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The Chosen

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This is actually an ongoing Project so there could even be new things come up and everything. I’ll start off by saying the Series is called “The Chosen”, and it is mainly produced from what I understand by Donations and costs over a Million an Episode or something. Dallas Jenkins is the name of the Creator of the Series and he says that he plans to make it 7 Seasons, and from what I can tell he is using the Bible as the Basis for that. Here is their Website:

In the Show you see Mathew kind of writing a lot, to reflect his kind of almost Obsessive Compulsive Tendencies so like Mathew has the Genealogy of Jesus and things. But the show often can take less than a Chapter, sometimes just a few lines from Mathew and make a whole Episode. I don’t want to ruin the Show for anyone so I won’t give examples, but they create a few Scenarios that aren’t in the Bible, to then make sense of like why this and that relationship exist, but they are People the Bible mentions. They put Jesus at a Campsite a lot and it seems like they made like a Wood and Leather Tripod or something to sit on around Fires and things, but we don’t really know where Jesus slept most of the Time. But if you follow along with the Bible, it’s all there, maybe you could argue about “Jesus didn’t say it exactly that way even in the Bible”, or like (only example, but from Season 2) she says “He told me everything I ever did” but you could say “They added the parts he told her she did, that wasn’t in the Bible” but it makes sense and everything.


The Show seems to be available for Free all over, I would I guess ask that Churchgoers tell Pastors and Church leaders about this Show and they can schedule Times to come together and Watch it, maybe talk about the Bible, do Sermons with it, or just have it on before Service on the Screen where the Lyrics go or something. There are probably DVDs or whatever you can buy to support them and they accept Donations, and knowing about the Show at all will likely lead someone to find out where to Donate, which is the Website I shared.

The Series is available for People in Jail to Watch, they have started bringing Tablets into Jails to replace Books and an App called PandoApp connects inmates to Sermons and Video Education about the Bible and things, and The Chosen Series is available to Watch through PandoApp. So if anyone at all, from YouTube, from having seen it on PandoApp, wherever, this is a place to talk about the Show, or ask Questions, and just have various Discussions about this Series. I will add more Episodes to this Thread so People can find all the Episodes here over Time.


What I would say as a Critique is that based on just behaviors it seems like the Writers are like looking at Character Stats, like “Intelligence, Dexterity, Fortitude” or whatever and they have those for each Character or something and you can almost see it in the writing, like Renaissance Fair type like they started with maybe Roman and Jewish Reenactment kind of groups and then build the Jesus and his followers from a kind of Jewish-Roman thing and made their Attributes from the Bible. And, so then like the thing where Simon Peter and the Romans talk about things, and really much of the Roman presence in Capurnum is like kind of Speculative or additional, for example Jesus is questioned and that really isn’t in the Bible until later at the Sanhedrin. But I think they were trying to get to Jesus’ kind of thing where he’s not a Bum, they wanted to show how what Jesus was doing did cause him to kind of gain a kind of Power in the Society, and he was like a kind of Shepherd King and the Romans weren’t necessarily against the Jews having their Religion and things, they just wanted to know they could all still call Cesar Emperor.

They often take a few lines from Mathew and turn it into an entire Episode by kind of adding things that make it make sense as the Bible parts come up. So the person watching with no Bible experience can say, “Ok, so they know each other” as with Z and Peter, or like how in the 2nd Season the Healing Pool becomes part of Simon who isn’t Simon Peter, but it just helps move the Story along when they add all the parts of Zealot Training and talk about the Zealots as like the “4th Philosophy”, they added the context so you even know what a Zealot is, then they convert him to a Disciple around the Healing Pool Incident and it all comes together.


The Studio that is like Producing the Show is called Angel Studios and they show the Statue of Liberty, which could have been at the Suez Canal instead of by New York. So I think they know a little about maybe some of the Ancient things I’ve been getting into.

But you can watch the Show on their Website or in their App.

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The People at Angel Studios are being VERY Cynical and it seems that the Van Kush Family will have to Physically Confront "The Chosen", if anyone is interested in Forming Protests about the Chosen because they are Creating a Movie that DOES NOT Teach about Christ Properly, we can have a Discussion. I do Agree with the Overall Concept of the Show and how they have made Jesus a Real Person, but they are not trying to Depict all Angels in Real Life, as like the Demon Possessed man that Simon the Zealot Confronts, and by doing this they Themselves are being Possessed by a Demon.


