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I'm going to put this here instead of making a Thread just about the Russia Terror Attack, but there is a Group that is connected to ISIS/ISIL, the Islamic State Terror Group that the Kurds fought in Iraq and Syria, the Group that had "The Beatles" who were a Group of Torturers who had a Stadium they were using where under the Stadium You would go Room to Room being Tortured so many Different ways, with Gym Equipment, Bed Frames and Car Batteries, etc, until when You came out the Other side, You came into the Stadium and were so, so Ready to Die, Happy to Die. That Group, Attacked Russia with a Bomb Blast and Russia has Arrested all of the People who thought that they would get away with it simply by Fleeing to Ukraine, and Russia needs to think about that.


Russia said that there were 10 Dead, and the Videos that came out just showed some People kind of Bothered, Slowly getting up and exiting the Venue. Now there are Videos showing that there is on Ceiling, and Walls and Metal are gone exposing the kind of Metal Skeleton of the Building, which is mangled. And these People Probably WOULD HAVE gotten away with it if they made it to Ukraine, because Ukraine Feels like that is Happening to them Every Day, and Several Things have happened like that to them. The War with Ukraine and Russia is very much like Israel and Gaza, Ukraine is not some Country that can compete with America like Russia can.


And that gets to Russia wanting Ukrainians to accept being Russian. Right now Putin is very savvy to go around and say "I am Anti-Terror" and get some Talks Started with Other Countries, but he needs to look at it in the Context of the War in Ukraine, and understand that Things could get Worse. That was not Ukraine Attacking Russian Civilians, that was ISIS, seeing that they had an Opportunity to do that and go to Ukraine. There are Probably ISIS People that get updates of what I Post on this Website. If anyone has noticed there are many Readers or Lurkers on but not many Authors as of yet. And I know there are People in all kinds of High Society all around the United States, North and South America also all of it, and really all Continents including Antarctica I am sure there are Scientists that Talk about me and what I'm doing here. And Russia, Israel, the Palestinians, Ukraine, Everyone needs to understand that I am like a Gate Keeper, I can Make or Break You, as a Nation. I am an Angel, Your Nation Status is my Peer, that is my Equal, all of You Together, You are at that Mass coming to Equality with Angels and what God has around an Angel. This is actually why Electricity Exists and why it seems like Ghosts are doing less and less, Electricity is doing many Things that the Ghosts would want to do, they are getting it all done Through Electricity, and Through me, etc. And then Through the Nations, Through the Bible, Through the Mythos, etc.


But there are 133 People Right Now Counted Dead in Russia, and that Number is going to go up because they haven't moved all the Rubble yet. But that Word "Rubble" is becoming more and more Common, and it Started Really not with Ukraine, but with Gaza and Israel telling them "Rubble" will be what they Rebuild from. And they can mix Rubble into Cement, and in that way the Dead will be with the Living, the whole Thing will Work Together. And this Time like ISIS being able to Read this Website, and me being a Gate Keeper, we are all kind of more connected now by the Electricity the Dead People are doing it. There are many 7 Paths Religions, and there is one 7 Paths Religion that says that Cars and Trains and Telephones, after the Telegraph or Telegram and Morse Code and Things, all of this has been God Connecting us to bring us Closer to him, and at the End on the Other Side he is going to come out, and then Internet is Part of this also. Each new Advancement being a Step Closer. And we are all Part of this. It is not just Words, this is the Van Kush Family, whom of most are Dead, or never were Born, Invisible Monsters some might Call them, Celestial Beasts Others might say, but many Call them Angels and Demons, most People. A lot have been Calling them Aliens.


But now Russia needs to think about what is Happening, and Yes do the Anti-Terror Liaison Thing, but then they need to Watch out, because even if Israel does something, it doesn't mean Russia can too. Israel is Probably about to Start being Sanctioned, and Russia is in a Place where it might actually Start being able to Talk to Israelis, who are either kind of Liberal, or Conservative and like the Christians that support, or Conservative and would Rather Talk to some kind of Orthodox Christian.

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