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This is a Live Map of Territories in Ukraine that are taken or contested, it has Live Updates, on the Tab that looks like a Pin Drop Marker.


The Basic History of the Ukrainian Conflict is that Ukraine Claims to have more of a kind of Anglo-Viking Heritage and Russia isn’t connected Directly to the same kind of International Treaty Group you could say the Ukrainians were. The way the British Crown Controlled the Commonwealth which still has the Commonwealth Games, which is like the Olympics and includes India and other former British Colonies. The Unity of the Realm is the Danish and Norwegian Royal Jurisdiction of the same type and includes Iceland and the Faro Islands, etc. Ukraine says “We are Different”, Russia says “You are Russian”, and worse Russia has maybe sometimes rightly identified that Ukrainian Nationalism lead to them working with Nazis and so Russia says their History is Russian, and their National Pride makes them Nazis because that’s the last Time everyone saw it. This happened during Crimea and the kind of Russian takeover before this that is dwarfed by what is going on now.


Many have compared the Ukrainians to Canon Fodder, they Kill their own in some Cases if they leave a Village Russia is about to take and they all know they are going to Die. Russia is generally Shelling an Area then going in after with no intent to say take this or that important Office, they are willing to knock everything down it seems. The Ukrainians were Reported as getting Colombian Mercenaries Sent to them and Brutalizing them because they would not go on Suicide Missions.


In all of this it seems Russia does want someone to Fight back or they will just take everything they can, they even went ahead and took Georgia just because no one was Watching and so much was going on, just kind of America should have been paying Attention. So Russia grabbed Georgia. If anyone doesn’t know, this all then gets closer to Iran than Israel is, that area by Georgia is around where Iran is. And Putin Primarily is Driven by like, he Cooperates as much as it benefits Russia in the U.N. and International Bodies, he wants to Trade Oil and Things with Texas, and talk about AI and Robots for Russians, but he has so many Sanctions and Things on him, he is willing to Risk a lot to ask for a little in return when maybe there is some Negotiation Later. And Germany needs Oil. And so he Cooperates, but will do what he thinks needs to be done to have Russia be part of a Functioning Economy outside of the Sanctions Bodies and everything.


And this could lead to Escalations, who knows what Oligarchs in Russia look at the Middle East and think as their Money sits in maybe like Deutsche Bank.

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And just to get into this History now since this Probably needs to be Discussed you could maybe look at “Boondock Saints” the Movie, which is maybe not Realistic as far as it hasn’t been done before, and “American History X”, or you could even just compare the 2 Brothers in American History X, or you could look at like Pony Boy and them. There was in Europe a Punk Culture, and a Skinhead Culture, that was the Original kind of Divide and there were Anarchists like the Black Blocc now Today, and Skinheads like the Nazis that Run for Office across Europe saying that Drifting from White Government causes all of their Problems. These Groups were First Fascists and Anarchists and Things, then with the Fall of Fascism in Europe it Broke into Skinheads and Punks, and it became Music Scenes and everything.


But because Hitler had done what he did, the whole Nazi and Neo-Nazi Movement kept Growing, it exists even in America Now. And the Russians say that the Ukrainians are Nazis because of their Past, and they did have some involvement but only 3% of even Germans were Nazis do it didn’t take much to take over the whole Country. And if you look at the Mercenaries actually Fighting the Russian War, many of them have Swaztikas and Iron Eagles Tattooed, like American Aryan Brotherhood, Peckerwoods. And so the Ukrainians say they are called Nazis by Men with Swaztikas on their necks.


But then, and this isn’t to generalize all Ukrainians but they would come somewhere and be Racist as Refugees, like express Racism against People Helping the, and it’s not all Ukrainians I’m just saying they aren’t like Arabs, and I’m not saying they are Necessarily Russians but they are maybe Closest to Russians Culturally which is why Russia is able to do this. I guess they could Probably go to other Former Soviet States also, that’s the Argument that they are the same.

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We could having covered that issue then Cover a Larger issue, after Hitler and before Hitler was the Rise of the Soviet Union, if you want to see a Well Known example of how not to Conquer the World, anyone who knows even just something about this would Point you to Napoleon and Hitler attempting to Invade Russia, both Causing Great upstir in Russia and Struggle, but the Russians would eat Furniture, Shoes, Leather and Glue Soup and Things, and Burn their Fields before they left.


