Heaven to Earth now.

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Some may ask "What could Possibly be done to Appease Israel?" and I want to Seriously get into that since maybe some People can't even think of Anything. Hamas has said, and so have some in Qatar, and we see it from the Houthie Military in Yemen, "You can't Kill an Idea" and we saw that Israel Killed a Hamas Leader in Lebanon and that Escalated to Tit for Tat but did not become an all out War. There are Hamas Leaders all Over the World now I am sure.


And so Israel can Kill as many Palestinians as they Possibly can, and now Hamas has Members on Every Continent, some of them like Highschool Crip and Blood Gangs and not Even knowing what a Jew is maybe, never Meeting a Jewish Person. And those People will Try to come to Israel some of them. The Leader in Qatar would likely Try to Send People into Israel, to Look for New Recruits, to Rebuild in Gaza and the West Bank.


And You could Tell Israel that Hamas will only be Deported from the New Palestine, and that it might exist, but it will not be something Invited in and Spread. And now we can Talk about Things. Ottoman Palestine, and History. We have Discussions to have. The Arabs have Discussions to have just amongst themselves. There are a lot of Things to Talk about. But there could be Something New, and there could be an Attempt to Offer Israel a Semblance of what they are Looking for, and Support in the Future before they come in themselves.

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When many Heard of the War in Israel they would say "Oh, Israel again, that's been going on for Ages". And then now, the Whole World understands this Better. We think India got a Better understanding? Like if anyone didn't know, India is way more into this than they have Ever Been and it is kind of Bringing them onto the World Stage as like where America is in the "Team America: World Police" Jurisdiction and Discussion. But Everyone is Learning, Americans and Everyone.


And I want Everyone to know, if Lebanon were to become a War Zone, and Iraq, that's a whole Other Thing. We are having Trouble, as a World, seeing how Israel is like America going after Al Queada, they said that from the Beginning, they said that is how they see themselves. But if another State were to Join this War. It would be a Possible World War.


America came and didn't Bomb anyone, just had the Ship there. And we are going to Deal with the Houthies, and Talk to Yemen and Everything. Ethiopia, we are doing all that. But we aren't Bombing anyone with Israel.


If anyone else were to get involved more than what the Houthies are doing, and they have kind of Started something that could be Copied by Others, and we might see a World War.

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I want Everyone to know that this isn't like a News Cycle Thing, there are Probably some in the Middle East that are like "These Americans, what is this" while Others are like "No, No, Listen, he has been around for a While even though it all seems New". When I say that this is going to be like the Knights Templar and Kings of Jerusalem. It will be like Harry Potter, where there will be Kids and they will have no Idea what was going on, or what their Parents were Part of, and we will come Teach them about Everything, like the Hogwarts Staff.

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America would not be Impressive if I was not Part of it. Like, Elon Musk? Does anyone want him to Solve the Middle East? Because I think he wants to do it my way.

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I want to Reiterate what I have said before, maybe not here though. In Hinduism, Everything is a God. When a Hindu looks at America they say "Christians can Understand by looking at Greece and Rome" and that is Wrong, Christians can Understand by looking at Egypt. Egypt is how I Teach Everyone. Look at the Fayum Mummy Portraits. My People Ruled Egypt, Djoser, Ramses, Tut, etc. Look at the Chronicles of Panodorus. And Moses was a Child of Ramses, Half-Blood, Ramses was a Levite.


In Hinduism, Everything is a God, in Egypt some People were Gods, maybe in India too. And Zoroaster made all the Gods Angels. So then we could see that God Created Everything, or God is Everything.


Then Next, Fixing Death, Everyone thinks like Death is Death, but there is not Really a knowledge of when Death has Occurred Other than that the Person then Starts to Decompose. So now, what we are going to do is have AI Start to connect to Human Brains in the Lab, then in Games and in Other ways, they are already making Movies, seeing Our Response and making more Movies and Everything like that, so there are AI that are all Learning Things, and we are going to Start having them Determine if someone is not Dead when we think they are Dead.


And if People go into Genetic Systems, like the Digital Biological Converter, they can be Kept there as like in an Ark, and remade, or they can have a Child with Half of their DNA in it so not a Clone but their DNA, this is all Happening now.

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Some may be mad about some of the ways I am Talking about Arab People, there is nothing Anti-Arab about anything I am doing, Hamas Attacked Israel, Everyone has to Understand that. And then Everyone Trying to Compare me to the Palestinians, I apologize to the Average Arab, the Average Palestinian for having to Read us having these Arguments over Your Heads where You aren't Involved, but someone could come Talk to me. They could come here and make Pleas on this Thread that Kings and Elected Leaders Read. All over the World. People could come and Contact me. And when they had the Chance, and the Chance is not gone anyone can Call me, or Ask to have a Discussion or to Meet, but when there was the Chance, Muslims gave out Food to the Homeless as if that was what I needed. And even now, Al Jazeera puts up Broadcasts, going to any Sorry Loser they can find with a Genuine Problem and they want to Compare them to me and Try to make me like those People and the Palestinians, instead of coming to Talk to me. I am Offended Regularly by Muslims, so I am Sorry if my Responses are sometimes Offensive. And it has nothing to do with Islam, it's just how for some Reason Muslims are Listening when People are Telling them not to Talk to me. And I am like Alexander the Great and Hannibal Barca. I am Coming. Like Anonymous, I am Legion (just me), Expect me.