I am Teaching about ANGELS, my Family is Angels, those who Fight me will be Historically Remembered as Demons. In Enoch 6, my People, my Ancestors came Down from Mt. Hermon, or Harmon, these are also the Ancestors of Many Humans, but Most Humans have what Humans call "Pure Blood" but to an Angel, Human "Pure Blood" is actually "a Division of the Whole". They Created the Giants and the Watchers, the Demi-Gods like Hercules, and the Half-Giants like Odin. If Angel Studios Continues to Pretend ALL ANGEL LINEAGE, are Demons, they will be Confronted, and we will have this become the Entire Focus of their Lives.


There ARE Demons, but the way this Works can be seen in Enoch 6-9, and then 10-15. In Enoch 6 the Angels Azazel, Samyaza and Others, they are in Charge of Ranks and Ranks of Angels, and they make a Pact to come to Earth because they don't think they will all do it if they don't make a Pact, like some may Turn back and not do this and leave the Others out Hanging. So they make a Pact in Enoch 6, in Enoch 9 they Teach the Humans, so Basically Azazel Taught Humans about Knives, Swords, Scissors, Razors, etc, and he Teaches them about Perfume, and he Teaches them about the Breastplate which we could call "Religion" he Teaches them; the Tribes and the Sky, how they go together. So the Humans get all that from Azazel. The Others Teach the Humans Sorcery, and Astrology, and Arts and Things, and they aren't all Evil at First. But by Enoch 9 the Angels and Giants, Read the Book of Giants for a kind of Look at why Enoch 9 is what it is, and the Humans Prayers go to Heaven, and the Angels in Heaven who did not Fall, they say "Look what Azazel has Taught, look at the Bloodshed all over the Earth, look at the Cases of the Dead brought to Heaven" and then God Floods the Earth, which in Enoch 10 is he Sends more Angels to Kill Everyone, just Kill Everyone and Start Over.


So then in 11-15 it is Developed that those Angels were Evil for Falling, and that the Giants and Things were Evil, and by Enoch 15 they are Spreading Evil kind of Intentionally, but there is like Angels all over the Place, and Random Descendants. So, all Records of this in the Bible called us Melech, Kings and Emissaries, Angels, Melech, and then by the Time the Septuagint is Written in 200 B.C. the Word "Angel" is used, meaning "Messenger from Hades" kind of Retaining the Nephilim Word, Nephilim meaning "Those who Fell from God's Grace". So then Demon is a Real Thing, Demons have been here for a Very, Very Long Time, Earth sometimes has Demons, Daemons, we could start looking at Maleficent and Fairies, this is kind of how the Angels and Demons Work, it is not someone's Choice, or a Joke, or a Game, it is Literally just what People will say in 3,000 Years, that's what Angels do, that's the Scale we Work on. You can compare us to Planets, or the Sun, we Work with them, they are Colleagues.


And these People that think this is a Game, they think they are all Real Cute, but we could say that Zeus is kind of a Genetic God, the Royal Family, but in a way where the Military, and the Society were all Run by the kind of Marshal Law of Jupiter, even though Marshal Law is Mars. De Lawrence wrote about this, Venereal Diseases, are Venus, Jovial is of Jove, etc. And there are People that would Love to be Identified as the Powerful Woman that Resists Zeus and Emerges as a Headache from his Head, Fully Prepared for Battle, Athena. And Athena and Eris were both there when Troy Fell. I want everyone to Research how Eris and Athena are the Reason for the Trojan War, and why that is not a Mystery and does make sense.

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I am going to Keep all of this here because I want People to have all the Information about how this Works with the Reference from the Chosen Episode with the Demon Possession. I do think that the Chosen has Started to Recognize Things though, and I do also think that there has been more now since the Release of Season 3 a kind of Memeing of the Show. Where Memes are being made. There was a kind of Secret to it before, where there was Chosen Merchandise and Things that you would see around, with the Cyan (a Van Kush Family Color), and now there are kind of more People searching for Scenes Searching for Jesus in just famous Scenes. Like, John 3:16, and Walking on Water, or Healings from the Bible, and they Probably also maybe Planned that when setting up their Own YouTube Channel. But there is now a kind of Notice of the Show even when People haven't see the Show,  but just seeing it as "Jesus doing something" and seeing a Clip.