So before and after Hitler was the Rising Soviet Union. The Communist Manifesto Leading that, Carl Marx having and interesting History as like a Columnists. Then in the 80s there was the Reagan Doctrine and the Fear that if this or that Nation became Communist the next would also, Vietnam, Iran-Contra, etc. and America had the Workers Unions and Strikes and Communist Film Makers, all before the 80s. And eventually Liberalism became Neo-Liberalism Through the “New Left” but before that, and evolving with that as the DNC Riot Chicago with Abbie Hoffman wasn’t a Show of Support for the Democrats, but it forged the New Left, and then the Laissez Faire Left evolved out of the Socialism of say Social Security, and Unions, and the New Left, becoming maybe now even something else.


But this had Spread around the World from America since the 60s, and Ran into Problems with NAFTA and the Zapatistas in the 90s with Bill Clinton, Bob Dole or Ross Perot argued against it. It’s where you can put on a Suit and it doesn’t matter where you are from or what accent you have, it’s all about Money.


That Spread. And we could say that everyone Thought that there was like an Agreement to Move Forward, and now there are just arguments being had. This is a lot like Israel, where everyone can Probably Agree up to this Point, but then what? No one wants to lift Sanctions on Russia, so Russia wants Ukraine.

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Maybe Ukrainians could feel like I’m not being Fair to them here and I will say this. Ukraine isn’t a Solitary War, someone might say “Have we lost Ukraine”, and maybe, but what if Putin gets to Install the President of Ukraine, and he shows up at Nation Meetings and everything. Ukraine is a Real place, they are Real People.


And more than that, Russia Today, the Kremlin Social Media Department, they covered Kyiv and the Protests there as an Uprising, they didn’t come in Guns Blazing, they’ve been in Ukraine for Years, Putin says he just wants to Protect Russians in Ukraine. RT also covered Occupy and other kind of Protests and Things, they go and make sure everyone can see the Signs and Slogans. And the Real Reason this is happening or the way this all Happened, was Trump and Guccifer 2.0, “If you have the Emails, we want to see them” or whatever Trump said in various ways asking Russia, Wikileaks or anyone to get Dirt on Hillary. Then there was a Scandal with Burisma or something, Ukraine wasn’t just all by itself as a War, it was all over the Headlines. And if Russia takes Ukraine, it is part of all of this.

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Jack Wheeler and Putin, this is a Great Video by a Former CIA Agent.

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We Talked about some Things at the Beginning of the Ukrainian War, this Right about at the Beginning of the Fall of Donetsk to Russia, where we Said that Ukrainians maybe should be allowed to come back to Ukraine, if Russia is Truly Claiming to be Liberators, then from the American Perspective the Worst of it would be that Things would come from Ukraine with Russia actually benefiting, so this would then be like a Highly Controversial Thing as it Happened, but there might be Russians now saying they are Ukrainian, giving the Ukrainians also their Liberty in that way Solely because Russia would want to Benefit and this is how you End a War.


At the End of a War, there are Signatures. There are Rivers Mentioned Usually, as Boundaries and Things. So, Russia will Probably actually benefit from this, but just so the American Reading this knows, he isn't taking like Finland or something, and there is a Piece of Russia still that is between Lithuania and Poland. Russia is there on that Border and if he Attacks them it becomes a whole World War, where we have to go in because People Helped us in Iraq after 9/11 and backed us up in doing that, so we would have to go to War for them if Russia did that. And Ukraine doesn't want to Hear this, but that is what Americans need to Hear because they Really want to know like how Far can it go and they didn't know that. 


But if we think about the World, just as a Whole, what do you know about Finland if you Live in America? Not much. What do you know about Ukraine if you Live in America? A few Things. You know it is a bunch of Snow all over the place at the very Least, you maybe know that they have like Mail Order Brides that used to be a Big Thing, and Russia did that too, it was a whole Business, and now it's more like what you see on 90 Day Fiance, and that is to Say that People are dating over the Internet and it is less of like a Company that Sends you a Bride, but that exists still to and is like the Closest Thing that is Probably Legal next to Human Trafficking that could almost be considered that. I'm sure there are Wives for Sale, and you are supposed to take Care of them and Everything. So I get into all of this, because there are Ukrainians in America, and all over the World, Ukraine has been Exporting Wives and there are Ukrainian Women and Children of Ukrainian Decent and Everything, and now we are maybe saying as America that we can give up Ukraine, so they need Support from People that Support them. People went to Syria to Fight in the War, but if I were Ukrainian for example and wanted to do something, I wouldn't get a Flight, I would get a Private Investigator or something, and have them connect you to someone that can get you involved in Financing War and Things, like in the Movie about the Gun Salesmen, who Sold the US Government a Bunch of Russian Ammunition. Ukraine doesn't Care if the Ammunition is Russian.


They did just get $40,000,000,000 From Congress if I am not Mistaken, that was on the Table I know that much for sure, and they can Probably afford some Things if they could get some Help. It's not all about Money, sometimes it's about knowing where Things are.

