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China, Taiwan, India, Kashmir and Pakistan

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Now, this all is usually pretty calm and I think if Attention mostly lays elsewhere and President Xi Jiping knows a lot of what I’m about to talk about and I do t think he wants an all out War, but some of the other Things may be kind of Questionable. So let’s start with India and Pakistan, this maybe is the most blatant and easy to explain issue, after Gandhi Freed India from Britain, Pakistan broke away. The Movement with Gandhi was actually Hindus and Muslims and at one Riot Protesters in the Muslim Community had started like Burning People alive and Gandhi was Arrested, and released Through Compassionate Release.


Pakistan regularly has Problems with India and when they originally broke away they Killed anyone who resisted. They sometimes will Threaten to Nuke India because they have had done very Smart Scientists, and they might for some Reason do something just because in the past there have been Problems. Then in Kashmir there was a Conflict and it has been a kind of contested Region. There is more here, there are an Ethnic Group called the Punjabis who span across the Borders, and China and Pakistan and others have been involved, and it is in India by Pakistan and China. Then China has also Started building Bridges sometimes into India.


But Xi Jiping knows that the Silk Road Trade Route from Ancient Times, and the Ancient Sun Worshipping Groups are resistant. There are Sun based last names in China, and the Ugyers are maybe the main ones we hear about, China puts them in like Religious Reeducation Programs to remove their Islamicness. When Xi got into office or after he had an Opponent arrested, his name is Sun based. There is Tibet with the Dalai Lama, and this is a Group in the East Genetically related to the Angels in the West. The Apollo Culture before Zeus, Neolithic Temple Culture, we made the Humans, and the Stone Wonders and everything. And Xi would rather that be part of a Global Enlightenment rather than an Anti-Communist Revolution in China. So he isn’t too quick to start a War with India, but sometimes there are like Illegal Bridges built or something, it’s like the South China Sea Islands they make, just random News of China going out of bounds somehow. And then so Taiwan having said all of this we can cover it very Quickly.


When China became Communist it was a very Bloody War, Communism is not Pretty, it starts with the Poor Killing the Rich to Obtain the Means of Production. The Worker taking the Factory in other Words. Things like “Propaganda of the Deed” or “Expropriation” can be used for say Bank Robbery to be like Robin Hood, or which Bonnie and Clyde kind of did, it can be used for various Things, but they often in Communist Revolutions have lead to a lot of Death. Those who were not Killed or converted, fled to Taiwan. Taiwan is kind of “Old China”, but with China, it’s all considered under Treaty to be 1 China. But Taiwan is more Free, Hong Kong was before and had an Agreement with China but China came in and set up “The People's Government” Offices to make Official Statements from Hong Kong. Taiwan is Buddhist, they operate on a System of Governance with Buddhism, this is an Ancient System with connections to other Countries and a lot of Money comes say to America from these Buddhist Organizations, and America Supports Taiwan and everything, the Congress People will visit to make the Chinese Leaders mad.


And so Taiwan has been Peaceful for a long Time, but maybe not so long that it has been forever or so that Time has healed any wounds whatsoever. But China I think does Respect the Buddhists as much as can be expected.

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And because this gets us to another Subject, we should talk about this. There is a Movie called “Hidden Colors” that is about different Black People all over the World. There are other Diasporas that are more refined, and I think maybe America is in a place to start doing something and this is why Tariq Nasheed is putting that out and Things, it is Fate. And there are Various Turkish Groups around the World, Turks are called “Turkmen” Historically and there are Groups all over. What happened was called the Flood, and there were the Empires later. There was a Time when all of the Polynesian Islands were inhabited and everything, and the Neolithic Temple Culture had become Advanced in the Time, the Pre-Flood Civilization, to the Point where we were making People, and Animals and everything.


In Turkey we find Phrygia, and Things like Gobleki Tepi. An Ancient Epicenter of Animal Herders and Capturers, it was like a Zoo. Then if we move Forward to Today, through the Flood. It was Gigantomachy, Hera got mad and made Typhon. From Italy Hephaestus saved Zeus by Teaching Iron making and making the Gods weapons after they fled to Egypt. The Oracles at Delphi told who to Kill who, Apollo was not God, it was Ba’al and Zeus.


Then now Turkey and China both are set up, like Russia, we could say Iran too, in what America might call “Dictatorships” the Presidents and everything are always in Office, forever. Turkey as been noticing, I randomly was shown on a Map by Fate Beymelek, and there have been Things going on there related to the Diaspora Brujeria (you can find the Book in the Angelicalism section of this Website).

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I don't think Xi Jiping is aware of what the Van Kush Family is or why he was Jealous of us in the First Place, so he just needs to be Reminded. Winnie the Pooh, does Everyone in India Remember when China was Building Bridges to India and getting Ready to Attack kinda? There were Conflicts? And I started getting America to Help Support India, I helped Spread the "Surgical Strike" Term, and it Helped it Catch on in both our Countries Media, because I am the one who like did the #Fuckabee Hashtag on Twitter when Megyn Kelly Said it on TV, and it Eventually led to Women's Rights and the Movie Bombshell and Everything, so when I do Things in the Media in India, they should know it's not just them, U.S. Media and British Media and Everyone do this, you can Find my Writing Style in Articles on Prestigious Websites. WIRED Tried to Start Beef with me and Things when I was on a YouTube Show Talking about Scarab Beetles.


But, I am Writing all of these Things on and I think China is being Told that I am some kind of Reporter. I am not Reporting, this is Mjolnir, I am doing something Reporters have no Capability to do.

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China wanted to make their way into the WWIII Discussion, I guess Xi Jiping couldn't go to San Francisco to Talk about Things to make Nancy Pelosi Happy, without Turning around and Trying to make Taiwan the Next Hong Kong, Silently Suffering like Tibet. Does Everyone Remember the #FreeTibet Slogans from the 60s? Free Tibet is kind of a Stereotype, and Actors and Things don't say it much anymore because China gets mad, they have a 1 China Policy where Tibet is China, there is no "Free Tibet" it is China. And Discussing it makes the Communist Party Leaders Mad.


Now, they are Starting that same Discussion with Taiwan, and Taiwan is saying they will go to War Over it.

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There are Relations between Iran and India sometimes, but it is Possible that Pakistan in Attacking Iran, like no one has in Years and Years, except the USA, could lead to Pakistan and India Talking about being Brothers. They are like Sister Countries, more alike than Russia and Ukraine Probably. The Demarcation as we might call it, being the Campaign of Alexander Ended in Pakistan and could not Conquer Indian Tribes after all else before coming to them. That is what makes the Border, because then Rome came, then Christianity and Islam.


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