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The U.S. in the Middle East (9/11)

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The Bush Family and the Bin Ladens


Britain Drew Lines on Maps and Created States and this largely did not fit Geographical maybe needs we could say. For Example Bazoum in Niger is from a Nomadic Northern Tribal Group of Niger maybe more comparable to an Algerian or Libyan in most People’s “Schema” is how these patterns are Described Psychologically. So say just to keep it Simple, there were Shia and Sunni in Saudi Arabia fighting over Land and Britain was at Fault, it is like Laurence of Arabia and the Sykes-Picot agreement. So because of these Problems the CIA and Britain and everyone decided Sadam Hussein was a Good Iron Fist to Rule the Cradle of Civilization. Otherwise Iran is next Door and they’ll do it, and America and Britain don’t know what to do, in Fact it says in the Bible the Anti-Christ will restore Babylon. So they put him there.

Then, Desert Storm. Kuwait isn’t well known by many but that’s where it happened.

The Highway of Death, this is remembered as like causing the most resentment against America than many other Things. People who had no resentment for America became Terrorists after this. Families died, and lost People, it was a Busy Highway and Cluster Bombs were Dropped during Rush Hour. There were maybe 7 Terrorists or something minimal like that escaping on the Highway when this was done.


Bush Jr. always said they tried to kill his Dad.


The 1993 World Trade Center Car Bombing


Weapons of Mass Destruction


So Osama Bin Laden is a Saudi and Member of a Rich Building Group Family, the Bin Laden Group, a Company like the Trumps that Build Buildings, a Construction Company. When Russia invades Afghanistan in like the 80s the CIA Hires the Bin Laden Group to Build the Tunnels that ISIS was using and Trump dropped the Mother Of All Bombs (MOAB) on. Osama Bin Laden is then remembered as a Hero by the Taliban, who the U.S. Today talks to when Possible about Peace and Females in Schools. So he was a Hero to them, and he decides he doesn’t like the U.S. Presence in Saudi Arabia.


Osama Bin Laden issued a kind of Quasi-Religious, Warhero, kind of Celebrity Order that all U.S. Military in Saudi Arabia that stays beyond such and such Day should be targeted for Elimination. The U.S. Intelligence Agencies and State Department say “Do we warn Tourists”, and it becomes an Issue. Eventually he is kicked out of Saudi Arabia but the Taliban take him in in Afghanistan. And Al Qaeda becomes the New Thing.


Then 9/11 Happened.


And Operation Iraqi Freedom.


George Bush Mission Accomplished


Obama saying he Ended the War in Iraq


Seal Team 6 Killed Bin Laden


ISIS Starts


The Kurds Fight ISIS with no Real Help for 2+ Years


This is what was going on, it was like Mad Max


Then Trump came and Ended ISIS and did the Abraham Accord bringing us here now.

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India’s 9/11 is 26/11 (they use British Day then Month, so it looks backwards to an American since there aren’t 26 Months)

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Osama bin Laden: The Unexpected Environmentalist and His Complex Legacy

Osama bin Laden, the notorious founder of al-Qaeda responsible for the September 11 attacks and numerous other acts of terror, is a figure that evokes fear and anger in the hearts of many. Born into the affluent bin Laden family in Saudi Arabia, he became the face of global terrorism. However, a lesser-known aspect of bin Laden's ideology was his concern for the environment.

Environmental Concerns: In a series of posthumous letters released in 2016, bin Laden expressed concerns about climate change and its catastrophic effects. He wrote about the need for a relief committee to aid those affected by climate-induced disasters and even called out the U.S. for its role in contributing to global warming. These environmental concerns, though unexpected from a figure like bin Laden, show a multi-faceted individual, not just the one-dimensional terrorist the world came to know.

Contextualizing Bin Laden's Beliefs: While bin Laden's environmental concerns might seem out of character, they align with his broader worldview. He believed in a strict interpretation of Islam and saw the West, particularly the U.S., as a threat to the Muslim world. His environmentalism can be interpreted as an extension of this belief, where Western industrialization and capitalism are harming not just Muslim countries but the entire world.

The Weather Underground: Drawing parallels with other extremist groups, the Weather Underground, an American radical left organization formed in the late 1960s, also combined political beliefs with environmental concerns. They believed in the overthrow of the U.S. government and were responsible for several bombings during the 1970s. Like bin Laden, they saw the U.S. government's policies, both foreign and domestic, as destructive, not just to people but to the planet.

Conclusion: Osama bin Laden's legacy is undeniably tied to global terrorism. However, his environmental concerns offer a glimpse into a more complex individual than the world was led to believe. It serves as a reminder that figures in history, no matter how vilified, can have beliefs that resonate with broader global concerns. The challenge lies in separating the message from the messenger and understanding that even in the darkest corners, there can be shared concerns for our planet's future.

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There are Conflicts Happening with U.S. Military in Iraq and Syria, and these are not Necessarily Iran, but are by Iran backed Groups, and there may be People who are Wondering what that means exactly. If we go back to ISIS, or ISIL, so after America went into Iraq and Afghanistan, which actually Started off Well on like Horseback and Things, Recruiting Tribes, and it got Worse as America got more and more involved as itself in the Region, because if we look at what we did we took out Sadam Hussein, we had him Hiding in a Hole and said we could make Shias and Sunnis and Kurds stop fighting with Democracy. They gave their Finger Prints to Vote.