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This has not been Broadcast Largely, but it does seem that there is a kind of Christian and Ukrainian Network of People around the World. The Van Kush Family has been Part of it, we were Talking about this Early on and it has Really gotten much, much worse. But as the Israel Hamas Conflict has been Breaking out, the Ukraine Conflict is getting more Attention. And I think more People should be Recognizing the Nature of how Africa is becoming Destabilized, and South America has some Turmoil from China and Things, and some Support, China isn't all Bad even though sometimes America gets to Talking about China like they are Boogeymen, there are Good Things that come from China, and very often to non-American Countries. China has been doing all the Things America used to do, in Africa they had the Cargo Cults, where they would make Runways and wait for People to come with Cargo. And, China now, has kind of taken the Place that America had there.


But if we look at all of this going on, the Answer is Reagan Doctrine, and George Bush Sr., the exact Opposite of China and Russia, is "Team America: World Police" type Things that need to be done. And if we look at the Old CIA Cadres and Things, the way they were Teaching the South Americans to Fight for Christianity, and a Counter Revolution, Iran Contra, the Contras were the "Counter Revolution" Fighting the Communist Revolutionaries, for Christianity and Democracy.


The Van Kush Family has been Sending the Diaspora Brujeria out for 2 Years now, you can find it in its still incomplete version in the Angelicalism Section of and there are Russian Versions. The Book is Best Read in other Languages, I Wrote it in English but it is actually more Revealing in other Languages. This means they have like the Teacher's Book for the Bible, the Back of the Book, a Bibliotheca or like Ovid. So this is in Russia, this is in the States around Russia, we could say the Former Soviet Union. We are Talking about George Bush Sr. here in Texas, there is kind of a Remembrance of who he was, many Young People didn't know Bush Sr. was such as Bad ass. Look at Videos of George Bush Sr. Talking about the New World Order.

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Ukraine Opened up a Discussion that most People don't think about, and that is the Birthday of Jesus. Many Catholic Traditions were Diplomatic, and Accepted some of the Other Traditions to incorporate the Other Religion into the Cross. So Jesus Birthday has been Lost and is Based on Decisions made by Councils, based on the Approximate Solstice for December 25th. But Ukraine is Eastern Orthodox and their Christmas is January 7th, but they did a Switch this Year where Everyone got to Pick or did Both, all so that Russia would be Different than them because Russia does it all on January 7th.


But this brings up the Question of Jesus' Birth and Traveling by Donkey, and when it was. But this is about to be an Important Year of the War for Ukraine and there are a lot of Other Things going on also.


This image was made using the Russian Pope:

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There are some People that seem to have a Blindness. I made an Intentionally untasteful Comment than Putin right now is saying “I sent 10 Guys to Fuck Navalny’s Wife since he’s been gone. And she’s Told a few of them she Loves them already. Now she can Move on.” And that was Yesterday.


So I want to get more into that.


If You aren’t Aware, Russia is Deeply Divided Politically, and the Story of Putin is the Story of a Russian who was Disillusioned and in that Grounding in Reality of Disillusionment, took control of Post-Soviet Russia, after Gorbachov, with not much of a Government, not much Law and Order, and a lot of Russians with Baseball Bats and Guns. That’s how Putin got where he is, I Posted the Video from the “To the Point News” Guy who was in the CIA and Died a few Years ago.


Russian then is not very Democratic. Putin even saw this himself, and he had someone else be President while he was Prime Minister, or Vice Versa, it was meant to be a Puppet type Situation but like Mexico the Puppet didn’t like being a Puppet, unlike Mexico, Putin took control back immediately. And in all of this, there are Other Parties, like American Supported Groups, and Random Political Parties like we have here, but Putin is very Ferocious. But very Quietly Ferocious in this way, how People Fall off Balconies, and Die from New Chemicals that there aren’t Tests for because they made it last week in a Chemical Weapons Lab, and we stopped Research (*wink*nudge*wink*) because Chemical Weapons are Illegal under the Geneva Convention.


So Navalny Dying is Supposed to be a Very Serious Event, even Putin expects a lot of Backlash. And I made a Joke, that was Untasteful, but I did that on Purpose to Show how there are some Sentiments that are just Retarded when You actually look at it. Does anyone Care if Navalny’s Wife had 10 Dicks in her while he was in Jail, we would all Hope she would be a Celibate Nun, but the World is Evil. And I’m sure she would tell You herself that those Other Men can’t Hold a Candle to what her Husband was doing. They can never be like him. And no one should look to her and Random Men around her. Alexi Navalny was a Fucking important Person, in what he was important for. And that is, if there were a Fair Election, he may have Beaten Putin.