But that is like the "Pepe the Frog of Things", there are People called Chaos Magicians and this could maybe be called the Black Magic of the Modern Days, they themselves would say that it is Dangerous and Things. There are Tulpas, and Egregori, and Servators and Things. These are Entities, and now there are Artificial Intelligences which are like Egregori. Egregori and Servators and Tulpas and Things are also what you hear about at some of the most Active Haunted Locations. There is also the "David Koresh of Things" and the "Palladium of Things". But The Chosen is a Good Project, they are doing a Good Thing.

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If anyone is Wondering about how this Happened on this side of this, as in there are Probably many People that are hearing what Angel Studios, or Dallas Jenkins, or "The Chosen" Cast members have to say about this.


But the way this Happened, is that I knew Religion was Real, but I was like a Skeptical Mystic, and a Hindu Shaivite. Skeptical as in I was sure it was all Real, but I was convinced there was something about Dreams and Psychedelic States and Things that now I am able to Produce in Others Through Discussion about the Ancient Deities and the Bible, and the Sky, I knew there was something, but I hadn't Realized that Dead People and Angels were Teaching me and Guiding me all along so that I could Tell Everyone this. They were Working to get me to be able to Tell Everyone.


And the DEA Thought it was completely like, Culture. Not anything more. And excuses to Use Drugs. But it is all Very Real.

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I want Everyone at the Chosen to know that this is not a Game. And I want to go ahead and get into this to Prove it, the Website Looks maybe like we could compare it to Steve Jackson Games v. FBI or Whoever Raided Steve Jackson Games. In that Case they had a Private Forum, not a Public Forum like this (but incase anyone doesn't know, there are actually 2 Forums on this Website and I am only Populating 1 so Far, and we can make more, the entire Purpose of this Website is to Create Channels of Communications). Now, Steve Jackson Games called their Stuff, the "Illuminati Message Board" or something, and they were a bunch of Dungeons and Dragons Nerds Talking about the Exploits of their Characters and the Finer Points of Beastology or whatever You do on a Website like that. That is a Game, those People were Playing a Game. And they had a Member that Hacked a Company and Stole Proprietary information and Published it on their Board, and they Spread it around and it became something like Wikileaks. And I want Everyone to know I am Preparing to Sue, Citing the Steve Jackson Games Case.


But here, this is not a Game, the Website Helps more People get involved, but the Website actually made Angry some who were in the Email Chain, because they Feel like I am now just Giving away Publicly what I gave to them in Secret, and People Pay to Read the Things I Write, there are People Buying my Emails, and Eventually they will be made Part of a Book, not all of the Emails will be in it. But now, so there is the Diaspora Brujeria which is like a History Book, a Spell Book, like how Teachers can go to the Back of the Book for Answers, my Book is the back of the Book for the Bible. Then I sent out the Emails and the Emails are like a Continuation of the Book, and now the Website is here. This is not a Game, this is a Government. And most of the Participants are in Government, either US or otherwise.

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Everyone Read the Book of Jude, and I want Everyone at “The Chosen” to know these can be the Last Years of Your Lives if You Keep up the Bullshit and don’t Accept God Speaks Through ME.

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I want Everyone to see that Jesus did not come from Nazareth as like a King and go out from there, Jesus was near Galilee, Probably knowing People from still or having been in during his entire Childhood, Sebbenytos Egypt. We could say Sebbenytos was the City of the Records of Kings. The City of the Archives of Kings. The Priests of Apis who took care of the Holy Cow that would be Sacrificed once a Year to Cleanse the Sins of the People, their Priests were the ones that Kept Royal Records, and Jesus lived in the City where they were. 300 Years AFTER the most Prolific Book to come from those Priests was Written. So 300 Years for it all to be Common Knowledge in the City.

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The Chosen should Advertise their Income from Movie Sales and anything they need Openly like a Church, as if we are all doing this Together for the Next Generation, and as if Everyone who put in Money Deserved to be Told Openly about what is Needed. Sure, Churches don't have to Disclose to the IRS, and when Creflo Dollar wants and Airplane or Joel Osteen wants whatever, there are Attacks. But, Usually that is Atheists Complaining that Churches have Money and can't be Taxed out of Existence.

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Jesus Helping Serve at a Wedding and Turning Water into Wine, nearly unwillingly at his Mom’s Request and Urging. He even Calls her “Woman” and says “It is not my Time”.


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