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Rome knew Carthage was the Phoenix, and we can see the Punic Wax in Egypt, the Dew of Harmon, the Egyptian T Heiroglyph, Serapis, Sera or Cera is Wax, Abraham and Sarah, Sa Ra, the Sa Ra People, Moses' Wife. And then Forward, to Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Bes and Bastet, Ra and Wadjet. But Jesus is also a Mercury or Hermes to the Jewish Neptune or Poseidon of Moses, Loki, Merlin, to a King David. Jesus is Mercury, a Thoth.

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MSNBC thinks this is a Game, I think they are deluded into thinking Cynk Uyger is Superior to me.


This is not an Influence Popularity Contest. I have come to END YOUR WORLD and Start God's.

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The Hague is Probably going to say Things that Both Sides want to Hear and Things Each Side Doesn't want to Hear. But I do think they will have a Hard Time saying that this is Genocide, even though it is likely that there will be a Ruling that Isolated Events of Familial, and Smaller Scale Genocide has Occurred, but not under Israel just by Soldiers. But that it is Hard to Prosecute a Claim of Genocide when the Victims won't Stop Firing their Weapons. And more-so when they Started it.


Let's just go back in Time to give the Palestinians the Best Possible Example of something like this. When Spartacus led a Rebellion against Rome, he had no United Nations, Rome was the United Nations. And if he wanted to End anything against his Army, he needed to Sign a Treaty or Surrender Unconditionally.

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And I do want Both the Palestinians and Israelis to know, no one is going to Tell You Something that makes it where You go back to before me. The World doesn't go back, that's Why Many are thinking this is the Revelations and I would completely Agree. Not just the Hamas and Israel War, but the Events Described here Leading up to it, and now what we are doing around the World as it Happens. All of this is the Revelations. We were also doing Things before this Website was made, for Years. For at Least 2 Years with Clubs all Over the World and Governments, and then against for at Least 10 Years with like the People around like Joe Rogan and Sarah Silverman, and Elon Musk, etc, they have been involved longer than the Clubs, but in the way where Bethanney Frankle said she was going to make Skinny Girl Marijuana and when She announced it, it was my Writings about Hoodia Gordona I guess that she was Using and I was surprised at that Time that these People would be Reading my Stuff, and then making it a Product almost like behind my back, without even leaving a Comment on the Page they got the Idea from, or Sharing the Link. And Dave Chappelle then made a Strain using what I had Written. That is the kinds of ways that this has been going on for 10+ Years.


And I want Everyone to know that now, we have Learned that I am connected to the Royal and Holy Governments Throughout History, and that now it is like the Saudi Royals, and American Presidents that are my Peers, and I would say more-so War, and Natural Disaster, or like the Art of Farming, or the Art of Animal Husbandry, the Art of Dyes, the Art of Astrology, these are my Peers. Or Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, these are my Peers. When You Learn about me, You Learn about Everything. Like Enoch I have become Metatron.

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Many People seem to have a Hard Time Believing I'm Real, and Hope that someone can Tell them I'm like Crazy, or anything but just Accept Reality and that I am Real, but I am Real Everyone, I am a Real Person, when I say "I've done ..." or "I Revealed for us ..." I'm Talking about Real Life, and this Whole Planet. The 1 we have, and I will make it 2 or 3, I'll put Everyone on more Planets, but my Point is that we have 1 Right now, and I do Things for all of it.


But, so just as an Example, I Keep saying that People need to Reach out to me, HAVE to Talk to me. And there seem to be Qataris and Saudi Royals and Others that are like "Who? Him?" and Hamas' Leader, and Hezbollah's Leader, they went on TV Talking knowing who I was and with some level of Respect for me, and Yemen, all of these People compare themselves to me when they do these Announcements that they do. And they Hope to be as Eloquent, and Severe as me. But so Right now, Rabbi Singer is doing Tanak Talk Live, and I could Call, I could Call Radio Shows that do Music at 93.3 in Dallas, and 102.1 and 97.9, and I could call Matt Dillahunty's Atheist Show if he is doing that Still. And I just want to give this as an Example so Everyone can see why I need to be Spoken to. If I Called in Right now to Tanak Talk and I said "What would You say to the Palestinian that wants Israel to tell them why this is Happening to them, and what they should do?", and we had that Discussion even just on a Random YouTube Channel, not the Most Popular YouTube Channel, not Al Jazeera or CNN or Fox News, just if that Happened between us on the YouTube Broadcast, it would be Watched by People from Everyone in the Atheist Community, to the Entire Media, to Politicians in the US Congress and around the World, and Israel might even want to have Heard it. No one is Having that Discussion and not only are we already Both Leaders in this Event, the Israel Hamas War, Both me and Rabbi Singer are Comparable to the Hamas Leader or the Hezbollah Leader, or like a Afghani Tribal Leader, like the People ISIS Appealed to around Raqqa and Mosul, that's what we are to all of these People in this Conflict. And if we did that Israel may HAVE to take Notice.


That is why I need to be Spoken to.

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And You can't just go around Telling Females nothing was done to them when they were Raped, and Nothing was Taken From them. It's a Lie. And we are about to have Mass Arrests Happening in America.

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