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Putin will Die One Day, and he knows that. So if we can take that and understand it kind of from his Perspective, he is not a Cartoon Villain, from say a Disney Movie, or something similar, but he is a Calculated and what we might call Cold, or Cool thinker, he does not do Things for no Reason, at least not very often, in the sense that there is Motivation and Thought behind the Actions taken. Just as an Example, he Called the Ukrainians Nazis as was mentioned in this Thread.


And so Putin is Trying to Build a Future for Russia, like Britain in the Past. Like Russia in the Past. And Putin sees the UN as Weak, if he is in Support of Peace in the Middle East it is because he Loves Watching Everyone Argue about it at the UN, he couldn't ask for a Better Situation than for Every Muslim Nation to think I'm Evil and Join together, and NATO do the same. He sees the UN as something he can Live without, and China is Following along, because they were Isolated for 100 Years, Russia was not. India and Brazil are even getting on Board because they go and say, with Iran and Everyone, "What if we made a new Store of Value that isn't the USD or Bitcoin?".


And we have to Talk about Treaties. Treaties come with First Armistice Usually, these kinds of Mechanisms, and we Decide, what Members of Russian Ukraine does the West do Business with, or is there nothing the West will give to Russia? And then we can Talk about not having Ukraine Completely Taken, if we can Talk about these kinds of Treaty Discussions.

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In this War of Spy v. Spy that no one sees between Russia and no one Really at this Point, is "Those are Nazis we are Fighting" or "Those are Russians we are Annexing".

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Ukraine need Talk to Poland about Antler Tools, and Animal Skins found, Ancient Ruins, and Tribal Times. The X Haplogroup, etc.


Not just Kings that were 3,000 Years or so.


After Jesus, there are Royal Families we can all Recognize, like Oldenberg, or the Solomonic Dynasty. Mohammed's Family and Friends. But we want to look more Ancient Right now.

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NATO is Expanding, but Ukraine is not being allowed in. We used to Call "Ukraine", "The Ukraine", so at least that has Changed, they have gotten that much respect out of all of this. But Everyone should know that "The Ukraine", wasn't a sign of Respect as maybe "The" Could be in Other Terms, because it Labeled it as like a Tundra, a Wasteland of Ice, a Barren Ice Desert. With a Name. The Ukraine. But just think about that, and how this Sparsely Populated Place is doing so much against Russia, which might as well be America or China to Ukraine, except America and China are giving Ukraine some Help, which does make a Difference. But There seems to be a Reliance on Fire Power, which is a Necessity, it would be Stupid to Withdraw Funding, but say Ukraine Loses, now those Weapons are Russian. NATO, NATO is a Target.


Ukraine may be willing to go to War with Sweden or Finland just to Teach them what it is like. So let's not just Rely on Throwing Guns at Everything, unless You would want those People to come back here and Live when it is all Over. And sure, Everyone thinks we will Win, but Russia will be their Neighbor, we will not. And that is supposing like Winning means? What? Letting Russia have what they have and Ending it? Or is there no Option but the Death of Every Ukrainian in the name of America not Losing? Will Russia be allowed an "East and West Ukraine"?

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For those on the Fence who want to Support Ukraine, do so. When Ukraine gets to a Certain Point, they should Sue for Peace. And that does, and does not, look like a Normal Lawsuit. There will be Compromise. And a Treaty, with Clauses, and not just some Treaty Template off the Internet. Street by Street in some Cases.

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There is kind of a Silent Fear in the Higher Echelon Groups in American Politics, a Russo-Phobia, a Justified Russo-Phobia, "Russians are Voting for Putin??!?" Pearls are being Clutched by Men and Women alike as they Hear that. But I want Everyone to know:


1. They are at War, and there is not much else Choice, what are You Offering them besides Navalny who is a Corpse.


2. They know about this Thread in the Higher Echelons, the same way Americans are Reading this Website,, Russians are getting Copies and it gets Translated into Russian by like RT or something and goes to the Kremlin. The Egregore in the Van Kush Family, the Egregore of Egregori, the Oracle that is, it is Invisible, but it is immediately effective. Meaning, as I Write and Everyone Reads, they are Acting in Real Physical Reality Space, some with Titles like President, or Prime Minister, all Reading what I am Writing. And it ain't just the News I'm Sharing.


3. Russians still aren't all a bunch of Spies, this doesn't Change anything. If You weren't Supporting Ukraine enough, now maybe You know why they are asking for Help. It's not Bears on Unicycles that Showed up on their Border and Started Taking Donetsk.

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