Iraq is Run by a Kurdish President, and Kurds are not Generally the most Popular People in the Region so it is Generally seen as kind of something that America Supports, but it is something that Happens by Vote, he was Elected. And Syria is Run by Assad. The Area of Northern Iraq and Syria, this by Turkey, is where ISIS was. That kind of Area is where these Attacks are.


Iran Helped us during ISIS, so that's what I am getting to. We have kind of been kind of Friendly with Iran, Hoping they would just Give up on Nuclear Weapons for Destroying Israel and would want to do Cancer Research, and do Good Things for the People of Iran. And in that, Iran was allowed to Send Militias into Syria and Iraq, that was something that Sadam was Installed for after Britain took British Petroleum (BP) from Iran and Installed the Shah, they Installed Sadam. So removing Sadam was like asking Iran to come in, and we have kind of Watched and seen it happening, and we are not in Iraq, we left Iraq, we came to Help with ISIS and so did Iranian Groups. We Left, we aren't there Really anymore, and now there are Attacks on what we do have in the Region as far as Bases and Everything, because there are Still Drone Operations, and Countries that allow us to have Bases for Drones, and most Countries don't say "No" to the United States.

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So now there was an Attack in Iraq that Killed 3 American Service Members, there are not a lot of Details all over the Place yet, but they are saying it Happened in Jordan at the Al-Tanf Airbase or Tower 22, and Jordan is saying that it was in Syria, Jordan is saying that this was not Anything to do with them, Territorial or Otherwise. There is a Group that Started in 2020 in Iraq, after Iran Fought against ISIS and Helped even us with that, they are kind of like the Groups that saw the Saudi Arabian Osama Bin Laden as a Hero because he Fought against Russia in Afghanistan, the Afghan Taliban Accepted him Immediately when he needed to go somewhere to get away from like the U.N. and the World Police Forces. These Iraqis look at Iranians in the same way in some Ways, Heroes that Helped them get rid of ISIS. So Iran is using that to have Sway in Iraq.


And we had Saddam Hussein installed there to Stop this. Saddam was hand Selected by the CIA and MI6 and all them, to Repel Iranian Influence. Iraq is Ancient Babylon, that's the Archaeology. Iran is the Aryans, that's the Archaeology. But Iran has the Islamic Revolutionary History, Persia, having Dealt with Britain as Britain Stole the Iranian State Oil Company and now Call it British Petroleum (BP). You can Watch Ben Affleck's "Argo" to see the USA Relationship. We took the Iraqi and Afghan Poppy Fields and Iran says we gave Iran a Heroine Problem.


And so they have Created a Groups called "The Islamic Resistance in Iraq" and they are just Random Iranian Financed Gangs, or maybe like Cartels if there are Markets to be controlled (Cartel is not the Frog and the Gang the Tadpole, a Cartel is an Organization that Runs a Market, that is what is means). And they just Killed 3 Americans. They might even be Excited about it.


But what America is going to have to do, is what I am Talking about. And it's not just because I'm like a Genius, it's because all of this is coming out of the Ground and the Sky and I am sure that even some of those Iraqi Militants know who I am. I know many with the Iraqi Kurdish Government know who I am. And we need to get to doing some Things. I don't mean to throw this out there like Red Meat to a bunch of Hungry Animals with no Self-Control, but the Kurds Talk about Satan being a Bridge to God, and I would say, don't go after the ways of Angels, but they might need to come Talk to the Angel doing all of this here in America (me), because we have some Things to Talk about, and they have been there for a long Time there in Kurdistan, maybe 3,000 or 4,000 Years. And I think we know each Other from a long Time ago. Ages Ago.

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We have Talk to Iran about Zoroaster and Ester, and there has to be understanding that we don't Talk to Each Other, that we are in 2024, and Muslims and Christians are Still not Talking to Each Other, and in that Context, we need to Discuss all of this.

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The Kurds, and even though they don't, let's all just Start lumping them in with the Armenians. The Kurds and the Armenians both know they have to Deal with Iran. Everyone get Over it, they aren't Sith Lords, they aren't Clone Warriors, they are 2 Distinct Cultures that have Histories and Languages, outside of Arabic, in the Arabic Region, and then they are also kind of Arabic. Armenia has the Rugs like Persian Rugs, Iran is Considered Persia, but Kurdistan and Armenia were there in Persia too, all these People were there the same way the Jews were. The Dogs are connected, and the Wheel, Horses, let's go ahead and Talk about like Khazakstan and say there are "Other Countries around there like Khazakstan" and that is the Country the very First Horses came from.


And these Countries all know that they have to Deal with Russia. Armenia maybe moreso now than they were Hoping, but then that depends who You are asking in Armenia. Because most People that meet most People in these Regions, aren't Really on the Echelon of the Van Kush Family as far as what we are Talking about. We could go to the Border of Turkey and Armenia and do a lot of Things, First of just Digging in the Dirt. But then, maybe Turkey might want to Open a Border that... Is anyone Alive who Closed it? That Signed something Closing it? Who Survives from then now?


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